Dragon Age: The Veilguard Lighthouse Guide - How to unlock secret areas and get the Nostalgia Trip trophy
The Lighthouse is Rook and the crew's home in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and while it mostly serves as a safe place to hang out with friends and plan the downfall of the gods, it also holds a couple of unmarked quests that have potentially powerful rewards. Check out our quick guide to completing those quests below, as well as how to earn the "Nostalgia Trip" achievement and trophy.
Naturally, we'll try to keep this guide as spoiler-free as possible, and not directly mention any quests or plot points.

How to Solve the Lighthouse Mysterious Note Puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Almost from the start of the game proper, you'll have access to this small, unmarked quest. As you explore the Lighthouse, you'll find a "mysterious note" located near a pair of elven statues atop the exterior stairs, with the following message:

To enter the library passage, three pairings must meet face-to-face

Given the placement of the message, it's not a huge leap to conclude that the "pairings" refers to the statues. The first pair is the pair of statues right to the north (use your minimap to orientate), in the central platform of the exterior stairs. Step in front of the handles at their bases and rotate the statues to face each other. You'll know you've done the deed when a pair of wisps (shiny green glowing things) pops out of both and enters the building.

The second pair of statues is spread further apart. A statue stands at the top of the southwestern staircase (it may be where you found the note). Turn it to face east if it is not facing east already. Then head across the courtyard to the dining hall, then turn right and walk up the stairs to the hall's southeast corner. There you'll find another statue facing east. Turn it to face west.
The last pair of statues in this brief puzzle is located behind the two northern buildings: The Guesthouse (Neve's room) and the Workshop (Bellara's room). To get to the statue behind Neve's room, face the walkway leading up to the entrance, then drop off the edge, onto another broken walkway leading to a "basement" level. If you've just discovered the Lighthouse you'll see a pair of chests and collectibles glowing there to guide your gaze. Turn the statue to face west.

The statue behind Bellara's room is easier to find. Just approach the entrance and walk around the edge of the platform to the left. Then turn the statue to face east.
With all three pairings face-to-face, go back inside the Lighthouse Library. Facing the table where Rook and friends sit, you'll see a sealed door with three torches lit up by the wisps you released. Approach it to enter the newly unlocked Library Passage to the Music Room.
At this point in the game there's nothing inside the room of note beyond a codex pickup and a pair of small treasure chests, but this room will be more significant later in the game.

How to Unlock the Library Balcony in Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Unlock the Nostalgia Trip Achievement and Trophy
After you've gone through a few of the story quests, you'll notice a note beside the entrance to the Library passage saying that there is a new "helper" in the room. Enter and you'll see a mysterious pedestal added to the Music Room's blank wall.
If you've never seen such a thing before, you should know that this is a "Wisp pedestal," an in-game lock mechanic that uses wisps. You'll need to find a wisp.
You can find a wisp atop the Lighthouse's exterior staircase, near two of the statues used for the initial unlock. Approach it and it'll start following Rook. Run back to the Music Room and approach the pedestal. The wisp should merge with it and open the door, revealing a bright portal.
Step through the portal and you'll emerge on the Library's balcony. Walk to the railing and interact with the globe. This globe will repair the armillary sphere spinning above the team's meeting table. This grants you material discounts for upgrading gear at the Caretaker's forge.
Now, climb over the railing and fall to the floor. You should survive, as Dragon Age: The Veilguard does not simulate falling damage. If you haven't earned it yet, this will unlock the "Nostalgia Trip" trophy, which is described as "Tested for fall damage and survived in the Lighthouse."

How to Unlock the Lighthouse Wolf's Den
There's one final unlock in the Lighthouse to be explored, but this one is only available in the middle of the game, sometime after the events that unlock the Grey Wardens' faction vendor. It's a major story event, so you won't miss it.
You'll be notified by the Caretaker that a "new helper" is on the balcony. Head up there via the Music Room portal.
A wisp will be located on the balcony, along with a wisp pedestal next to a sealed door. Retrieve the wisp and merge it with the pedestal.
The door will unlock, revealing a second portal. Enter it and you'll be teleported to one of the floating buildings surrounding the main Lighthouse island.
An elven battery and a laser emitter are also on the platform. Hook the battery up to the laser to get it running, then point the laser at the diamond shaped objects on top of the two towers near you. The objects will emit wisps, which will fly towards the main lighthouse building. The laser will shut down after you've extracted all the wisps.
Return to the library via the portals, then move across the floor to another sealed door on the other side of the room. It'll open, revealing a storage room with a portal inside.
Enter the portal to end up in the Wolf's Den, Solas' personal office. Here you'll find some treasure and codex updates.
That's it for the Lighthouse's hidden areas! Congratulations!