Shin Megami Tensei V Update Ver.1.02 now available, adds camera and brightness settings
Update (December 7)
Atlus West has confirmed that the update will release in the west on December 9.
Version 1.0.2 of #ShinMegamiTenseiV will be released on 12/9! This patch will add additional gameplay settings and minor game adjustments. (GIF unrelated I just think it's neat)
— Official ATLUS West (@Atlus_West) December 6, 2021
Atlus has released Update Ver.1.02 for Shin Megami Tensei V, adding a few new configuration options and tweaking a dungeon gimmick. The update is now live in Japan and will hopefully roll out worldwide over the next day or so.
The main additions in this new patch are new settings for both brightness as well as the camera viewing angle position behind the Nahobino. A slight tweak has been made on the third floor of the Demon's King Castle as well, simplifying the number of jumps needed to be made. Other minor fixes are also addressed, of course.
Atlus released some images to showcase the new brightness and camera options, which can be found below. Shin Megami Tensei V released for Nintendo Switch last month. You can check out our review or some of our guides.
Shin Megami Tensei V - Update Ver.1.02
Camera Viewing Angle Settings (11 Levels)

Brightness Settings (11 Levels)

Simplification of the capture gimmick of the 3rd layer of Demon Castle
Reduction of the number of continuous jump gimmicks after the Leyline Fount in the Demon's King Castle 3rd floor.