After a brief synopsis establishing the premise of the cop duo, they introduce a mysterious trio of cats named Purr, Meow, and Hiss. Several new party members were also unveiled - including a tank named Administrator Gold, a self-proclaimed evolved robot, and two jelly-looking blobs. Three more worlds were given the spotlight too: the skyscraper-filled Capitol City, the science-driven world of Vermiglio, and the microcosmic Kosmos realm.
A new Ephemeral race details how that unique species' gameplay mechanics function. Ephemerals grow and mature the more battles they fight; as they become stronger, their maximum LP decreases. Once their LP is completely diminished, they're reborn once more and pass down techs and spells to their next generation. Two-handed guns and martial art fighting types were detailed, as well.
Read up on all the new information down below.
SaGa Emerald Beyond comes out on April 25, 2024 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC (Steam), and mobile devices simultaneously.
Bonnie and Formina’s Story
Former marine Bonnie Blair and renowned sharpshooter Formina Franklyn are two police officers working together to find the truth behind the assassination attempt on the President of Capitol City, a world studded with skyscrapers.
With the claim of a key person of interest in the case that the president is a traitor and a mysterious triangle piece as their only clues, they set off on a journey through other worlds to uncover the hidden truth behind the incident.
A Mysterious Group of…Cats? Encountered During the Investigation
A group of large feline beasts from The Great Tree. It isn’t clear if these cats are siblings or completely unrelated. It’s also unclear what gender they are, or if they even have genders to begin with.
Each of the three cats has their own distinctive personality: Purr is good at playing cute to get their own way; Hiss is very wary and always prickly; and Meow is something of an all-rounder.
Characters Who Can Join the Party
Emily Bryant
Administrator Gold
Final Emperor
The Worlds of SaGa Emerald Beyond
Capitol City
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A Combat System That Includes a Wide Variety of Races, Weapons, Techs and Spells