Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Job guide: Jobs List & Best Job for each character
The Job system from Yakuza: Like A Dragon makes a return in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Several classes return from its predecessor, but the majority of jobs in Infinite Wealth are brand-new. This page is here to help you to navigate the wide variety of options before you, listing all jobs in Infinite Wealth, every skill, and even some of our suggestions on the best jobs for each character that work to compliment each party member's strengths and stat layouts.
Infinite Wealth Jobs guide: How to Unlock & Change Job Classes, plus Inherit Skills
You'll unlock the Job system from Chapter 6, once the main story has Ichiban visit Alo-Happy Tours for the first time, right around the time you also unlock Photo Rally. The Aquanaut class is the first one that can be unlocked and additional jobs can be acquired through undertaking the various Alo-Happy Tour activities.
These activities require Ichiban to reach a certain level in one of his Personality traits, along with a fee. To unlock jobs all you have to do, once jobs become available, is head to one of the several Alo-Happy Tours locations across Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth's map and speak to the lady behind the desk. Each expedition has a monetary cost that our money grinding tips can help with, and also a personality stat requirement that can easily be bested by following our Infinite Wealth Personality Traits guide. Each expedition plays a short cutscene that unlocks a job. What exepeditions unlock which jobs, and when they become available, is listed below in our lists of the male jobs and female jobs.

Changing job class is undertaken in the same location - there's a clothes changing booth in the back of the store, and this lets you change job as well as costume.
In addition to the above, it's important that you keep in mind that the class system in Infinite Wealth has been vastly expanded over its predecessor. This is mostly thanks to the Skill Inheritance mechanic. As characters acquire new skills when leveling up jobs, they become available for skill inheritance towards other classes. This means that a character with the Samurai job equipped, for instance, can use skills from the Desperado or Action Star that character has learned.
Only one Skill Inheritance slot is initially available for characters, but they'll gradually unlock more as you raise their Bond Levels. Since Ichiban has no Bond Levels, all of his Skill Inheritance slots are immediately available, making him a fairly versatile character throughout the entire game.
Once you finish the game, your unlocked Jobs will carry over to New Game Plus, once you reach a certain story point. Also, Jobs can continue to be unlocked in the 'Premium Adventure' postgame, so don't fret if you're missing some, such as the DLC/pre-order bonus jobs.
Best Jobs for each Character in Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth

Since the job system in Infinite Wealth is a lot more fluid, our Best Job recommendations are much more fluid this time around and are, by no means, definitive - especially because of Skill Inheritance. We've identified a few powerful jobs for each character, but each job can be supplemented by skills from other classes. Refer to our skill lists below to start planning your best party compositions.
- Best Jobs for Ichiban Kasuga
- Best Jobs for Kazuma Kiryu
- Best Jobs for Eric Tomizawa
- Best Jobs for Chitose Fujinomiya
- Best Jobs for Koichi Adachi
- Best Jobs for Yu Nanba
- Best Jobs for Seonhee
- Best Jobs for Saeko Mukoda
- Best Jobs for Tianyou Zhao
- Best Jobs for Joongi Han
Best Jobs for Ichiban Kasuga
In these Like a Dragon RPGs, Ichiban sees himself as the protagonist - and as such it's perhaps unsurprising that he falls into what is a fairly typical, well-rounded hero role - just like the heroes in the RPGs he uses as a lens to see his adventures in the real world. Most of the best jobs for Ichiban in Infinite Wealth are therefore relatively built around balance - but beyond that, he's also at home dishing out damage and pain:
- Breaker: High agility class allowing Ichiban to usually act before anyone else does & his versatility allows him to setup ailments or statuses to enable other allies to shine.
- Hero: Well-balanced job that allows Ichiban to take up any role depending on whatever the party needs.
- Samurai: High offensive DPS class that can cause Bleed & possesses skills that do even more damage if an enemy is bleeding.
Best Jobs for Kazuma Kiryu
Kiryu of course is the other major protagonist of the Like a Dragon / Yakuza series - and he's quite unique, in that he has a class that allows him to turn the way the game is played back to the older games, the Dragon of Dojima. Kiryu is fairly similar to Ichiban otherwise, though generally speaking his Best Jobs are related to laying down the hurt on enemies, as that's where his skill set thrives. Try these jobs:
- Samurai: Due to Kiryu's stat growths favoring Attack, Samurai allows him to output damage at an outrageous pace.
- Dragon of Dojima: Versatile class exclusive to Kiryu with his Rush, Brawler, & Beast stances; make use of Beast's innate grapple property on its basic attack to break enemy guards.
- Action Star: Much like the Samurai, the Action Star can also output a lot of damage but the attack properties of its skills are the more common Blunt attribute; if another character gets him drunk before his turn comes, some of his skills will do more damage.
Best Jobs for Eric Tomizawa
In traditional RPG parlance, Eric Tomizawa is basically a mage. Once he joins the party he should be used to fill that spellcasting role, and as such his best jobs are all those that involve slinging this game's equivalent of magic.
- Desperado: Gun property attacks do a lot of damage in Infinite Wealth; plus, it has a Rank 1 grapple skill and many of its skills will incorporate the equipped weapon's element.
- Host: With Tomi's early stat growths favoring Magic, the Host will eventually be one of his strongest jobs to turn to; turn to the Pyrodancer early in the game before Host is available for him.
- Chef: Another job that'll be locked out for Tomizawa till later in the game - carries a lot of Fire element attacks to make use of his high Magic stat.
Best Jobs for Chitose Fujinomiya
The women have a different pool of jobs to choose from in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, and it's actually bit shorter and truncated compared to the guys. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't some great choices for the best jobs for Chitose. In particular, Chitose is great as a supporting character, casting buffs on allies:
- Housekeeper: The Housekeeper is a very powerful female-exclusive job that carries lots of useful Water element skills and skills with the Knockback property to reliably bounce around foes that can't be knocked back with basic attacks.
- Idol: If your party needs heals and lots of support, this is the class you want.
- Kunoichi: An agility-oriented class that carries some useful AoE skills, along with many chances to stack agility buffs on themself - there's even a skill that becomes more effective the more agility stacks the user has.
Best Jobs for Koichi Adachi
Adachi is an old friend who'll be familiar to people who played the last game, and his role in Infinite Wealth remains similar - a tanky brawler who is at home dishing out huge DPS or soaking up damage. We recommend these three job classes as the best for him:
- Samurai: Adachi ends up being an effective candidate for Samurai because other male characters usually have decent exclusive classses for them to spec in, while Adachi is malleable enough to explore other roles.
- Aquanaut: While Aquanaut isn't the most damaging class, its AoE abilities can hit groups of enemies reliably and has a decent enough heal that some party comps may not need a dedicated healer.
- Action Star: If someone else is a Samurai in your party, Action Star makes for a decent secondary DPS to consider.
Best Jobs for Yu Nanba
Another returning face from the previous game, Nanba also fills the same role he did back in the original - he's Ichiban's first mage buddy. As such, you'll be turning to similar classes as you did for Eric to spell sling - and you'll also want to inherit a skill or two from his excellent base class. Those damn pigeons!
- Host: Nanba, of course, will have a high Magic stat thanks to the Black Mage-esque Homeless Guy exclusive job and Host's skills are versatile enough to hit elemental weaknesses reliably.
- Homeless Guy: This job remains effective, but its especially valuable for Nanba in Infinite Wealth because you can carry its Pigeon AoE skill to other jobs.
- Chef: Depending on your party comp, Nanba makes for a decent Chef thanks to its Fire element skills.
Best Jobs for Seonhee
Drawing from that same pool of female-only jobs, Seonhee nevertheless has a slightly different calculus for her best jobs, mainly because of differences in how her base stats shake out. Specifically, of the girls Seonhee is the one who is arguably most comfortable as an out-and-out physical damage dealer, and our best job classes picks for her reflect that:
- Kunoichi: A natural fit for Seonhee thanks to Assassin favoring Agility growths early on; Kunoichi can make use of Seonhee's innately high Agility stat - she'll be getting turns often on Kunoichi, so make use of buffing Agility stacks or Substitiution Jutsu to accelerate others' turns faster.
- Night Queen: Effective Electric-oriented DPS class with a chance to inflct nasty debuffs consistently makes Seonhee a menace to enemies.
- Assassin: A fairly straightforward class that can inflict a variety of ailments.
Best Jobs for Saeko Mukoda
Saeko makes a return from the first Ichiban adventure - and once again falls into the slot she did in the last game. That means the best job class picks for her will cast her as a healer or support, buffing and keeping the rest of the party alive.
- Idol: Just like in Yakuza: Like A Dragon, Saeko on the Idol class will make sure that your party never goes down as long as you can keep her MP stable.
- Housekeeper: If you want to go on the offensive, Saeko can make use of the Housekeeper class to keep groups of enemies at bay.
- Geodancer: For more niche party comps that want to experiment with willpower & evasion potential, the Geodancer helps supplement buffs to these stats while providing decent heals and a revive.
Best Jobs for Tianyou Zhao
Zhao is a bit of a jack-of-all trades - in classic RPG terminology, we might think of his natural 'class role' as being something akin to a red mage - proficient with magic, but also able to dish out physical damage in a pinch. We suggest these as the best jobs for Zhao:
- Chef: Zhao not only makes great food in the kitchen, but he can also roast enemies quite well; makes for a decent enabler for Samurai if Zhao acts before the Samurai.
- Gangster: Gangster is one of the few melee jobs that can cover both the Blunt & Slash properties simultaneously with its toolkit.
- Desperado: Both Desperado & Gangster can complement each other via skill inheritance to cover all non-elemental properties, making Zhao a reliable party member to strike weaknesses.
Best Jobs for Joongi Han
Back in the last game, Joongi was a late game showstopper, a character that most late-game parties would inevitably use. He's not quite as powerful here, but he's right at home in a range of high-DPS classes, shattering enemy defenses:
- Samurai: If other male party members are filling other roles, slot Joongi into one of the best jobs in the game.
- Desperado: To turn Joongi into the ultimate Gun machine, skill inheirt some Hitman skills into Desperado and see the bullets fly every single turn.
- Hitman: While Hitman isn't as dominant as it once was in Yakuza: Like A Dragon, it remains a decent choice for Joongi due to its ability to inflict ailments that cancel an enemy's turn.
Male Job Classes in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
There are a large variety of job selections that the men can choose from in Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth. Many of them provide powerful offensive tools that can be mixed and matched to cover any situation.
The Aquanaut is the very first class you'll unlock as you're introduced to the job system. It's a fairly versatile class with a nice mix of Water element attacks & HP recovery skills. Though it doesn't do the most damage, some of its skills can inflict Stun or Paralysis to cancel an enemy's turn. Jellyfish Juice is a particularly effective skill if enemies are gathered together.

- How to unlock: The initial job unlocked upon visiting Alo-Happy Tours for the first time in the main story and doing the Diving Tour activity (Kindness Lv. 1, $0)
- Weapon: Surfboard
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Flipper to the Lipper
Single Enemy | Blunt | Water | Light DMG | Knockback (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Beachside Bro-BQ
Ally AoE | Small HP Recovery (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Cresting Collider
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Trippy Flipper Ripper
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Water | Light DMG | Agility Buff Chance (MP 25) - Rank 10 - Inker to the Blinker
Enemy AoE | Magic | Light DMG | Blind Chance (MP 30) - Rank 12 - Ahi Aloha
Single Enemy | Blunt | Water | Medium DMG | Stun Chance (MP 22) - Rank 15 - Boogie Woogie Board
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 18 - Beachside Bro-ffet
Ally AoE | Big HP Recovery (MP 30) - Rank 20 - Jellyfish Juice
Enemy AoE | Magic | Electric | Medium DMG | Paralysis Chance (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Cresting Carver
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Dolphin Dive
Single Enemy | Blunt | Water | Extreme DMG (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of Surf Twister
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Water | Heavy DMG (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Flipper to the Lipper
Put on your cowboy hat and take foes to the wild west with the Desperado job. This is one of the best classes in the game that heavily specializes in single-target damage. It also comes with the handy Wild Lasso grapple skill from the get-go, so if your character is lacking a way to break enemy guard's, give them Wild Lasso right away.

- How to unlock: Water Gun Shootout activity in Alo-Happy Tours (Style Lv. 5, $1,600)
- Weapon: Revolver
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Wild Lasso
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Grapple | Silence Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Sedative Shot
Single Enemy | Gun | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Sleep Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Standstill Stab
Single Enemy | Slash | Medium DMG | Paralysis Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Firing Squad
Enemy AoE | Gun | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 10 - Poisoned Cloudburst
Enemy AoE | Magic | Water | Poison Chance (MP 30) - Rank 12 - Bourbon Buster
Single Enemy | Blunt | Water | Cold Chance | Raises Drunk Lvl (MP 25) - Rank 15 - Campfire Cook
Self | Medium HP Recovery | Cures Status Ailments (MP 20) - Rank 18 - Devil's Twister
Enemy AoE | Gun | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 45) - Rank 20 - Dynamite Fever
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Medium DMG | Burn Chance (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Wild Sweep
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Grapple (MP 52) - Rank 24 - Essence of High Noon
Single Enemy | Gun | Extreme DMG | Instant KO Chance (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of Raging Bull
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Silence (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Wild Lasso
Turn up the heat with a Pyrodancer providing, well, fire damage to scorch enemies. This will be one of the earliest ways you get access to Slash-type damage making it a valuable class to unlock early on. It shines in lengthier fights with its gradual persistent heals and Mask of Punishment is capable of doing respectable damage.

- How to unlock: Fire Dancing Exhibition activity in Alo-Happy Tours (Passion Lv. 3, $200)
- Weapon: Dual Axes
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Fire Spinning
Single Enemy | Blunt | Fire | Light DMG | Knockback (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Ancient Panacea
Single Ally | Cures Status Ailments | Ailment Resist Up (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Bewitching Haze
Enemy AoE | Magic | Light DMG | Blind Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Soul Capture
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Absorbs HP (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Mask of Fertility
All Allies | Gradual HP Recovery (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Fire Breaking
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Fire | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 15 - Heart Drum
Ally AoE | Defense Buff (MP 10) - Rank 18 - Mask of Punishment
All Enemies | Magic | Electric | Light DMG | Randomly hits enemies over a few turns (MP 40) - Rank 20 - Soul Predation
Enemy AoE | Slash | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Absorbs HP (MP 40) - Rank 22 - War Cry
Self | Attack Buff (MP 40) - Rank 24 - Essence of Gaia's Wrath
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Fire | Medium-Extreme DMG | Less HP = More DMG (MP 60) - Rank 30 - Essence of Masked Medium
Slash | Higher HP = More DMG (MP 45)
- Rank 1 - Fire Spinning
Action Star
Become a martial artist with the Action Star. Many of its skills carry a weapon's element, so crafting an elemental attribute for a nunchaku is key to enabling the damage potential of this class. Make use of its various Knockback skills to ping pong heavier foes that can't be normally knocked back with basic attacks. For riskier players, properly managing drunk levels on the Action Star can make certain skills hit harder.

- How to unlock: Parasailing Experience activity in Alo-Happy Tours (Charisma Lv. 4, $200)
- Weapon: Nunchaku
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Flying Dragon Kick
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Knockback (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Heaven's Fall
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Grapple (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Rapid Dance Kick
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Agility Buff Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Swirling Dragon's Throw
Enemy AoE | Gun | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 10 - Flying Monkey Strike
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Knockback | Ignores Guard (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Boulder Breaker
Single Enemy | Blunt | Light DMG | Knockback | Criticals with each successful QTE (MP 20) - Rank 15 - Drunken Fist
Single Enemy | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Raises Drunk Lvl | More DMG the higher the Drunk Lvl (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Relentless Dragon's Dance
Self | Doubles DMG of next Physical skill (MP 20) - Rank 20 - Flailing Frenzy
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Tiger Palm Strike
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG | More Hits with each successful QTE (MP 30) - Rank 24 - Essence of Improvisation
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | HP Recovery (MP 65) - Rank 30 - Essence of Endless Kung Fu
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG | Instant KO Chance (MP 45)
- Rank 1 - Flying Dragon Kick
Master the ways of the blade to completely devastate the opposition as the Samurai. This job is an extremely strong offensive powerhouse. If someone else on the party can set up Bleed before the Samurai gets its turn, consider their lives forfeit because a handful of its skills deal significantly more damage on a bleeding enemy.

- How to unlock: Trolley Tour activity in Alo-Happy Tours (Confidence Lv. 5, $1600)
- Weapon: Katana
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Shadow Slash
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Bleed = More DMG (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Dreaming Arrow
Single Enemy | Gun | Heavy DMG | Successful QTE = More DMG (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Wind of Iaido
Enemy AoE | Slash | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Bleed Chance (MP 22) - Rank 1 - Burning Arrow
Enemy AoE | Gun | Fire | Heavy DMG | Successful QTE = More DMG (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Shadow Cleave
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Bleed = More DMG (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Glory Awaits
Ally AoE | Attack & Critical Chance Buff (MP 20) - Rank 15 - Pine, Bamboo, Plum
Multiple Enemies | Slash | Weapon's Element | Light-Medium DMG | Bleed Chance | Successful QTE = Critical (MP 30) - Rank 18 - Cyclone of Iaido
Enemy AoE | Slash | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Bleed Chance (MP 45) - Rank 20 - Raining Arrow
Multiple Enemies | Gun | Light-Heavy DMG | Attack Debuff Chance (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Shadow Dance
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Extreme DMG | Bleed = More DMG (MP 35) - Rank 24 - Essence of Sengoku
Enemy AoE | Slash | Heavy DMG | Increases Critical Chance (MP 60) - Rank 30 - Essence of Mind's Eye
Enemy AoE | Slash | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG | Bleed Chance (MP 60)
- Rank 1 - Shadow Slash
Treat your enemies to a fine bottle of champagne with the Host. It makes its return from Yakuza: Like A Dragon as a magic oriented job that can debuff enemies when hitting with specific skills. Its Rose Stinger is especially useful because it has the chance of inflicting two negative ailments simultaneously.

- How to unlock: Automatically unlocks when Alo-Happy Tours is available again in Chapter 8
- Weapon: Champagne Bottle
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Sparkling Splash
Single Enemy | Magic | Water | Light DMG | Cold Chance (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Hyper Shout
Ally AoE | Attack Buff (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Golden Finger
Single Enemy | Chance to steal Money (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Birthday Bash
Single Enemy | Magic | Medium DMG | Knockback | Attack Debuff Chance (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Coercive Shout
Ally AoE | Magic Buff (MP 10) - Rank 12 - Platinum Finger
Single Enemy | Chance to steal Item (MP 10) - Rank 15 - Birthday Bonanza
Single Enemy | Magic | Heavy DMG | Knockback | Magic Debuff Chance (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Rose Stinger
Single Enemy | Magic | Fire | Heavy DMG | Burn & Charm Chance (MP 30) - Rank 20 - Ice Spreader
Enemy AoE | Magic | Water | Medium DMG | Cold Chance (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Wonder Cocktail
Self | Doubles DMG of next Magic skill | Drunk Lvl Up (MP 20) - Rank 24 - Essence of Rose Typhoon
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Heavy DMG | Burn & Charm Chance (MP 65) - Rank 30 - Essence of Champagne Wave
Enemy AoE | Magic | Cold Chance (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Sparkling Splash
Breaker is a returning job that revolves around agile blunt attacks; its potential largely depends on the element of its anklet weapon because almost all of its skill carries the weapon's attribute into them. It can buff itself up very quickly if skills consistently proc the buff increases associated with them.

- How to unlock: Automatically unlocks when Alo-Happy Tours is available again in Chapter 8
- Weapon: Anklet
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Maximum Flair
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Knockback | Willpower Buff Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Rolling Thrash
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | MP Recovery Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Atlas Hold
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Knockback | Defense Buff Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Double Hatchet
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Magic Buff Chance (MP 18) - Rank 10 - Collapsing Chair
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Attack Buff Chance (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Goblin Swipe
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Evasion Buff Chance | More Hits with each successful QTE (MP 25) - Rank 15 - Windmill
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Agility Buff Chance (MP 38) - Rank 18 - Spin Sweeper
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Attack Buff Chance (MP 45) - Rank 20 - Accel Step
Self | Evasion Buff (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Hangman Twist
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Extreme DMG | Grapple | Critical Chance Buff (MP 35) - Rank 24 - Essence of Rolling Mixer
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Removes Self Debuffs (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of Breakdance Delight
Enemy AoE | Weapon's Element | Heals All Allies to full HP (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Maximum Flair
After the returning Chef job is done filleting foes, they'll be screaming "Yes Chef!" Some of the Chef's strengths lie in its Fire element AoE attacks and an immediate way to access a grapple skill right at Rank 1. It can synergize well with the Samurai too due to some skills having a chance to inflict Bleed.

- How to unlock: Automatically unlocks when Alo-Happy Tours is available again in Chapter 8
- Weapon: Dual Utensils
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Medium Well
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Light DMG | Burn Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Sashimi Slice
Single Enemy | Slash | Medium DMG | Bleed Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Flattening Pan
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Knockback | More Ailments = More DMG (MP 20) - Rank 1 - Peppermill Blow
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Grapple | Blind Chance (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Wound Opener
Single Enemy | Slash | Medium DMG | Debuffs if Enemy is Bleeding (MP 25) - Rank 12 - Saucer Discus
Enemy AoE | Slash | Light DMG | Critical Hit Rate Up for every KO'd Enemy (MP 30) - Rank 15 - Well Done
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Light DMG | Burn Chance (MP 30) - Rank 18 - Cutlery Crash
Single Enemy | Slash | Heavy DMG | Bleed Chance (MP 30) - Rank 20 - Vanquishing Pan
Single Enemy | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Knockback | More Ailments = More DMG (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Pressure Cooker Slam
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Stun Chance (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Human Grating
Single Enemy | Slash | Extreme DMG | Bleed Chance (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of Searing
Single Enemy | Blunt | Fire | More Ailments = More DMG (MP 45)
- Rank 1 - Medium Well
Exclusive to either DLC or the special editions of the game, the Linebacker job is known as the 'Gridiron Guardsman' and is of course a tribute to America's Game,, American Football. Taking the name of an extremely physical position, it has skills to match - a hardy attacker that's also quite speedy. This class can also tank, drawing enemy attention from vulnerable foes, soaking up damage with its massive HP stat.

- How to unlock: Have the Job Class DLC, and then go on the 'Coconut Tasting' tour for $1600.
- Weapon: Wristband
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Pancaker
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Grapple (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Flagrant Headbutt
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Rage Chance (MP 18) - Rank 1 - Pistol Formation
Enemy AoE | Gun | Light DMG (MP 20) - Rank 1 - Cooler Shower
Self | HP Recovery | Defense Buff (MP 20) - Rank 5 - Illegal Spearing
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 25) - Rank 12 - Conversion Attempt
Enemy AoE | Gun | Light DMG | Ricochets between Targets (MP 25) - Rank 15 - Quarterback Sack
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Light DMG | Rage Chance (MP 30) - Rank 18 - Hail Mary Bomb
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Heavy DMG | Delayed DMG - Rank 20 - Hut! Hut! Hike!
Self | Rage Chance | DMG taken increases DMG dealt next turn (MP 35) - Rank 22 - Tilt-a-Whirl Tackle
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG | Grapple (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Showboating
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Party Defense Buff (MP 60) - Rank 30 - Essence of Endzone
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Enraged Enemies = Bonus DMG (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Pancaker
Female Job Classes in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
With several new female party members in Infinite Wealth, the job selection for them has expanded as well. Several of them add useful utility to balance out the party's stability, while others can dominate the battlefield to dispose of many enemies at once.
The Kunoichi is a very versatile class that has a varied skill list filled with different offensive attributes to tackle almost any situation. They can stack Agility buffs which can increase the effectiveness of skills like Illusory Slash. Due to their innately high Agility stat, their turns come by pretty often and Substitution Jutsu allows them to give up their turn for another ally to immediately act.

- How to unlock: Yoga on the Shore activity in Alo-Happy Tours (Intellect Lv. 5, $1600)
- Weapon: Dagger
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Winged Kunai
Single Enemy | Gun | Light DMG | Agility Buff Chance | More Hits with each successful QTE (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Flicker of Light
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Grapple (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Thousand Stings Jutsu
Enemy AoE | Magic | Light DMG | Paralysis Chance (MP 20) - Rank 1 - Deluge of Stars
Enemy AoE | Gun | Light DMG | Agility Buff Chance (MP 25) - Rank 10 - Illusory Slash
Multiple Enemies | Slash | Weapon's Element | Light-Heavy DMG | More Agility Buffs = More Hits (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Substitution Jutsu
Single Ally | Gives Current Turn to Another Ally (MP 25) - Rank 15 - Scattering of Flowers
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Light DMG | Agility Buff Chance (MP 30) - Rank 18 - Moth Scales Jutsu
Enemy AoE | Magic | Medium DMG | Sleep Chance (MP 35) - Rank 20 - Throatslitter
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG | Agility Buff if Throatslitter KOs target (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Shadow Clone Jutsu
Multiple Enemies | Slash | Weapon's Element | Light-Extreme DMG | Higher Agility Buff = More Hits (MP 35) - Rank 24 - Essence of Hell Hive
Enemy AoE | Magic | Extreme DMG | Poison/Paralysis Chance (MP 65) - Rank 30 - Essence of Sexy Jutsu
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG | Grapple | Charm Chance (MP 45)
- Rank 1 - Winged Kunai
Keep battles nice and clean with the numerous tools as at the Housekeeper's disposal. Although most of its skills are Water element, a few can inflict Fire should the situation arise. One of the key skills that Housekeeper possesses is the ability to remove an enemy's buffs.

- How to unlock: Duty-Free Shopping activity in Alo-Happy Tours (Kindness Lv. 4, $200)
- Weapon: Broom
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Power Wash
Single Enemy | Magic | Water | Light DMG | Knockback (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Iron Maiden
Single Enemy | Magic | Fire | Light DMG | Burn Chance (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Leave No Streaks
Enemy AoE | Magic | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Bubble Breach
Enemy AoE | Magic | Water | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 10 - Money Sucker
Enemy AoE | Absorbs Money (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Clean Sweep
Single Enemy | Magic | Medium DMG | Knockback | Blind Chance (MP 20) - Rank 15 - Scum Scraper
Single Enemy | Magic | Water | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Removes Enemy's Buffs (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Iron Matriarch
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Medium DMG | Knockback | Burn Chance (MP 40) - Rank 20 - Scouring Sweep
Enemy AoE | Magic | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Bubble Bale
Enemy AoE | Magic | Water | Heavy DMG (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Suction Spiral
Single Enemy | Magic | Extreme DMG | Removes Enemy's Buffs (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of Clean-Up Chasm
Enemy AoE | Magic | Extreme DMG (MP 60)
- Rank 1 - Power Wash
Not to be mistakened as a clone of the men's Pyrodancer job, the Geodancer contains a lot of Knockback skills to bounce enemies around into environmental objects or other allies at a moment's notice. Most of its offensive skills carry the equipped weapon's attributes, but can also heal if needed.

- How to unlock: Hula Exhibition activity in Alo-Happy Tours (Passion Lv. 1, $200)
- Weapon: Maracas
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Harmonious Hula
Ally AoE | Magic Buff (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Kolohe Kick
Single Enemy | Magic | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Knockback | Evasion Buff Chance (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Coconut Shower
Ally AoE | Small HP Recovery (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Honolulu Hips
Single Enemy | Magic | Medium DMG | Knockback | Willpower Debuff Chance (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Ukelele Strum
Ally AoE | Willpower & Evasion Buff (MP 15) - Rank 12 - Breath of Life
Single Ally | Revives Ally with half HP (MP 20) - Rank 15 - Kaholo Kick
Enemy AoE | Magic | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Knockback (MP 38) - Rank 18 - Butterfly Bounty
Enemy AoE | Sleep Chance (MP 30) - Rank 20 - Kumu Hula Corkscrew
Single Enemy | Magic | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Willpower Debuff Chance (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Blossoming 'Uli'uli
Single Enemy | Magic | Weapon's Element | Extreme DMG | Knockback (MP 35) - Rank 24 - Essence of Natural Healing
All Allies | Large HP Recovery | Cures Status Ailments (MP 70) - Rank 30 - Essence of Tropical Tornado
Magic | Willpower Debuff Chance (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Harmonious Hula
One of the shining stars in Yakuza: Like A Dragon makes their return. The Idol, once again, brings the ultimate support skill set with powerful heals. They have a few offensive tools in their arsenal, but you're really choosing the Idol to keep the party going at all times.

- How to unlock: Automatically unlocks when Alo-Happy Tours is available again in Chapter 8
- Weapon: Microphone
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Magical Voice
Single Ally | Large HP Recovery (MP 20) - Rank 1 - Impish Kiss
Single Enemy | Charm Chance | Attack Debuff (MP 20) - Rank 1 - Magical Song
Ally AoE | Large HP Recovery (MP 30) - Rank 1 - Smash Step
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Knockback (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Playful Splash
Enemy AoE | Cold Chance | Electric Resist Down (MP 18) - Rank 15 - Lovedrunk Typhoon
Enemy AoE | Charm & Defense Debuff Chance (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Miraculous Voice
All Allies | Cures Status Ailments (MP 25) - Rank 20 - Twirling Beat
Single Enemy | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Knockback | Silence Chance (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Magical Concert
Ally AoE | Gigantic HP Recovery (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Glowstick Fury
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG | More DMG if Charmed (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of Idol Spirit
Single Ally | Revives Ally with full HP (MP 30)
- Rank 1 - Magical Voice
Night Queen
Back to teach naughty boys a lesson, the Night Queen has a lot of skills that inflict status effects on single targets. If you allow the Night Queen to consistently finish off foes with Luscious Guillotine, they'll continually stack Attack buffs on themselves to dish out devastating damage.

- How to unlock: Automatically unlocks when Alo-Happy Tours is available again in Chapter 8
- Weapon: Whip
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Tough Love
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Charm Chance (MP 15) - Rank 1 - Heel Stomp
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Knockback (MP 20) - Rank 1 - Candle Rush
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Light DMG | Burn or Fear Chance (MP 20) - Rank 1 - Somersault Leg
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Knockback | Charm Chance (MP 22) - Rank 12 - Whip Service
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG | Grapple (MP 25) - Rank 15 - Luscious Guillotine
Single Enemy | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Attack Buff if Enemy is KO'd (MP 28) - Rank 20 - Vital Vibration
Single Enemy | Blunt | Electric | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Defense Debuff Chance (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Spinning Queen
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Medium DMG | Charm Chance (MP 50) - Rank 24 - Essence of Titillating Claws
Single Ally | Full HP Recovery | Attack Buff (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of Extreme Bondage
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG | Instant KO Chance (MP 45)
- Rank 1 - Tough Love
Tennis Ace
Turning female party members into a 'Ravishing Racketeer', the Tennis Ace is essentially a high-speed, high-attack job class, designed to get in the enemy's face and rush them down with fast but powerful hits. This class is DLC-exclusive.

- How to unlock: Have the Job Class DLC as a separate purchase or as part of the limited edition, and then go on the 'Resort Salon & Spa' expedition, which costs $1600 and requires Level 5 Charisma.
- Weapon: Tennis Raquet
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Spirited Serve
Single Enemy | Gun | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Lover's Lob
Single Enemy | High Chance to Charm and Lower Defense (MP 20) - Rank 1 - Thunder Slice
Enemy AoE | Gun | Electric | Light DMG (MP 22) - Rank 1 - Speedy Super Serve
Single Enemy | Gun | Weapon's Element | Ignores Guard | Medium DMG (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Noisy Racket
Enemy AoE | Attack and Magic Debuff (MP 15) - Rank 12 - Wicked Wall Drills
Single Enemy | Gun | Ignores Guard | Heavy DMG (MP 25) - Rank 15 - Frenzied Forehand
Enemy AoE | Gun | Fire | Medium DMG (MP 35) - Rank 18 - Rapid-Fire Rally
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG | Knockback (MP 30) - Rank 20 - Court Maintenance
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG Removes Enemy Buffs (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Grand Slam
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Ignores Guard (MP 50) - Rank 24 - Essence of Hurricane Smash
Enemy AoE | Gun | Fire | Heavy DMG (MP 60) - Rank 30 - Essence of Doubles Trouble
Gun | Electric (MP 45)
- Rank 1 - Spirited Serve
Starter & Exclusive Job Classes in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
The following jobs are exclusive to their respective character. Outside of the Sujimancer, their skills can be skill inherited into other classes. Conversely, other jobs' skills can be skill inherited into them - even the Sujimancer.
Freelancer - Ichiban Kasuga's starting job
Like in Yakuza: Like A Dragon, Ichiban starts with the Freelancer class that can't equip any weapons and its skill set is relatively basic. The usefulness of this job lies in Rock Swing, a very early skill with the grapple property that'll allow Ichiban to guard break enemies. Since the Hero class has no grapple skills, slotting Rock Swing into his Hero class is useful just for access to the grapple property alone.

- Weapon: Bare Hands
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Tenacious Fist
Single Enemy | Blunt | Light DMG | Knockback | Stun Chance (MP 8) - Rank 2 - Rock Swing
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Grapple (MP 13) - Rank 6 - Hyper Swagger
Self | Attack & Evasion Buff (MP 8) - Rank 10 - Dropkick
Single Enemy | Blunt | Light DMG | Knockback | Low Accuracy, but will Critical if it hits (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Headbutt Barrage
Single Enemy | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Stun Chance (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Ruffian's Kick
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Knockback | Low Accuracy, but will Critical if it hits (MP 30) - Rank 20 - Atomic Drop
Single Enemy | Blunt (MP 35) - Rank 22 - Release German Suplex
Single Enemy | Blunt | Instant KO Chance (MP 35) - Rank 30 - Essence of Roadside Weapon
Single Enemy | Blunt (MP 45)
- Rank 1 - Tenacious Fist
Hero - Ichiban Kasuga's exclusive job
Once again, the Hero job in Infinite Wealth is a balanced all-rounder class. Ichiban's Personality stats will improve this class's toolkit as players gradually raise them. Although the AoE zones may seem underwhelming at first, they can be expanded as Ichiban's Magic stat goes up.

- How to unlock: Will automatically unlock near the end of Chapter 1 in the main story
- Weapon: Baseball Bat
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Bat Breaker
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Knockback (MP 10) - Rank 1 - Hero's Wisdom
Ally AoE | Critical Rate Buff (MP 10) - Rank 3 - Grand Liner
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 15) - Rank 5 - Hero's Flair
Ally AoE | Defense Buff (MP 10) - Rank 6 - Hero's Healing
Ally AoE | HP Recovery (MP 20) - Rank 8 - Mega Swing
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 12 - Hero's Blessing
Single Ally | Revives KO'd Ally (MP 25) - Rank 15 - Tornado Liner
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 38) - Rank 18 - Hero's Encouragement
Ally AoE | Attack Buff (MP 15) - Rank 20 - Giga Swing
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Hero's Guts
Self | Automatically revives Self once (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Buster Geyser
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG (MP 60) - Rank 30 - Essence of Full Swing
Blunt | Lower HP = More DMG (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Bat Breaker
Sujimancer - Ichiban Kasuga's exclusive job
This is the most unique class in Infinite Wealth because its effectiveness correlates with how much you've invested into the Sujimon League minigame. Although Ichiban can't equip a weapon, the Gear menu will have a new option to slot five different element Sujimon for the Sujimancer to summon. The better they are, the better the Sujimancer's skills will be. It is a dedicated Black Mage-esque job that can heal HP as well.
The Sujimancer's skills cannot be skill inherited into any other job class.

- How to unlock: Complete Sub Story 38, The CEO of Suji which requires unlocking the Sujimon League system. Reach Sujimon Rank 10, then defeat Jack; after you defeat Jack, the Sujimancer job will unlock.
- Weapon: Bare Hands / Sujimon
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Spicy Breath
Single Enemy | Magic | Fire | DMG depends on equipped Sujimon's stats | Knockback (MP 20) - Rank 3 - Natural High
Ally AoE | Gradual HP Recovery amount depends on equipped Sujimon's stats (MP 20) - Rank 6 - Frosty Breath
Single Enemy | Magic | Water | DMG depends on equipped Sujimon's stats | Knockback (MP 20) - Rank 8 - Suji Snooze
Enemy AoE | Sleep Chance (MP 15) - Rank 10 - Zesty Breath
Single Enemy | Magic | Electric | DMG depends on equipped Sujimon's stats | Knockback (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Spicy Strike
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | DMG depends on equipped Sujimon's stats (MP 35) - Rank 15 - Healing Soil
Ally AoE | HP Recovery depends on equipped Sujimon's stats (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Frosty Foray
Enemy AoE | Magic | Water (MP 35) - Rank 20 - Poison Breath
Enemy AoE | Magic | Poison Chance (MP 35) - Rank 22 - Zesty Burst
Enemy AoE | Magic | Electric (MP 35) - Rank 24 - Essence of Sujimon Supremacy
Enemy AoE | Magic (MP 80) - Rank 30 - Essence of Sujimon Second Wind
All Allies | Revives all KO'd Allies with half HP (MP 60)
- Rank 1 - Spicy Breath
Dragon of Dojima - Kazuma Kiryu's default job
Kiryu's iconic title is now properly a turn-based RPG job and allows Kiryu to freely switch between Rush, Brawler, and Beast stances before attacking. These three stances from Yakuza 0 & Yakuza Kiwami affect his movement range in correlation to their power level. Rush can initiate a follow-up secondary attack on a downed enemy, Brawler can activate environmental Heat Actions, and Beast inherently has a grapple property to its basic attacks. Essence of Bowling will power up Kiryu even more if you KO enemies with it.

- Weapon: Bare Fists
- Skills:
- Rank 3 - Essence of Tonfa
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | DMG Increase if enemy inflicted with Status Ailment (MP 15) - Rank 6 - Essence of Kali Sticks
Multiple Enemies | Blunt | Light-Medium DMG | Defense Debuff Chance | Successful QTE = Critical (MP 15) - Rank 8 - Essence of Dagger
Enemy AoE | Slash | Light DMG | Grapple | Bleed Chance (MP 22) - Rank 9 - Essence of the Komaki Pupil
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Grapple | Rage Chance | Successful QTE = Critical (MP 22) - Rank 12 - Essence of Sweeping
Single Enemy | Blunt | Light DMG | Knockback | Attack Debuff Chance (MP 30) - Rank 15 - Essence of Pistol
Single Enemy | Gun | Heavy DMG | Ignores Guard (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Essence of Bowling
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Medium DMG | Attack Buff for every KO'd Enemy (MP 40) - Rank 20 - Essence of Hammer
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Stun Chance (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Essence of the Komaki Master
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Chance | Successful QTE = Critical (MP 50) - Rank 24 - Essence of Remembrance
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of the Dragon God
All Enemies | Blunt | Fire | Extreme DMG (MP 90)
- Rank 3 - Essence of Tonfa
Cabbie - Eric Tomizawa's default job
Tomizawa's time as a cab driver has given him mastery to call down thunder upon people. He'll be your earliest source for consistent Magic damage as he eventually gains access to all the element types. Battery Storm is especially useful for groups of enemies that have gathered up.

- Weapon: Wrench
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Lug Launcher
Single Enemy | Gun | Light DMG (MP 10) - Rank 3 - Battery Shock
Single Enemy | Magic | Electric | Light DMG (MP 10) - Rank 6 - Tire Tumbler
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Light DMG (MP 22) - Rank 7 - Jawbreaker
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Ignores Guard (MP 20) - Rank 9 - Scrubdown
Single Enemy | Magic | Water | Medium DMG | Grapple | Electric Resist Down (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Fusee Doozy
Single Enemy | Magic | Fire | Heavy DMG | Knockback (MP 25) - Rank 15 - Toolbox Toppler
Enemy AoE | Gun | Medium DMG (MP 38) - Rank 18 - Battery Storm
Enemy AoE | Magic | Electric | Medium DMG (MP 45) - Rank 20 - Oil and Toil
Enemy AoE | Magic | Heavy DMG | Fire Resist Down (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Tire Tornado
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Steer Clear
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Defense Debuff Chance (MP 60) - Rank 30 - Essence of Buckle Up
Magic | Fear Chance (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Lug Launcher
Heiress - Chitose Fujinomiya's default job
Chitose's Heiress job comes with a useful heal for early in the game, though its real value comes in the form of potentially debuffing enemies with its skills. A generally useful job for weakening enemies that are applying too much pressure on your party early on.

- Weapon: Choker
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Palm Tree Pose
Self | Attack & Agility Buff (MP 10) - Rank 3 - Grand Jete
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Knockback (MP 15) - Rank 6 - Spill the Tea
Ally AoE | Small HP Recovery (MP 15) - Rank 8 - Epaulement
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Grapple (MP 20) - Rank 9 - Catwalk Trance
Enemy AoE | Charm Chance (MP 30) - Rank 12 - Disarming Fragrance
Enemy AoE | Attack Debuff (MP 10) - Rank 15 - Triple Corsage
Single Enemy | Slash | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Attack Debuff Chance (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Violino Adagissimo
Enemy AoE | Agility Debuff (MP 25) - Rank 20 - Faire la Pirouette
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG (MP 40) - Rank 22 - Aperitifs
Ally AoE | Large HP Recovery | Removes Debuffs (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Puppy Playtime
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG | Fear Chance (MP 45) - Rank 30 - Essence of Ballroom Blitz
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element (MP 60)
- Rank 1 - Palm Tree Pose
Detective - Koichi Adachi's default job
Adachi's exclusive class is one-of-a-kind that can naturally be fitted into a "tank" role thanks to Slick Tongue and True Grit. If you want to manage the enemy's attention, inflict the Rage status to allow them to focus on Adachi.

- Weapon: Jitte
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Slick Tongue
Enemy AoE | Rage Chance | Attack Debuff Chance (MP 15) - Rank 2 - Monkey Flip
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Light DMG | Grapple (MP 10) - Rank 5 - Beatdown
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Knockback (MP 15) - Rank 6 - Arrest
Single Enemy | Grapple | Remove Enemy Chance (MP 25) - Rank 10 - Detective's Determination
Enemy AoE | Fear Chance | Agility Debuff Chance (MP 15) - Rank 12 - Reckless Charge
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Medium DMG (MP 30) - Rank 15 - Throat Punch
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG | Knockback (MP 25) - Rank 18 - True Grit
Self | Automatically revives Self once (MP 35) - Rank 20 - Breaking Top
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Grapple (MP 45) - Rank 22 - Heavy Beatdown
Single Enemy | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Ignores Guard | More Hits with successful QTE (MP 35) - Rank 24 - Essence of Handcuff Harbinger
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG | Grapple (MP 40) - Rank 30 - Essence of Cut and Run
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Heavy DMG | Stun Chance (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Slick Tongue
Homeless Guy - Yu Nanba's default job
The reliable Black Mage-esque class returns as Nanba can cast damaging AoE "spells". The Pigeon Raid and Pigeon Storm skills carry the weapon's attributes, so their element is determined by it. Be careful of using the Stashed Bottle HP recovery too often; it raises everyone's Drunk Level when healed by it.

- Weapon: Umbrella
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Pyro Belch
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Light DMG (MP 12) - Rank 2 - Pitiful Look
Single Enemy | Chance to steal Item (MP 5) - Rank 5 - Pigeon Raid
Enemy AoE | Magic | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 6 - Gnarly Breath
Enemy AoE | Defense Debuff (MP 8) - Rank 10 - Stashed Bottle
Ally AoE | HP Recovery | Raises Drunk Lvl (MP 30) - Rank 12 - Sizzling Spitter
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Light DMG | Burn Chance (MP 30) - Rank 15 - Malodorous Stench
Enemy AoE | Attack & Defense Debuff (MP 15) - Rank 18 - Pigeon Storm
Enemy AoE | Magic | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 45) - Rank 20 - Power Slumber
Self | Full HP Recovery | Cures Status Ailments (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Umbrella Barrier
Self | Defense & Willpower Buff (MP 8) - Rank 24 - Essence of Pyro Prison
Enemy AoE | Magic | Fire | Heavy DMG | Burn Chance (MP 60) - Rank 30 - Essence of Big-Ass Bird
Enemy AoE | Magic | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Pyro Belch
Assassin - Seonhee's default job
Seonhee returns from Yakuza: Like A Dragon and she is now a playable character! Her exclusive Assassin class deals respectable damage with a vast array of selections to inflict different status ailments. Her Gatling Bowgun is one of the very skills in the entire game that guarantees a Critical if it's fired off as a Back Attack.

- Weapon: Throwing Thorns
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Bloodied Bowgun
Single Enemy | Gun | Light DMG | Back Attack = Critical (MP 12) - Rank 3 - Flash Grenade
Enemy AoE | Magic | Light DMG | Blind Chance (MP 12) - Rank 6 - Empress Claw
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 12) - Rank 8 - Breakneck Heel
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Agility Buff Chance (MP 16) - Rank 10 - Voltaic Whip
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Electric | Light DMG | Paralysis Chance (MP 24) - Rank 12 - Gas Grenade
Enemy AoE | Magic | Medium DMG | Poison Chance (MP 24) - Rank 15 - Gatling Bowgun
Enemy AoE | Gun | Medium DMG | Back Attack = Critical (MP 30) - Rank 18 - Queen's Claw
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG (MP 24) - Rank 20 - Sadistic Heel
Single Enemy | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Grapple | Agility Debuff Chance (MP 24) - Rank 22 - Stentorian Whip
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Electric | Heavy DMG | Paralysis Chance (MP 42) - Rank 24 - Essence of Bonebreaker
Single Enemy | Blunt | Extreme DMG | Grapple (MP 36) - Rank 30 - Essence of Wicked Web
Enemy AoE | Magic | Electric | Heavy DMG | Paralysis Chance (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Bloodied Bowgun
Barmaid - Saeko Mukoda's default job
Saeko's Barmaid class has a fairly straightforward skill set that leans on knocking back foes - useful for enemies that normally can't be knocked down with a basic attack. One of its most valuable skills is Sly Pose; although it doesn't do damage, it applies a guaranteed attack debuff to all the enemies in its designated zone.

- Weapon: Purse
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Boundless Cheer
Ally AoE | Attack Buff (MP 10) - Rank 3 - Champagne Shower
Enemy AoE | Magic | Water | Light DMG | More Hits with each successful QTE (MP 15) - Rank 6 - Clobberbag
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Knockback (MP 20) - Rank 8 - Sly Pose
Enemy AoE | Attack Debuff (MP 10) - Rank 10 - Powder Puff Press
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Grapple | Blind Chance (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Clobberwheel
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Light DMG | Knockback (MP 30) - Rank 15 - Champagne Splashdown
Enemy AoE | Magic | Water | Medium DMG | Cold Chance | More Hits with each successful QTE (MP 30) - Rank 18 - Branding Blow
Single Enemy | Blunt | Fire | Heavy DMG | Knockback | Burn Chance (MP 30) - Rank 20 - Jewel Breaker
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Successful QTE = Critical (MP 35) - Rank 22 - Shop Dropper
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG (MP 45) - Rank 24 - Essence of Remotivation
Single Ally | Revives Ally with full HP (MP 30) - Rank 30 - Essence of Magnum Bottle
Enemy AoE | Magic | Water | Heavy DMG | Cold Chance (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Boundless Cheer
Gangster - Tianyou Zhao's default job
Gangster carries a lot of chances to debuff enemies in various ways with many of its skills. When its time to do damage, the Slash skills will apply an equipped weapon's element to them.

- Weapon: Saber
- Skill:
- Rank 1 - Shell Shatter
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Knockback | Defense Debuff Chance (MP 15) - Rank 3 - Falling Fang
Single Enemy | Slash | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 15) - Rank 6 - Fresh Dim Sum
Single Ally | Gradual HP Recovery | Status Ailment Resist Up (MP 8) - Rank 8 - Blinding Viper
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Accuracy Debuff Chance (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Rapid Crane Kick
Single Enemy | Blunt | Medium DMG | Knockback | Attack Debuff Chance (MP 20) - Rank 12 - Whirling Blade Dance
Enemy AoE | Slash | Weapon's Element | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 15 - Dragon's Vortex
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Light DMG | Defense Buff Chance (MP 30) - Rank 18 - Homecooked Dim Sum
Ally AoE | Gradual HP Recovery | Status Ailment Resist Up (MP 25) - Rank 20 - Dragon's Ascension
Single Enemy | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Attack Buff Chance (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Sanguine Blade Dance
Enemy AoE | Slash | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG (MP 50) - Rank 24 - Essence of Wok and a Hard Place
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Fire | Heavy DMG | Burn Chance (MP 65) - Rank 30 - Essence of Ladder Acrobatics
Enemy AoE | Blunt | Heavy DMG | Instant KO Chance on Last Enemy Hit (MP 65)
- Rank 1 - Shell Shatter
Hitman - Joongi Han's default job
One of the most popular character exclusive jobs in Yakuza Like A Dragon naturally makes its return in Infinite Wealth. It still packs a punch, though it isn't as dominant as it once was.

- Weapon: Brass Knuckles
- Skills:
- Rank 1 - Crescent Slash
Single Enemy | Slash | Light DMG | Bleed Chance | Back Attack = Critical (MP 15) - Rank 3 - Rapid Shot
Single Enemy | Gun | Medium DMG (MP 15) - Rank 6 - Stun Smash
Single Enemy | Blunt | Electric | Medium DMG | Paralysis Chance (MP 15) - Rank 8 - Cheap Shot
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Medium DMG | Ignores Guard (MP 20) - Rank 10 - Sleeping Powder
Enemy AoE | Sleep Chance (MP 30) - Rank 12 - Divine Shot
Enemy AoE | Gun | Light DMG (MP 30) - Rank 15 - Silencing Slash
Single Enemy | Slash | Light DMG | Silence Chance | Back Attack = Critical (MP 25) - Rank 18 - Poison Shot
Single Enemy | Gun | Heavy DMG | Poison Chance (MP 30) - Rank 20 - Point Blank
Single Enemy | Blunt | Weapon's Element | Heavy DMG | Instant KO Chance (MP 30) - Rank 22 - Professional Slash
Single Enemy | Slash | Medium DMG | Fear Chance | Back Attack = Critical - Rank 24 - Essence of Trick Shots
Enemy AoE | Gun | Heavy-Extreme DMG | Fewer Enemies = More DMG (MP 60) - Rank 30 - Essence of Mirror Image
Single Enemy | Slash | Extreme DMG | Evasion Buff (MP 45)
- Rank 1 - Crescent Slash