Thirteen Characters Assemble for Final Fantasy Type-0
FINAL FANTASY Type-0 is a game filled with many characters.
Class Zero, which consists of Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater, Cinque, Sice, Seven, Eight, Nine, Jack, Queen, and King. Additionally, there is Machina and Rem, but they don’t count toward the main cast.
Speaking with Gan Gan Magazine, director Hajime Tabata confirms a thirteenth character will be involved with the story somehow. He also confirms that the average clear time for a first play-through will clock out at around 40 hours. If you decide to play the game a second time, you’ll be treated to a different story involving Class Zero.
FINAL FANTASY Type-0 will also only have five summons total.
The game sadly still hasn't been announced for the West at all - but don't fear! The PSP is region-free and Play Asia have the Asian and Japanese versions of the game available for preorder. In addition to that, two versions of the soundtrack by Crisis Core composer Takeharu Ishimoto are also available for Preorder.