Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Choices guide: Best Answers for every Dialogue Option & Choice
Throughout the story of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you'll have several opportunities to chat with your party members in order to gain favor with them. These dialogue choices do have an impact on the story, as they help to determine your relationship status with each character via a hidden affection point value. If you want to obtain a specific date later in the game, you'll need to make a specific set of FF7 Rebirth choices. This guide is here to help you do just that.
Choices come in two flavors; dialogue options in conversation with characters across the length of FF7 Rebirth, plus some non-dialogue based decisions that'll also have an impact on your party members' affinity towards Cloud. These factors will be used, alongside some others, to determine whose relationship is so strong that Cloud dates them on a visit to the Gold Saucer.

While these dialogue conversations are often (but not always) optional, you'll likely want to see what they have to say, as the party will often comment on the state of events or the story of the moment, and responding in the right way can determine how the story will unfold in small ways, including with the date. Because there are so many choices throughout the game, we've broken this guide up by chapter:
- Chapter 2 Choices
- Chapter 4 Choices
- Chapter 5 Choices
- Chapter 6 Choices
- Chapter 7 Choices
- Chapter 9 Choices
- Chapter 10 Choices
- Chapter 11 Choices
- Chapter 12 Choices
Chapter 2 Choices: A New Journey Begins
You'll first be able to make meaningful choices once you complete the Nibelheim flashback and make your way out into Kalm near the beginning of the chapter. Right away, after Red XIII formerly joins your party, you'll be able to find all four party members scattered throughout town for an initial dialogue with Cloud.

Red XIII can be found near the town entrance at the bottom of the stairs.
“One can never be too careful with Shinra.”
- I knew I could count on you. ***
- Good Boy. *
- Thanks.

Tifa can be found outside of the pub, near the central tank
“This tank remind you of anything?”
- The place I made that promise to you. ***
- The water tower in Nibelheim. **
- Any other mako tank. *

Barret can be found inside near where Tifa is standing, at the bar.
“Not gonna have a drop till Seventh Heaven’s back up and runnin’.”
- First one’s on me. ***
- First one'll taste good. **
- No time soon then. *

Aerith,'s conversation is required to progress that story, and will begin automatically outside the Maghnata bookstore.
“Wanna climb the clock tower together?
- Sure. Let’s. ***
- If I have to. **
- I'm busy. *
Even if you select another dialogue choice with Aerith, she'll insist and you'll meet her at the clock tower later to progress the chapter.
Chapter 4 Choices: Dawn of a New Era
Chapter 4 introduces the party to Junon and the Junon Region, and you'll have your first run-in with Yuffie, though she won't join up quite yet. Here, the dialogue choices will all occur at the hotel after defeating the Terror of the Deep story boss in the Under Junon area.

Barret's door will be the first on the right side as you are tasked to head to bed.
“What do you think Yuffie wants with us?”
- Your autograph. ***
- To join Avalanche. **
- Those Shinra Bounties.

A cutscene with Aerith will begin automatically once you pass by her door, though you do have to enter her hotel room in order to actually make the dialogue choice.
“Do you remember the first time we met?"
- You shoved a flower at me. ***
- The Church, right?
- Nope.

Red XIII's room will be on the left-hand side before the stairs.
“I doubt I’ll smell Shinra till it’s too late.”
- Huh. Not good. ***
- We'll manage.
- Don't worry. Never thought you could.

Tifa will automatically speak to Cloud as you approach the 2nd floor of the hotel.
“Say, do you remember a guy named Emilio? From Nibelheim?"
- The only person from the village I remember is you. ***
- The general store kid? **
- No. Sorry.
Inauguration Parade Performance
Doing well in the Inauguration Parade that happens as part of the main story isn't a dialogue choice, but doing well in the parade will result in an Affection Bonus with both Tifa and Aerith.
Doing well involves picking the best parade formation and then playing the mini game well, which will get you the best audience score and the President's Commendation. If you're aiming to get someone other than Tifa or Aerith, you should flub the parade minigame.
Chapter 5 Choices: Blood in the Water
This Chapter doesn't actually have any dialogue choices to worry about - it's a linear, story driven affair. There is one event which can give a one-time point bonus, however.
Specifically, during the Queen's Blood tournament, if you make it all the way to the finals, Red XIII will appear, dressed up like a human, and challenge you. Beating Red at Queen's Blood grants a bonus increase to his relationship and affinity status.
Chapter 6 Choices: Fool’s Paradise
Initial Choice with Yuffie
Chapter 6 brings the party to Costa Del Sol. Despite not joining until the next chapter, this will be the player's first opportunity to earn favor with Yuffie, starting out right at the beginning of the Chapter. She'll be marked in town under the Vanishing Act discovery icon, eating ice cream near the bookstore.

Yuffie will be eating ice cream near a truck in the center of town.
“You’re obviously captivated by my bodacious beach bod.”
- Yeah. Obviously. ***
- C'mon, can't you take a hint? *
- Nope.
Taste in Beachwear
If you complete all of the available tasks in Costa Del Sol, you'll unlock six beach outfits - two each for Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa. If Cloud has matching beachwear taste to one or both girls, he gets an affeciton bonus with that girl.
- Cloud's Ocean Chocobo outfit pairs with Tifa's Majestic Glamour and Aerith's Floral Delight.
- Cloud's Wild Surf outfit matches Tifa's Shining Spirit and Aerith's Pink Mermaid.
Select a Pair to Join
While not explicitly a dialogue-based choice, there is a small selection to make near the end of Chapter 6. This will be explicitly shown in-game as making a selection between each pair of party members.

Before the chapter's main boss fight, you'll get to pick between helping either pair of party members. You'll either select Help Aerith and Barret, or Help Tifa and Red XIII.
- Help Aerith & Barret gains affection with Aerith & Barret.
- Help Tifa & Red XIII gains affection with Tifa & Red.
This will act as a sort of quasi-tiebreaker, and you'll gain favor with whichever party members you decide to help, and in addition whoever you choose will join you for the fight against Grasptropod.
Evening on the Beach
After the boss fight, the party will be located across the beach in the evening. Cloud will get a chance to speak to the party before heading back to the hotel.

Aerith will be standing out near the shore.
“I start thinking things so dark and ugly that it scares me.”
- They’re just thoughts. ***
- Everybody's got someone they hate. **
- Then don't think. *

Red XIII is laying down near the stage.
"I know I should strive to maintain my composure around him, but..."
- Don’t sweat it. ***
- We had no choice.
- Yeah, you should.

Tifa can be found sitting down on the south end of the beach.
“Feels like it’s been ages since Seventh Heaven.”
- Lot’s happened since then. ***
- Wanna go back?
- It hasn't been that long.

Barret is sitting on the stairs right near the exit, you can't miss him,
“I couldn’t do a damn thing for those poor bastards.”
- You tried. That’s all you can do. ***
- This is on Hojo. **
- Can't save everyone.
Recruiting Yuffie

Depending on the options selected, the scene plays out differently, but Yuffie ends up joining you regardless. Like in the original FF7, you can't be too happy about her joining if you want the best outcome - you need to play it cool. Based on some initial testing, the following selection of choices you get you the best possible boost with Yuffie, starting out:
- Beat It.
- Kinda.
- Hardly.
- You can come with.
Chapter 7 Choices: Those Left Behind
Chapter 7 mostly consists of dungeoning though Mount Corel and the Coal Mines areas. You'll even have an entire section played as Yuffie, before control switches back over to Cloud. In the back half of the chapter, after the Gigatrice boss fight, Cloud will get the option to set the minecart track to either be an upper or lower path. This is a selection between Yuffie and Barret.

- Barret will prefer the left path, on the upper track.
- Yuffie will prefer the safer track on the right-hand side.
The final affection point value is a mix of the route and score - so even if you pick Yuffie's route, you can get some affection with Barret by doing well in the mini game - but not as much. The reverse is true, too. This is effectively another sort of tiebreaker, since you'll only be able to make one choice on your first run through the game. This also impacts the route you'll be taking on the mine cart mini game.
Chapter 8 Choices: All That Glitters
Chapter 8 encompasses your first trip to the Gold Saucer, and so it's actually where you'll see some of the fruits of your dialogue choice labor rather than where you'll be making dialogue choices. With that said, we wanted to note that there are a few things in this chapter that impact affection values, even if they aren't strictly speaking 'dialogue choices'. They are as follows:
- Early in Chapter 8, you'll face off with Dio in the 3D Brawler mini game. Beating Dio nets you a tidy affection bonus with Red XIII.
- At the end of Chapter 8, you'll play a mini game where you fire Barret's gun at enemies from the back of a Buggy while escaping Corel Prison. Doing well in this will reward an affection bonus with Barret.
Chapter 9 Choices: The Planet Stirs
Upon reaching Chapter 9, the jungle of Gongaga awaits. This chapter's dialogue choices will all be available shortly after entering the town for the first time, after some initial cutscenes with Cissnei.
Red and the Mushroom Patch

Red is very close to the monument. Instead of a normal dialogue option, he asks you to guess which of three mushroom patches are Gongaga Mushrooms.
- The Right Patch
Barret's Garden

Barret can be found on the west side of town, outside of the inn marker, which is marking Cissnei's house.
“Wonder what kinda stuff we’d end up growin’.”
- Mushrooms ***
- Black milly? Red shelly?
- Onions.
Aerith's family visit

When approaching the eastern-most house, you’ll spot Aerith enter at the end of the way. You'll initial a cutscene if you follow her in. Once you exit, you'll be able to select a dialogue response.
“Pretty selfish, huh? Waltzing in there, stirring up memories…”
- They didn’t seem to mind. ***
- You're too hard on yourself. **
- You mighta crossed the line.
Tifa's recipe planning

Tifa can be found on the north side of town, near some stringed mushrooms.
“What sorta thing would you go for?”
- Gonna go with the pot roast. ***
- Pilat, I guess. **
- Soup's good.
Yuffie's Boredom

Yuffie is laying on the couch inside of Cissnei's house.
“I am so, so bored…Bored right out of my brain”
- Nice song. Funny too. ***
- I'd love an encore. **
- Quiet down, will ya?
Chapter 10 Choices: Watcher of the Vale
Just like Chapter 9, Chapter 10 will introduce the party to another city area, Cosmo Caynon. The dialogue options available in this chapter will be after some of the initial scenes with Bugenhagan at the Observatory.
After the scenes at the observatory, you’ll head back down to a lower level for a short scene involving Tifa. You'll head down further for a bonfire ceremony at the lowest level. You can chat with the crew here.
Red's Homecoming

Red XIII is on the north end of the circle.
“Just forget I said anything.”
- I’ll lend an ear. ***
- Don't gimme that bullshit.
- Wasn't listening.
Barret's Philosophy

Barret is on the northeast side of the circle.
“So what - we sit here and ‘theorize’?"
- No, we fight. ***
- Maybe you'll learn something.
- What do you wanna do?
Tifa's performance

Tifa can be found east of Barret.
“Did I sound as awkward as I felt?”
- You did good. ***
- I felt for you.
- Just gotta laugh it off.
Yuffie and death

Yuffie is on the northwest side of the circle.
“Once you die, that’s that.”
- Pretty much. ***
- Why do you think that?
- Yeah, I totally agree...
What will you do to help Aerith?

Aerith's dialogue will initiate as soon as you approach her. Instead of her asking a question, the game will prompt Cloud for how to help Aerith.
What will you do?
- Encourage her. ***
- Smile at her.
- Stop her.
Chapter 11 Choices: The Long Shadow of Shinra
In Chapter 11, the party will finally make it all the way back to Nibelheim. The dialogue choices here are early in the chapter, very shortly after arriving in town.
Yuffie in Nibelheim

Yuffie can be found near the start near the northern exit to the city.
“What about, say, oh…materia.”
- Yup. ***
- Come to think of it... nope.
- Dunno.
Red's hometown pride

Red is on those same stairs, just a little bit up from Yuffie.
“No one wants to hear people badmouth their hometown.”
- This isn’t my hometown. ***
- I never liked that place either.
- Yeah. Does kinda make you feel like shit.
Aerith along the Watertower

Aerith can be found near the watertower in the middle of town. Once you follow her up
“You never came up here hopin’ she’d wave?”
- Sounds like something I’d do. ***
- What? No way.
- That's not funny.
You can speak to her again after making the selection for an additional small scene.
Tifa's Memories

Tifa can be found on the second floor of what was her house, but is now the clinic.
“It was taking a toll…Then you turned up.”.
- Have I helped you get through it at all? ***
- Like it was fate.
- I never knew that.
You can speak to her again after making the selection for an additional small scene.
Barret at the Inn

Barret is in the Nidhogg Inn, off to the right.
“We gotta do something, right?”
- Hell yeah you’re right. Screw them. ***
- I wanna know why they put the robes here.
- Not much we can do.
Chapter 12: A Golden Key
Given this is when the date takes place, you'd think it'd all be over by this point - and it sort of is. There's no more dialogue options for the rest of the game. However, in Chapter 12 there's a few things you can do to try to last-minute sway the affection values. They are as follows:
- You can play Yuffie at the 3D Brawler mini game; beating her grants a bonus to your relationship. She's available in Wonderment Square, both before and after you've found Dio.
- Later, you can rematch Red XIII at Queen's Blood in the Gold Saucer; beating him grants an affection bonus. Red plants himself in Wonderment Square, but is only available for a short window - after you find Dio, but before you rest at the hotel and trigger the date.
- Finally, your performance in the Loveless play can indeed change character affinities - but this appears to happen, as far as we can tell, after the date has already been decided.