Dragon Age: The Veilguard Romances - A spoiler-free guide on how to hook Rook up
BioWare RPGs are rarely short on interesting characters and relationships, and Dragon Age: The Veilguard is no exception to that. As we mentioned in our review, the small crew of eccentrics and ne'er-do-wells Rook assembles is united by the desire to take down the elven gods, but quickly comes to feel like a cozy found family...with a bit of potential for romance. To that end, we've come up with this quick guide to romances and friendships in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Read on to find out how to get Rook's companions on the romantic hook.
This guide will cover romances for every character, detailing how to start romances and how Rook's choices throughout the game can affect their relationships. As much as possible we will keep things spoiler-free and avoid detailing specific quests and plot points, but be warned that the nature of telling you how to romance these characters requires talking abotu them in some level of detail.

How Do Romances Work in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?
Dragon Age games haven't always stuck with the same systems for modeling relationships and attraction between characters. The original famously had the Warden ply their party members with gifts when at camp to raise an "affection" meter before a character would consider giving them the time of day. Dragon Age 2 adapted Mass Effect's Paragon/Renegade system to interpersonal relationships, grading Hawke's companions from a warm "Friendship" to a colder, more antagonistic "Rivalry."
The Veilguard more or less follows the lead of Dragon Age: Inqusition and Mass Effect 3 by clearly indicating which dialog options Rook can pick that indicate "flirting" or romantic interest. In other words, just pick the dialog option indicated by a heart symbol to begin courting a potential love interest. Unlike Inquisition, though, romances are more straightforward and have clearly marked points of progress, making it pretty simple to pursue one's heart's desire.
Here's a quick breakdown of facts about romance in Dragon Age: The Veilguard:
- Rook can romance anyone. - The Veilguard has no gender or race-based restrictions on who they can court.
- ...well, almost anyone. - Only members of the Veilguard - Rook's companions, in other words - are open to courtship. There are also no specific requirements on companion bond level, as far as we can tell on testing. For the record, though, we were able to complete companion quest lines (including romance) with as low as a level 7 bond, in some cases.
- Talk to them at home. - Romances progress at the Lighthouse, and mainly the Lighthouse, as it is where you'll pick up all the companion quests. Since new conversations and quests are queued up when you return to the Lighthouse after completing content, make sure to come back home often to progress the quest triggers and set up new conversations.
- Bring your faves along for the ride. - Your bond with your companions strengthens when you complete quests together. Thus, try to bring the people you'd like to court along in the active party, when you can.
- Don't miss conversations! - Some companion conversations are "timed", and are signaled by the icon of a speech bubble with a clock inside it. These conversations are usually not critical to a quest, but they are relevant to the character, and will eventually disappear if you complete too many side or main quests before attending to them. Try to avoid missing them so as not to break the chain of companion moments.
- Proceed with the Story. - While romances can spark from fairly early on in the main story campaign of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, taking things to the next level will depend on the core narrative. Certain key companion quests and moments are gated by main story progress, so if you find yourself not having much new to do with your companions.
- Let the heart icon guide the way. - Just choose the heart dialog options for any character that piques your interest. You can even do so for multiple characters, no one's judging you.
- "Express romantic interest," when the time is right. - During a conversation with a character you're pursuing, you'll eventually be able to pick a dialog option that the game will describe as "Expressing romantic interest." This sets Rook and that character on the path to romance, but does not commit them to a relationship yet.
- Commit! - After Rook expresses romantic interest, a future conversation with that party member will comprise the point of no return for the pair's relationship. The game will indicate explicitly that choosing an option will commit them to that companion, locking out other paths. Conversely, this conversation will also allow Rook to voluntarily end their romantic pursuit, pivoting to a close and abiding friendship instead. This option will helpfully be indicated by a broken heart symbol.

Ply Your Companions With Gifts
While Dragon Age: The Veilguard doesn't have a mechanic that involves handing a companion gifts until they like you, you can show your new buddies a token of your appreciation. Certain "valuable items" purchased from vendors can unlock special "Companion Gift Quests" that start once the item is purchased. These allow you to visit your companion in their room back at the Lighthouse, resulting in a small piece of visible decor being added to their quarters and netting Rook a big boost in approval.
Here are the different gift items for each companion and where to find them:
- Bellara - Dalish frog statue - Purchased from the Veil Jumpers faction vendor.
- Davrin - An ancient Griffon display case - Purchased from the Grey Warden faction merchant in the Hossberg Wetlands.
- Emmrich - A haunted statue - Purchased from the Mourn Watch faction vendor in the Nevarra Grand Necropolis.
- Harding - A Hinterlands Oak tree - Purchased from the Black Emporium store in Minrauthos (this costs Etheric Residue rather than gold).
- Lucanis - An Antivan Tea Set - Purchased from the Antivan Crows faction merchant in Treviso (if you wait too long to purchase this, a certain choice can cause you lose access to the Crows faction merchant).
- Neve - Collected Evidence - Purchased from a merchant located outside the Shadow Dragons hideout in Minrauthos (if you wait too long to purchase this, a certain choice can cause you lose access to the majority of Minrauthos vendors).
- Taash - Ancient trinkets - Purchased from the Lords of Fortune faction merchant in Rivain's Hall of Valor.

Two Big Choices that Affect Romances in Dragon Age: The Veilguard
The above rules apply to all of the romances in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, but there are two points in the game that will have major effects on romances with specific characters.
We'll describe them below in as spoiler-free a manner as we can:
- The first major exception involves Lucanis Dellamorte and Neve Gallus.
- At a certain point, forced to make a choice between Treviso and Minrauthos, with the Treviso option vocally favored by Lucanis, and the Minrauthos option favored by Neve.
- The character you do not choose in this moment will later be "Hardened" by the consequences of your choice.
- In Lucanis' case, choosing Minrauthos cuts off his romance permanently. Hardening Neve, in contrast, still allows her to be romanced, but with slower progress.
- This does not mean that Lucanis and Neve will no longer have companion quests or a personal story. They can still complete their companion quest lines and become Heroes of the Veilguard. However, hardening Lucanis or Neve means that Rook will not be able to court or influence them in the same way from that point on.
- So be warned: If you opt to pursue Lucanis or Neve, keep their interests in mind when making a critical choice.
- At a certain point, forced to make a choice between Treviso and Minrauthos, with the Treviso option vocally favored by Lucanis, and the Minrauthos option favored by Neve.
- The second exception happens in the very late game, just past the point of no return for the main story, and involves Davrin and Harding.
- By this time you should already have chosen and committed to a romantic partner if you're seeking one.
- Rook will be prompted to choose between Davrin and Harding at a certain point.
- In this case, if you're romancing either Davrin or Harding, do not choose the character you're romancing!
- Choosing the character you're romancing at this moment means that you will not be able to see the conclusion of their romance. That's all we'll say.
- By this time you should already have chosen and committed to a romantic partner if you're seeking one.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Romance Quests and Points of No Return
The romance subplots in Dragon Age: The Veilguard are fairly straightforward, and barring exceptions like the above major choices, companion quests and intimate moments unlock in a linear fashion as you go through the game. However, there is a point when Rook will need to stop playing the field and choose a companion to romance exclusively. These point of no return is fairly clearly marked, but for convenience's sake, we've listed them below, in alphabetical order.
Note that these prompts to commit to a love interest can come both during Lighthouse conversations and during specific companion quests, depending on the character.

The mousy Veil Jumper scholar comes across as somewhat naive to the world's ways, but her cheerfulness and curiosity make for an endearing bond to build.
Her personal quests begin relatively early in the game, fitting her status as the first party member you meet after the prologue.
The point of commitment to Bellara's romance arrives during a one-on-one conversation in the Lighthouse, sometime after the main story quest "Unwanted Guests."
- To commit to Bellara's romance, first choose the "I'm here for you" dialog option, then select, "I'm sure" to enter an exclusive relationship with your elven companion.

Davrin is a brave Grey Warden with a deep voice, a dashing demeanor, and dad duties, courtesy of Assan, one of Thedas' last Griffons.
If your Rook is ready to join the pair, just follow through Davrin's personal quest line, and midway through will come the point of commitment, during the companion quest "A Friend in Need."
- During a conversation, you'll have the option to say "I want to be with you." Choose it to commit to a relationship with Davrin.

The polite and proper Emmrich is a member of Nevarra's elite Mourn Watch, and a necromancer without pair. He and his skeletal manservant Manfred join the Veilguard midway through the campaign, but that's still plenty of time for Rook to bring the spark to an expert on undeath.
The point of commitment for Emmrich's romance comes during one of his companion quests, "Arrangements." You'll go walking among the tombs of Nevarra's Grand Necropolis, during which time you'll be prompted to greet someone.
- First, choose to be polite, by saying "Pleasure to meet you."
- Then, commit to Emmrich by saying "Never lonely."

The dwarven scout and Dragon Age: Inquisition alumnus was actually something of an "unofficial" romance option for the Inquisitor way back in the day, but Rook can well and truly seal the deal with a fan-favorite love interest.
The point of commitment for a romance to Harding happens during her companion quest "The Bond Rekindled."
- To commit to Harding, choose "I won't let it take you" during the conversation.

One of the Antivan Crows' deadliest killers, Lucanis Dellamorte specializes in offing mages and appreciating fine food, particularly a good cup of coffee.
As mentioned in the sections above, you must choose Treviso at a critical in-game point to romance Lucanis at all. Choosing Minrauthos ends any chance of entering a relationship with the Antivan heartthrob.
Additionally, the events of the main story effectively make one of Lucanis' companion quests a main story quest. During this quest, "Bloodbath," you'll have chance to express romantic interest in Lucanis.
- Choose "I don't mind" in this moment.
The point of commitment comes during a conversation after the quest "Inner Demons."
- Choose "You're sweet too" to commit to Lucanis.

The cool and pragmatic detective of Dock Town is used to keeping attachments at arm's length, but with attention and affection, Rook can melt a bit of the ice around her heart.
Like Lucanis, Neve can be hardened if you choose against her interests at a critical juncture in the main story. Unlike Lucanis, however, Neve can still be romanced. It'll just take longer to trigger her companion quests, clear the Minrauthos regional quest lines, and amass approval with her.
However it happens, the point of commitment in Neve's story comes during the companion quest "A Clear Mind."
- During the conversation, choose the heart options, and then commit to Neve by choosing "I'm here no matter what."

Taash's personal story involves a lot of struggle with identity and relationships with their mother. Rook can help a bit on that rocky road to realization.
The point of commitment to Taash comes around during the companion quest "A Little Dragon Hatches." Note that this quest is time-sensitive, so make sure to accomplish it as soon as it becomes available, without advancing the main story.
- During the conversation you'll want to choose "She cares for you. So do I." to commit to Taash.
- Be careful, there are two other options to choose here if you've been expressing romantic interest in Taash, and both will lead to cutting off a romantic approach in favor of friendship.
That's it for the romances of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. You can check out more in our guides hub!