Dragon Age: The Veilguard Pre-Order and Deluxe Bonus Items - Where to get Blood Dragon Armor and more
Though Dragon Age: The Veilguard gives players access to one of the more detailed character creation screens in contemporary games, armor and clothing customization are what will determine how most players will see their protagonist Rook through the majority of the game's quests and cutscenes. That's where the game's wardrobe system comes in to help players choose what headgear, armor, and weapon Rook can be seen with. Players who pre-ordered the game, or those who purchased (or are considering purchasing) the pricier deluxe edition will have a few extra cosmetic options to choose from. Here's our quick guide to locating and wearing those cosmetics.

How to Use the Dragon Age: The Veilguard Wardrobe and Claim Your Bonus Items
Rook can use the wardrobe system almost as soon as they arrive in the Lighthouse at the start of the game. Following the prologue, Rook will wake up in the Lighthouse Infirmary room. A large nearby treasure chest will unlock all of the Deluxe and Pre-Order bonus cosmetics earned for those versions of the game. Note that these are only cosmetic, and are only visible in the Wardrobe screen, with no effects on combat.
Players can also use the as a temporary Wardrobe, which allows them to set a cosmetic appearance for the armor and headgear from any pieces or appearance options Rook has picked up, purchased, or earned.
Later on, the wardrobe will be moved to Rook's room.
The Wardrobe itself works much like the character screens for Rook and the companions. You can "equip" an an armor and weapon for any companions, as well as an armor, headgear, and weapon for Rook on the screen, and the appearances of the gear equipped in the Wardrobe will override the appearance of any armor or weapon Rook or the companions have equipped, without changing the armor's stats or perks. This "transmog" effect can be toggled on and off in the character screen by toggling the "eyeball" icon.
Gear cannot be recolored, but color and material variants of many items can be found at vendors, picked up from chests, or earned from quests.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Blood Dragon Gear
Present in every Dragon Age game save Dragon Age Inquisition (as well as Mass Effect 2 and 3), Blood Dragon armor began as an early-era DLC bonus from back in the days of Oblivion Horse Armor and continued into the present.
TheVeilguard's version of Blood Dragon gear items consist of three armor sets and two headpieces. They are exclusive to players who pre-ordered Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and only available for Rook. They can be worn regardless of class or lineage, with one exception: Qunari Rooks cannot wear hats or helmets, and must make do with "Vitaar" face paint.

Blood Dragon Armor
Just as the original Blood Dragon Armor from Dragon Age: Origins was a recolored set of heavy armor, this set uses a heavy armor model commonly employed by Grey Wardens and Templars, though splashed with a vivid red bloodstain in the shape of the original Dragon Age logo across the left arm, chest and back.

Blood Dragon Mantle
The Blood Dragon Mantle is a set of cosmetic armor to fit a Rogue (though any class can wear it), and a base design resembling the Shadow Dragon Quickstart Leathers armor. It has long leather boots, a bright sash, a cowl-like mantle on the shoulders, and a bright red Blood Dragon stain on the left arm, chest, and back.

Blood Dragon Vestments
Meant for Mages, the Blood Dragon Vestments are heavily layered robes with a folded outer lapel on the coat and sleeves bound by many leather belts, all rendered in ash gray. Its pieces resemble a lightened version of the Defiant Plate armor set, without the metal cuirass, and bearing the telltale red Blood Dragon stain across the left side.

Helm of the Blood Dragon
The Helm of the Blood Dragon is a metallic heavy Griffon Helm made from shiny silverite and bearing a splashy Blood Dragon design across the left cheek.

Mask of the Blood Dragon
The Mask of the Blood Dragon is a unicolor version of the Mask of Light and Darkness found in some normal in-game armor sets, and is meant to be worn by lighter classes.

Penshatasash Warrior Vitaar
In compensation for not being able to wear full-face helmets and masks, the Qunari version of the Helm of the Blood Dragon is a Vitaar face paint design that features two blood dragons across both cheeks.

Penshataash Mage Vitaar
This Vitaar is identical to the Penshataash Warrior design, except it features the forehead marking that Qunari place on their Saarebas Mages.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Deluxe Items for Rook and the Companions
Owners of the deluxe edition of Dragon Age: The Veilguard also earn some extra cosmetics themed after the armor and weapons worn by the Arlathan elves at their height.
Unlike the pre-order Blood Dragon cosmetics, these looks aren't limited to armor, nor to Rook alone. All the members of the Veilguard get a suit to wear and a weapon to wield, while Rook has weapons for each character class (Mage, Rogue, and Warrior).
Here's a list and screenshots of all the deluxe items available:

Armor of Bellanaris (Rook)
This heavy elven armor features an Evanuris face on the belt and shoulder, in case you wanted to dress up in commemoration of the very elven gods you're on a mission to kill.

Reva's Robes (Rook)
Meant for a Mage, Reva's Robes feature long trails and brass plating similar to other Arlathan-era elven gear.

Harrelan's Bolts (Rook)
Designed for Rogues, this more form-fitting getup features enclosed toes and less smothering cloth layers, as well as a fetching drape of the cloak around the shoulders.

Ghellara Helm (Rook)
This heavy elven battle helm has a prominent crest in the form of a dragon raising its wings.

Katriel's False Face (Rogue)
This Rogue mask covers the mouth and jaw with an armored plate.

Circlet of Awe (Rook)
This Mage circlet might be one of the only headgear pieces in the game to not completely hide Rook's hair behind a skull cap or other covering.

Fademind Vitaar (Qunari Rook)
Designed to be worn by ex-Qun Qunari Mages, this Vitaar emphasizes the cheekbones with a stark white pattern.

Mind-Warrior Vitaar (Qunari Rook)
This Vitaar design draws a prominent crown around the wearer's face.

Mindshadow Vitaar (Qunari Rook)
This Vitaar breaks from format for the other deluxe face paint options in two ways: First by emphasizing earth tones in its color schema, and then by dropping the hyphen in the name.

Spellblade of the Fallen Kingdom (Mage Rook)
This weapon skin is exclusive to a Mage-class Rook and is visible when equipped to cover up a mageknife.

Staff of the Fallen Kingdom (Mage Rook)
This ancient elven mage staff bears similar brass elements as other peak elven civilization items, and has a double-ended design.

Blades of the Fallen Kingdom (Rogue Rook)
This yellow-brass blade appears in Rogue Rook's main hand and adds a bit of proto-Dalish flair to the wicked melee combos.

Bow of the Fallen Kingdom (Rogue Rook)
This elven Sentinel's bow features a lot of ornamentation and adds fancy flair to typically "scrappy" Rogue aesthetic.

Sword of the Fallen Kingdom
This Warrior-specific sword option has a thin blade and looks a bit like the Beacon Edge deluxe weapon skin available to Davrin.

Aegis of the Fallen Kingdom
This thick, spiky shield with occluded gem inlays is one of the larger available shield models in the game.

Maul of the Fallen Kingdom
This intimidating brass-headed maul will facilitate a lot of heavy AOE swings.

Bellara's Nerve and Ringlet of Sorrow
Bellara's deluxe outfit looks like a refined take on her default getup, festooned with luxury elven leather pouches and a fancy version of Bellara's magical armguard.
Her Ringlet of Sorrow bow is a lower-profile take on her default bow, with a twisting helix design in elven brass.

Davrin's Resolve, Beacon Edge, and Plate of the High Constable
Davrin wields an Arlathan elf knight ensemble similar to the Armor of Bellanaris, complete with Evanuris face deco, while his Beacon Edge sword and High Constable shield provide a distinct Dalish outline for the team's resident Warden.

Emmrich's Mystique and Staff of Incessant Gaze
Emmrich's high elven mage outfit preserves the professor's dignity, while the Staff of Incessant Gaze adds a sense of sinister sorcery. Notably, though, the head of the staff is angled to the side, causing some of Emmrich's animations to seem like he's holding his staff off-center.

Harding's Focus and Sunderbow
The known history of Arlathan elves makes little mention of Dwarves, so it's interesting to see the style adapted to Harding's shorter stature. Her Sunderbow weapon, though, looks like a priceless elven artifact put to good use by an expert Inquisition sniper.

Lucanis' Gall and Heartpiercer
Lucanis' deluxe edition outfit looks almost like the kind of armor set one would give to a warrior, if not for all the extra knives. His Heartpiercer rapier also matches the general vibe.

Neve's Fervor and Cat's Eye
Neve's distinct fashion sense is replicated in her deluxe outfit, allowing the elven aesthetic to be applied to Neve's style of offset hat. Her unique, scepter-like mage style is also given an Arlathan brass makeover.

Taash's Might and Grief
Taash's deluxe outfit is a straight render of the Armor of Bellanaris. Unusually for the weapon skins, Taash's deluxe axe, Grief, can be used in both the main and off-hand slots.
Veilguard Weapons and Armor
There's one last set of armor and weapon cosmetics that is unlocked for Rook when all the companions become "Heroes of the Veilguard."
This is accomplished when Rook completes the companion quests for everyone, and the pieces will be automatically added to the wardrobe. They will be based on Rook's class, and feature unique color schemes and the Veilguard logo on the clothes, while the weapons are stylized versions of the Veilguard "V".
Check out some screenshots of them below. At the moment we only have shots of the Mage gear, but we'll add more as we complete subsequent runs with the other classes.
Rebel's Robe, Koslun's Quill, and Rebel Staff (Mage Rook)
The armor set is a purple-and-black recolored version of the Shadow Dragon-themed Tevinter Battle Mage Robes, while the mage knife and staff are made of a brilliant bronze.
Rebel's Armor, Rebel Guard, Trusty Steel, and Drakon's Justice (Warrior Rook)
Rebel's Mantle, Singing Saber, and Bow for Old Rope (Rogue)
And those are all the premium and deluxe outfits. Check out more of our Dragon Age: The Veilguard guides at the hub page!