Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake: All Friendly Monster Locations
One of the new additions to Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is the inclusion of Friendly Monsters. These monsters are not found in battle, but instead out on the field. You'll find your first, Splatrick the Slime, automatically as part of the story shortly after Path of Promise. After this, you'll be able to find 121 friendly monsters in total in the world of DQ3.
If you have a Monster Wrangler in your party (which we recommend), you can recruit monsters with no problem as long as you can find them. If you do not have a Monster Wrangler in your party, you'll have to use abilities like Padfoot, spells like Fade, or items like Musk to approach the monster in order to talk to them. It's simply a lot more convenient to have a Monster Wrangler in your party, so you don't have to worry about capture conditions such as those.
When in any town or dungeon, you can use the Monster Wrangler's "Animal Instinct" ability to see if there's a monster close by. This ability will hint if there is monster is on an adjacent screen (the text will say the monster is "not too far away"), on the current screen you are on ("ready to be wrangled nearby"), or if there's a monster that would be out, but it's the wrong time of day. Also of course, this ability will let you know if there is no Friendly Monster nearby, so you can simply move on.
We list below all 121 Friendly Monsters you can find in the game. There's one very important note to make about monster names, though. The names of the monsters you see in your game may seem backwards or flipped compared to the ones in our list, depending on the order you find them.
For example, there are two "Antgobbler" monsters in the game. One is found in a Secret Spot north of Romaria. Another is found in Underground Lake. The first one you find will be named "Gobblebert", regardless if it's the one in the Secret Spot or the one in the Underground Lake. The second one you find will always be named "Antony". There's no difference between the two monsters otherwise.
So, keep that in mind when looking through the locations in the lists. We have two lists:
Walkthrough Order
DQ3 HD Friendly Monster Locations (Alphabetical)

For those near the end of the game trying to figure out "which monster did I miss?" we find it best to categorize monsters by type in alphabetical order. Go to Monty in any of the game's monster arenas, and you can sort the monsters by name, in which the game will list the monster types in the same order we have below. In this game menu, you can see the names of the monsters of that type. You can cross-reference your game list with our list here, hopefully figuring out which monsters you have yet to find.
- Antgobbler
- Gobblebert - Secret Spot in canyon north of Romaria
- Antony - Underground Lake B2 East
- Armful
- Armstrong - Baramos’s Lair, NE dead end near the water at night
- Armadeus - B2 NW room in Craggy Caves
- Bag O' Laughs
- Smiley - Asham NW during day
- Sir Laugh-a-Lot - Theddon Inn during the day
- Chortley - Reeve, night, requires Ra's Mirror
- Baramonster
- Barry Moss - In the NW warp portal dungeon in Temple of Trials
- Boreal Serpent
- Boris - Secret Spot NE of Khoryv (requires Everbird)
- Bubble Slime
- Bub - Skyfell Tower near 2F east chest
- Anjellica - Ibis Castle 2F west at night
- Cannibox
- Lecter - Kidnapper's Cave, Straight west from entrance, 3rd room over
- Yum-Yum - End of Fifer's Spire dungeon
- Catula
- Alutac - Western staircase 2F in Tower of Transcendence
- Luna - NE side of Jipang (Dusk)
- Chimaera
- Polly - Secret spot in desert SW of Damdara
- Buddy - NW corner of Rimuldar
- Slinky - 4th floor center room, on the upper path in Rubiss Tower
- Crone Ranger
- Hagatha - Dreamer's Tower, near Inn, requires Ra's Mirror
- Sabrina - Guy on the east side of Quagmire Cave
- Cumaulus
- Cloud - Secret spot on snow coast NE of Khoryu (May be at night only)
- Rainey - E side of Edina rooftop (Day)
- Fluffy - Secret spot SW of Olivia’s Promontory
- Cureslime
- Curie - NE part of Lanson, east of shrine (May be Dusk only)
- Meddie - West side of Castle of the Dragon Queen at dusk
- Mendy - Cloudsgate Citadel near SE fountain
- Elysium Bird
- Beaker - Secret Spot west side of Aliahan Island, requires Everbird
- Cronus - Small island in between large NE and large SE continents in Alefgard
- Firn Fiend
- Frosty - Secret Spot iceberg west of SW ice island in ocean (May be Dusk only)
- Franticore
- Frantico - Citadel Tower 4F
- Gold Golem
- Goldirox - Secret in southern plain of eastern continent in Alefgard
- Goodybag
- Jules - Talk to man north of fountain at night in the fully built Merchantburg (requires Ra's Mirror)
- Pearl - NE corner of Talontear Tunnel
- Great Keeper
- Goldie - Temple of Trials - NW corner of NE trial
- Green Dragon
- Green Giant - Secret Spot on peninsula SE of Craggy Cave
- Scales - North center room in 3rd level of the Heavens post game dungeon
- Handsome Crab
- Snapper - Secret Spot at Iceberg in ocean east of the big circular mountains of the NW continent
- Pinchy - E island in Lozamii (Dusk)
- Healslime
- Healie - Khoryv, near Inn at Dusk
- Fixer - Secret Spot in SW desert
- Healiza - Secret Spot rocks SE of Australia in ocean (Dusk)
- Heedoo Voodoo
- Whodoo - Secret Spot west of Theddon, across river (Night)
- Youdoo - Secret Spot NW of Wafarer's Chapel
- Hocus-Poker
- Mike - Talk to the woman in the SW corner of Damdara
- Hoodlum
- Hoodwink - Secret Spot oasis near lake on NW side of NE continent
- Hoodunnit - North Secret Spot in huge forest continent, need Ra's Mirror
- Imp
- Forker - NE room in Edina (Night)
- Prongley - NW room of Pirate's Den (day only)
- Shellvey - Girl on Pyramid 3F to the NW, requires Ra's Mirror
- Damon - Secret Spot Rocks NE of NE continent, requires Ra's Mirror
- Infernal Serpent
- Soaron - Secret Spot near Zoma’s Citadel
- Liquid Metal Slime
- Quicksilver - B3 Pit Room in Zoma’s Citadel
- Lump Shaman
- Manny - Just south of the land bridge connecting the Eastern continents.
- Genghis - Woman north room in Pirate Den at Night, requires Ra's Mirror
- Magmalice
- Alice - Orochi's Lair at south dead end
- Bernie - Top of Mt. Necrogond after defeating Garboyle
- Man O' War
- Jellie - Secret Spot beach west of Asham (requires boat)
- Sting - Secret Spot rocks N of Reeve in ocean (Dusk)
- Mermaniac
- Mercurio - Secret Spot rocks north of the snow-peninsula of the NE continent in ocean (Night)
- Merida - Secret Spot Island West of Romaria (woman, requires Ra's Mirror)
- Triton - Talk to NPC through the SW locked door in Rubiss Tower
- Metal Slime
- Steelie - Romaria Outpost (requires Ultimate Key)
- Alloy - Secret Spot in Heavens (the "???" post-game mini world map)
- Mimic
- Death - L3 south dead end in Maw of the Necrogond
- Famine - Secret Spot E of Ibis (requires Everbird)
- Minidemon
- Lucy - Rooftop of Manoza Castle
- Balam - Persistence (Night, east horse, require's Ra's Mirror)
- Lilith - Hiding behind sign south of west building in Cantlin
- Mummy
- Mumsy - Near Church in Ibis at night
- Imhopep - Guy in Manoza graveyard at night, requires Ra's Mirror
- Mushroom Mage
- Mush - Secret Spot NW of Kidnapper's Cave (Night)
- Schroominger - Secret Spot SW of Portoga Lighthouse
- Overtoad
- Ribbert - SW exit of Baharata
- Amphoebe - SE rice field in Jipgang (Night)
- Croaker - Secret Spot west of Gaia's Navel (during solo dungeon trial)
- Prestidigitator
- Trixie - Secret spot tree west of Khoryv, at Dusk
- Hoodini - Secret Spot north of Portoga
- Maggie - Path of Promise, guy near pits, requires Ra's Mirror
- Spellie - East side of Castle of the Dragon Queen during day
- Rampage
- Baatholomewe - Secret Spot far north of Pirate's Den, south of mountains (Day)
- Ramsdale - At the NW side of Grimland
- Raven Lunatic
- Edgar - Faerie Village on the SW side (Night)
- Allan - Secret Spot SE of Baharata
- Restless Armour
- Arthur - Secret Spot far south of Asham (may be night only)
- Percival - Secret Spot Far SE of Alltrades Abbey (Night)
- Bedivere - B1 side path in Gaia's Navel, use Musk to approach
- Galahad - Secret Spot N of Persistence (requires Everbird)
- Rockbomb
- Rocky - Manoza Cave B2
- Blasty - Norvik (guy west of inn, requires Ra's Mirror)
- Seaslime
- Marin - Portoga, eastern pier at night.
- Schwimmer - Secret Spot Rock formation NW of Edina in ocean
- Shelley - Secret Spot in water inlet on west side of the SW continent in Alefgard
- Shell Slime
- Shella - NE pier in Mur
- Oozey - Necrogond Shrine, NE side at night
- Spiner - West lawn of Galen’s House
- She-Slime
- Shiela - Tantegel Gardens behind castle
- Abigoo - Sanctum NW
- Oozebeth - Jail section of the postgame dungeon
- Silhouette
- Silly - Teleportal Shrine, Priest, requires Ra's Mirror
- Casper - In the well in Kol
- Slime
- Splatrick - Automatic at Shrine of Promise
- Slimon - NE side of Alltrades Abbey at Night
- Torijammer - Aliahan Prison (requires Ultimate Key)
- Gootrude - Secret Spot (boulder) NE of Tantegel
- Goobert - South end of Temple of Trials
- Soaring Scourger
- Sky - SW dead end of main path B3 in Zoma’s Citadel
- Spiked Hare
- Harry - NE of fountain in Romaria at night
- Hornbert - Secret spot between Norvik and Faerie Village, to the south, during Day
- Squidzilla
- Tenda - North end of Ghost Ship
- Inky - Secret Spot rock in water in SE dead end in inner ocean in Alefgard
- Troll
- Trevor - L2 east room in Maw of the Necrogond
- Ursa Major
- Bobo - West side of Castle of the Dragon Queen at night
- Walking Corpse
- Hel - Secret Spot Near poison swamp in Inlet maze in NE continent (Night)
- Hades - Basement of NE building in Theddon
- Grim - B1, NE side of Ghost Ship
- Whackanape
- King Strong - Secret Spot NW of Mur (Night)
- Joe - Secret spot N of Wayfarer Shrine (requires ship)
- Wyrtle
- Zippy - Secret Spot rocks in east ocean in between two continents
- Turgon - NW island in Lozamii (Night)
- Wyrtoise
- Torgon - Secret Spot on small NW island in Alefgard
- Xenlon
- Xenwrong - On the final path in Temple of Trials
DQ3 HD Friendly Monster Locations (In Walkthrough Order)
This list contains the same monsters as the above list, but obtained in same order as our step-by-step walkthrough. This list will be more useful as a checklist while going through the game.
Romaria Region
- Splatrick (Slime) - Automatic at Shrine of Promise
- Harry (Spiked Hare) - NE of fountain in Romaria at night
- Gobblebert (Antgobbler) - Secret Spot in canyon north of Romaria
- Trixie (Prestidigitator) - Secret spot tree west of Khoryv, at Dusk
- Hornbert (Spiked Hare) - Secret spot between Norvik and Faerie Village, to the south, during Day
- Cloud (Cumaulus) - Secret spot on snow coast NE of Khoryu (May be at night only)
- Healie (Healslime) - Khoryv, near Inn at Dusk
- Bub (Bubble Slime) - Skyfell Tower near 2F east chest
- Edgar (Raven Lunatic) - Faerie Village on the SW side (Night)
- Antony (Antgobbler) - Underground Lake B2 East
Asham / Desert Region
- Arthur (Restless Armour) - Secret Spot far south of Asham (may be night only)
- Smiley (Bag O' Laughs) - Asham NW during day
- Fixer (Healslime) - Secret Spot in SW desert
- Mumsy (Mummy) - Near Church in Ibis at night
- Anjellica (Bubble Slime) - Ibis Castle 2F west at night
- Hoodini (Prestidigitator) - Secret Spot north of Portoga
- Marin (Seaslime) - Portoga, eastern pier at night.
- Fluffy (Cumaulus) - Secret spot SW of Olivia’s Promontory
- Ribbert (Overtoad) - SW exit of Baharata
- Allan (Raven Lunatic) - Secret Spot SE of Baharata
Alltrades Abbey Region
- Mush (Mushroom Mage) - Secret Spot NW of Kidnapper's Cave (Night)
- Lecter (Cannibox) - Kidnapper's Cave, Straight west from entrance, 3rd room over
- Percival (Restless Armour) - Secret Spot Far SE of Alltrades Abbey (Night)
- King Strong (Whackanape) - Secret Spot NW of Mur (Night)
- Slimon (Slime) - NE side of Alltrades Abbey at Night
- Shella (Shell Slime) - NE pier in Mur
- Alutac (Catula) - Western staircase 2F in Tower of Transcendence
Ocean Region
This grouping contains Friendly Monsters which can be obtained once you get your sailing ship.
- Schroominger (Mushroom Mage) - Secret Spot SW of Portoga Lighthouse
- Jellie (Man O' War) - Secret Spot beach west of Asham (requires boat)
- Snapper (Handsome Crab) - Secret Spot at Iceberg in ocean east of the big circular mountains of the NW continent
- Schwimmer (Seaslime) - Secret Spot Rock formation NW of Edina in ocean
- Joe (Whackanape) - Secret spot N of Wayfarer Shrine (requires ship)
- Frosty (Firn Fiend) - Secret Spot iceberg west of SW ice island in ocean (May be Dusk only)
- Healiza (Healslime) - Secret Spot rocks SE of Australia in ocean (Dusk)
- Sting (Man O' War) - Secret Spot rocks N of Reeve in ocean (Dusk)
- Hel (Walking Corpse) - Secret Spot Near poison swamp in Inlet maze in NE continent (Night)
- Zippy (Wyrtle) - Secret Spot rocks in east ocean in between two continents
- Mercurio (Mermaniac) - Secret Spot rocks north of the snow-peninsula of the NE continent in ocean (Night)
- Whodoo (Heedoo Voodoo) - Secret Spot west of Theddon, across river (Night)
- Hades (Walking Corpse) - Basement of NE building in Theddon
- Sir Laugh-a-Lot (Bag O' Laughs) - Theddon Inn during the day
- Curie (Cureslime) - NE part of Lanson, east of shrine (May be Dusk only)
- Forker (Imp) - NE room in Edina (Night)
- Rainey (Cumaulus) - E side of Edina rooftop (Day)
- Luna (Catula) - NE side of Jipang (Dusk)
- Amphoebe (Overtoad) - SE rice field in Jipgang (Night)
Ultimate Key Monsters
There are two monsters that require the Ultimate Key
- Torijammer (Slime) - Aliahan Prison (requires Ultimate Key)
- Steelie (Metal Slime) - Romaria Outpost (requires Ultimate Key)
- Turgon (Wyrtle) - NW island in Lozamii (Night)
- Pinchy (Handsome Crab) - E island in Lozamii (Dusk)
Pirate's Den
- Prongley (Imp) - NW room of Pirate's Den (day only)
- Baatholomewe (Rampage) - Secret Spot far north of Pirate's Den, south of mountains (Day)
Eastern Continent
- Ramsdale (Rampage) - At the NW side of Grimland
- Hoodwink (Hoodlum) - Secret Spot oasis near lake on NW side of NE continent
- Manny (Lump Shaman) - Just south of the land bridge connecting the Eastern continents.
- Yum-yum (Cannibox) - End of Fifer's Spire dungeon
Gaia's Navel
- Croaker (Overtoad) - Secret Spot west of Gaia's Navel (during solo dungeon trial)
- Bedivere (Restless Armour) - B1 side path in Gaia's Navel, use Musk to approach
Orochi's Layer
- Alice (Magmalice) - Orochi's Lair at south dead end
Manoza (Area)
- Youdoo (Heedoo Voodoo) - Secret Spot NW of Wafarer's Chapel
- Lucy (Minidemon) - Rooftop of Manoza Castle
- Rocky (Rockbomb) - Manoza Cave B2
Ra's Mirror
These monsters are obtainable after getting Ra's Mirror. Think of this like a world tour around places you've already been to collect 'hidden monsters' .
- Balam (Minidemon) - Persistence, night, east horse
- Chortley (Bag O' Laughs)- Reeve, night, boy by the horse
- Blasty (Rockbomb) - Norvik, guy west of inn
- Hagatha (Crone Ranger) - Dreamer's Tower, near Inn
- Maggie (Prestidigitator) - Path of Promise, guy near pits
- Shellvey (Imp) - Girl on Pyramid 3F to the NW
- Merida (Mermaniac) - Secret Spot Island West of Romaria
- Silly (Silhouette) - Teleportal Shrine, Priest
- Damon (Imp) - Secret Spot Rocks NE of NE continent, E from Teleportal Shrine in ocean
- Genghis (Lump Shaman) - Woman in left N room in Pirate Den at Night
- Imhopep (Mummy) - Manoza, guy in graveyard at night
Ghost Ship
- Tenda (Squidzilla) - North end of Ghost Ship
- Grim (Walking Corpse) - B1, NE side of Ghost Ship
Mt. Necrogond / Maw of the Necrogond
- Bernie (Magmalice) - Top of Mt. Necrogond after defeating Garboyle
- Trevor (Troll) - L2 east room in Maw of the Necrogond
- Death (Mimic Monster) - L3 south dead end in Maw of the Necrogond
- Oozey (Shell) - Necrogond Shrine, NE side at night
These monsters are in Secret Spots that require the Everbird. (Some of these do not specifically need the Everbird, but best gotten at this point).
- Boris (Boreal Serpent) - Secret Spot NE of Khoryv (requires Everbird)
- Famine (Mimic) - Secret Spot E of Ibis (requires Everbird)
- Beaker (Elysium Bird) - Secret Spot west side of Aliahan Island (requires Everbird)
- Galahad (Restless Armour) - Secret Spot N of Persistence (requires Everbird)
- Jules (Goodybag) - Talk to man north of fountain at night in the fully built Merchantburg (requires Ra's Mirror)
- Hoodunnit (Hoodlum) - North Secret Spot in huge forest continent, need Ra's Mirror
Baramos' Lair / Castle of the Dragon Queen
- Armstrong (Armful) - Baramos’s Lair, NE dead end near the water at night
- Bobo (Ursa Major) - West side of Castle of the Dragon Queen at night
- Spellie (Prestidigitator) - East side of Castle of the Dragon Queen during day
- Meddie (Cureslime) - West side of Castle of the Dragon Queen at dusk
Tantegel Region
- Gootrude (Slime) - Secret Spot (boulder) NE of Tantegel
- Spiner (Shell) - West lawn of Galen’s House
- Shiela (She-Slime) - Tantegel Gardens behind castle
Alefgard World Map
- Torgon (Wyrtoise) - Secret Spot on small NW island in Alefgard
- Cronus (Elysium Bird) - Small island in between large NE and large SE continents in Alefgard
- Inky (Squidzilla) - Secret Spot rock in water in SE dead end in inner ocean in Alefgard
- Shelley (Seaslime) - Secret Spot in water inlet on west side of the SW continent in Alefgard
Craggy Cave / Damdara Area
- Armadeus (Armful) - B2 NW room in Craggy Caves
- Green Giant (Green Dragon) - Secret Spot on peninsula SE of Craggy Cave
- Polly (Chimaera) - Secret spot in desert SW of Damdara
- Mike (Hocus-Poker) - Talk to the woman in the SW corner of Damdara
Cantlin / Rimuldar / Kol Region
- Lilith (Minidemon) - Hiding behind sign south of west building in Cantlin
- Goldirox (Gold Golem) - Secret in southern plain of eastern continent in Alefgard
- Buddy (Chimaera) - NW corner of Rimuldar
- Casper (Silhouette) - In the well in Kol
Other Alefgard Locations
- Sabrina (Crone Ranger) - Guy on the east side of Quagmire Cave
- Triton (Mermaniac) - Talk to NPC through the SW locked door in Rubiss Tower
- Slinky (Chimaera) - 4th floor center room, on the upper path in Rubiss Tower
- Abigoo (She-Slime) - Northwest of Sanctum
- Pearl (Goodybag) - NE corner of Talontear Tunnel
- Soaron (Infernal Serpent) - Secret Spot near Zoma’s Citadel
- Quicksilver (Liquid Metal Slime) - B3 Pit Room in Zoma’s Citadel
- Sky (Soaring Scourger) - SW dead end of main path B3 in Zoma’s Citadel
- Alloy (Metal Slime) - Secret Spot in Heavens (the "???" post-game mini world map)
- Scales (Green Dragon) - North center room in 3rd level of the Heavens post game dungeon
- Oozebeth (She-Slime) - Jail section of the postgame dungeon
- Mendy (Cureslime) - Cloudsgate Citadel near SE fountain
- Frantico (Franticore) - Citadel Tower 4F
- Goobert (Slime) - South end of Temple of Trials
- Barry Moss (Baramonster) - In the NW warp portal dungeon in Temple of Trials.
- Goldie (Great Keeper) - NW corner of NE trial
- Xenwrong (Xenlon) - On the final path in Temple of Trials