Final Fantasy Type-0 Sells 472K First Week

First week sales numbers for FINAL FANTASY Type-0 are in.

According to 4Gamer, the game moved a total of 472,253 copies, putting it at the number one spot for the week. Note that this includes retail copies only. We’ll possibly get a figure including the download version from Square Enix at a later time.

This sales figure appears to be on par for PSP titles in general - Type-0's sales are remarkably similar to that of Crisis Core FINAL FANTASY VII's first week sales of 486,659 copies. That went on to sell over 800K. Dissidia: Final Fantasy likewise sold around 489,126 copies and went on to sell 924,321 copies.

It will be interesting to see if this can do the same kind of numbers in the long run - and how many folks have plumped for the download version in order to use it with the PS Vita.

The game sadly hasn't been announced for the West at all - but don't fear! The PSP is region-free and Play Asia have the Asian and Japanese versions of the game available for import. In addition to that, two versions of the soundtrack by Crisis Core composer Takeharu Ishimoto are also available.

If you can't get enough Type-0 you can find more ScreenshotsArtwork and Videos of Type-0 over in the Media Vault.