New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots, Artwork released

Square Enix Europe has just sent down a new batch of Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots and one piece of artwork - and, as ever, we've uploaded them to the Media Vault.

The screens feature some shots that have been in Japanese magazines lately as well as new shots of battles and cutscenes in English. Some of the shots Square Enix Europe released are actually old, but we've seperated out those and only put the all-new ones in this article. Even then, these aren't all 100% new - many are just higher resolution versions of shots we've already seen - but still!

The artwork released is the same old CG render of Noel, though now we've got it in high res, which is nice. Check them all out below. Rember that if you want to see the rest, you  can see all the screens, artwork and videos released of FF13-2 so far over in the Media Vault.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots