Marvel's Avengers Kate Bishop update content and next-generation versions delayed
Square Enix has posted a lengthy "State of the Game" update post for Marvel's Avengers, outlining current plans for the game, a bonus to players, as well as some details on incoming updates.

In the post, Crystal Dynamics boss Scot Amos acknowledges the launch issues surrounding the game, and in response is awarding players with the free credits, units, and other currency for their support. He also outlines incoming QoL type updates to the game based on player feedback, such as Mission Reward Clarity and better indicators for off-screen enemy attacks. The game has also been undergoing continual improvement of matchmaking, stability, loot, and some new content.
With all of this in mind, Amos revealed that the upcoming Kate Bishop storyline, a free update originally set to launch in October, will be 'slightly delayed', which will be followed by Clint Barton Hawkeye and then a new Hero in 2021.
Additionally, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series versions of Marvel's Avengers will now also launch in 2021, citing time needed to ensure the best next-gen experience possible.
Scot Amos ends the post with the following quote:
I’d like to end this State of the Game update with a heartfelt note to you - our fans.
Reflecting on this past year and the isolating global climate that has come with it – Super Hero stories feel more important than ever. On an individual level, Super Heroes inspire us to dig deep and get back up after being knocked down. From a societal perspective, they illustrate how our differences enrich communities big and small.
In our nearly 30-year history, Crystal Dynamics has never shipped a game under conditions like these; from working at home to avoid a pandemic, to some of us evacuating said homes to stay safe from wildfires. While the challenges 2020 has surfaced are many, it’s also instilled a strength in us; to reassemble a team divided by geography and life circumstances, and come back stronger, united by a mission to do right by you.
This is, in part, why we have taken our responsibility developing Marvel’s Avengers so seriously. It’s our opportunity to pass on that core heroes’ spirit of heart and hope, connect you with friends near and far, and inspire you to plant your feet against a sea of adversity and say, "No, you move".
Marvel’s Avengers is far more than a game to us, and you are far more than its players. You are our Super Heroes. We may be apart, but we are all in this together.