Falcom officially announces Ys X: Nordics, set to release in Japan for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch in 2023
Following some pre-announcement teasers earlier in the year, Falcom has officially announced Ys X: Nordics, set to release in Japan for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch in 2023. The official website is here.
The setting of this newest entry is Oberia Bay, an archipelago in a northern sea - seemingly inspired by real-world Scandinavia. Here in this locale, Adol meets a maritime people known as the Normans, as well as dangerous foes known as 'Griegers' - an undead race that threatens people.

The combat system in Ys X is statedly different from the party system used in recent Ys titles. There are two modes of combat: (1) a Solo Mode where player controls a single character independently while a support character acts automatically, and (2) a "Combi" Mode where the player controls two characters simultaneously in a back-and-forth type manner.

Ys X also includes a mode where Adol can pilot his own sailing ship. You can explore the sea using nautical charts while engaging in naval warfare with enemy ships. There is also a new system in place for navigating fields & dungeons call "Mana Action", although this has yet to be detailed.
An English localization has not yet been announced. NIS America has localized the two most previous Ys titles in Lacrimosa of Dana and Monstrum Nox, so perhaps we can eventually expect an announcement from them in the future. Falcom games are infamous for long localization times to English, with still no word on English releases for titles like The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki and its sequel.