Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis early 2022 roadmap teases more updates
At the early December 2021 NGS Headline program, Sega revealed a new roadmap for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, showing plans to update the online RPG throughout the first half of 2022. These monthly updates will follow the massive Sandstorm Requiem update that adds the Retem region on December 15. The roadmap culminates with a second massive update adding another story extension and a new region in Planet Halpha in June 2022.
You can find the new roadmap right below:

While New Genesis will see new content updates every month, it will get bigger additions in a bi-monthly interval. Sega will gradually raise the max level caps more frequently compared to the first six months.
The February update will add ARKS ID as an introduction card for players and a Music Disc playback feature for the player's companion Mag while bringing a new side story and raising the level cap to 40. Meanwhile, the April update will add a new urgent quest and new rooms dedicated to character photoshoots while increasing the max level again to 45. The level cap will rise further to 60 when the massive update in June comes through.
However, this roadmap should not be taken for granted, as development setbacks may cause several features to be pushed back in later months. As evidenced by the first roadmap in late 2021, the Mag Share System implementation was delayed from August to the October "Bouncer class" update, while the Title System is also getting pushed back to the impending Retem region update this December.
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is available on PCs worldwide, as well as Xbox One and Xbox Series X. While the game is also available on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch (cloud version), the latter platforms are exclusive to Japan.