Final Fantasy XI's mobile remake has been canned
At the end of last year word got out that the mobile-based reboot/remake of much-loved MMO Final Fantasy XI has been cancelled. Today, that rumor has been confirmed by Japanese website
The news post, as spotted by the good folks over at Gematsu, says that Square Enix and development partner Nexon determined that the game, which was officially titled Final Fantasy XI R, wasn't up to the high quality standards of the FF series. Thes taff from the game on both the Nexon and Square Enix sides have now been redeployed to other projects.

Final Fantasy XI R was announced back in March 2015, and appeared to have a difficult development. Over the years a handful of screenshots and other game materials made their way onto the internet, but were often quickly hit with legal takedown claims by Nexon and Square Enix - as if the two companies wanted to keep the game's current state hidden. Today, it appears clear why: it wasn't up to scratch, and now the project has been cancelled.
The game was originally envisioned as a mobile reboot of FF11 that'd remake certain aspects of the game and world to make it more mobile friendly. While the PC servers for FF11 remain online, the mobile game would also serve as a replacement and continuation for the land of Vana'diel, which of course has been superceded by Final Fantasy XIV's ever-growing world.