Cyberpunk 2077 patch 2.02 rebalances vehicle contracts, fixes various bugs and quest issues
Developer CD Projekt RED has issued a new patch for Cyberpunk 2077, bringing the game's version number up to version 2.02. This is the second patch for the game issued since the release of Cyberpunk 2077's comprehensive "2.0" update and its accompanying Phantom Liberty expansion. The previous patch, version 2.01, launched on October 5, 2023.
The Cyberpunk 2077 2.02 patch includes various bug fixes specific to content in the Phantom Liberty expansion and the Dogtown area. Particularly prominent are quest progression and world state issues related to using the option to skip directly to Phantom Liberty from a new game. Apparently, choosing this option had the tendency to cause issues with quests that would otherwise have been completed "naturally" by a player moving around the open world and progressing the game from the prologue onward.
Other tweaks include adjustments to the time limits on Vehicle Contract side gigs. Vehicle Contracts are a way to gain favor with Fixer Muamar "El Capitan" Reyes, who runs a chain of semi-randomized side gigs that allow players to earn money and eventually access free vehicles.
CD Projekt Red also rebalanced some of Cyberpunk 2077's weapons "based on player feedback". In one specific case, the Malorian Arms 3516, the iconic pistol belonging to Johnny Silverhand himself, was tweaked to make it hit harder while being easier to manage at low stamina.

Here are the full patch notes:
Patch 2.02 for Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty is live! It includes quest and gameplay fixes for the most common issues as well as other general improvements.
For details, check out the list of changes below.
Phantom Liberty-specific
- Rebalanced the time limits for Vehicle Contracts.
- Various fixes for animations, lighting, scenes, VFX and more.
- Fixed collision issues in various locations that could cause players to get stuck.
- When starting a new game and skipping ahead to Phantom Liberty, quests that were simulated as completed will now be visible in the Journal.
- Fixed an issue where the Quadra Sport R-7 "Vigilante" wasn't available for purchase on the Autofixer website in some circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where roadblocks were present in front of the Dogtown gates, thus preventing entry.
- Sasquatch's Hammer will now appear in the vendor's stock at the stadium's black market if it was originally missed after the boss fight with Sasquatch.
- Dex's body will now spawn in the landfill on saves where the option to skip ahead to Phantom Liberty was selected.
- It will now be possible to pick up Jackie's guns from the altar in El Coyote Cojo on saves where the option to skip ahead to Phantom Liberty was selected.
Addicted To Chaos- Fixed an issue where it could become impossible to complete the quest if the stash is looted before receiving the message with the code. Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos- Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, the quest could remain active even after failing it by not following the traces left by Songbird. Firestarter- It will no longer be possible to disassemble the stadium security datashard after looting it from Hansen's body, thus blocking quest progression. Firestarter- It will now be possible to pick up the Bald Eagle weapon after siding with Songbird. Gig: Roads to Redemption- Fixed an issue where the door leading to the stadium's weapons factory could be opened by accident earlier inFirestarter, which later interfered with gig progression and could lock the player behind the door. Hi Ho Silver Lining- Fixed an issue where the objective "Leave Heavy Hearts" might not be marked complete after leaving Heavy Hearts. I've Seen That Face Before- Fixed an issue where the "Go to the vantage point" objective might not be marked complete after reaching the vantage point. Moving Heat- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to get in the car because it didn't spawn. Moving Heat- Fixed an issue where the quest could remain stuck on the "Leave with the car" objective even after getting in the car and leaving the area. Run This Town- Fixed an issue where the Black Sapphire could become inaccessible because of closed shutters if the player had triggered combat in the lobby at the end ofYou Know My Name. Run This Town- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to meet Mr. Hands in Heavy Hearts because the elevator was disabled. Run This Town- Fixed an issue where the character menu and fast travel remained blocked after removing Aguilar's imprint. Run This Town- Fixed an issue where the Journal incorrectly suggested that the player had to completeGig: Spy in the Jungleto continue the quest when, in fact,Gig: Heaviest of Heartswas required instead. Somewhat Damaged- Fixed an issue where Cerberus wouldn't spawn until the corridor chase scene if the player fired a weapon in a specific spot near terminal Sierra. Somewhat Damaged- Removed the attribute check from doors when locked in the Observation Room and adjusted the objective to make it clearer that hiding from Cerberus is required to progress. Spider and the Fly- Fixed an issue where the boss fight with the Chimera might not start. The Damned- Fixed an issue where the quest objective disappeared after the meeting in The Moth, thus blocking progress. The Killing Moon- Fixed an issue where it was possible to trigger the police system while driving to the spaceport. Things Done Changed- Fixed an issue where the screen could go black after calling the nurse. Tomorrow Never Knows- Fixed an issue where completing Heroes made it impossible to ask Misty about the tarot cards. New Person, Same Old Mistakes- Fixed an issue where the door to Bill's hot dog stand was still closed for some players on 2.01.Quests & Open World
- Fixed an issue where the Quadra Type-66 "Wingate" wasn't visible in the Call Vehicle menu after being purchased.
- Johnny will no longer appear when collecting the reward for Trauma Drama prior to completing Act 1.
- The Trauma Team website will now be accessible on V's computer when the
Killing in the Namequest is active. Beat on the Brat: Arroyo- Fixed an issue where beating Buck while having Microgenerator cyberware equipped could block completion of the quest. Gig: We Have Your Wife- Fixed an issue where the gig might not start after approaching the quest area. Life During Wartime- Fixed an issue where Panam might not get on the motorcycle and ride to the gas station if V got on theirs first. Path of Glory- V will no longer flatline after entering the Delamain AV. The Beast in Me- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to shoot from the vehicle during the race.Gameplay
- Rebalanced the stats of some weapons based on player feedback.
- The Malorian Arms 3516 received a buff. Recoil is easier to handle, even at low stamina, and damage was increased.
- Crafting specs for Iconic weapons will now disappear after crafting the item.
- Added stats to the tooltip of Monowire that were missing.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to duplicate junk items.
- Bullets now deal damage correctly when shooting through glass.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to easily obtain Tier 5 Skill Shards early in the game. Their prices have also been adjusted.
- Disabled the Bait quickhack on enemies standing at the edge of an area they're not supposed to leave.
- Fixed an issue where the Data Recycler perk recovered the base RAM cost without taking RAM reduction perks into account, thus recovering more RAM than was actually spent.
- Fixed some specific instances where crowd NPCs could clip through vehicles while walking.
- Fixed an issue that could cause elevators in various quests to spawn on an incorrect floor if a save/load was performed after they started moving.
- Fixed an issue where the appearance of V's hands in first-person perspective might not change correctly after installing or uninstalling arm cyberware.
- Giving money to a homeless person will no longer lower your NCPD Wanted Level.
- Selecting default graphics settings should now pick the proper Quick Preset based on your hardware and according to the latest system recommendations.
- Introduced a mechanism for the detection of mismatched or corrupted scripts which are caused by outdated mods or file corruption during update/installation. It will now show a descriptive error message and close the game instead of resulting in a crash.
- Various optimizations, performance improvements and crash fixes.
- Fixed an issue where some achievements or trophies could unlock after loading a pre-2.0 save on 2.01 despite not meeting the criteria for them. Please note that this fix will not reset already unlocked achievements.
- Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, a "Warning - Detected" message could be displayed instead of "Completed" when having your vehicle scanned or when connecting your personal link.
- Fixed an issue of blinking trash that could sometimes be visible when crawling out of the landfill in Playing for Time.
- Fixed a misaligned glitch effect on Johnny.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs could appear stretched out when affected by explosions or the Savage Sling ability.
- Fixed an issue where tooltips on the map and interaction prompts for renting apartments showed double the actual price.
- Blocked Cross-progression from uploading saves bigger than the max save size limit on consoles to prevent crashes and issues when importing such saves.
- Remastered the voiceover to improve audio quality in German, Simplified Chinese and Japanese.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. The Phantom Liberty expansion is available on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.