Star Trek: Online adds free playable Typhoon cruiser, Lower Decks cosmetics, but delays new story content

The latest update for Star Trek: Online has added a bonus that veteran players might remember best: A ship that was first noticed at launch in 2010 and never before made playable, until now. The new update also accompanies a series of new additions based on animated series Star Trek: Lower Decks, and an announcement from developer Cryptic of a delay to planned main story campaign content.

Earlier in September, developer Cryptic announced an update to its content schedule for the game. Rather than releasing a new main story episode in 2024, the next main story episode will be released for the game's 15th anniversary celebration, which is expected to take place in late January or February 2025. Cryptic attributed the change in plans to the ongoing transfer of Star Trek: Online's operations and further development to studio DECA Games.

The playable starship is both new and very familiar: The Typhoon Battlecruiser. Originally found as an NPC ship in high-level areas, the Typhoon was a large Federation starship that, in combat, served as the most powerful type of Federation enemy. It was never made playable, and later replaced as developer Cryptic improved Star Trek: Online's graphics and production values after launch. Now the ship is available in "remastered" form, with an updated design and high-level stats. Any players who participate in the ongoing "Dimensional Typhoon" limited-time event can earn it for themselves.

In addition to the Typhoon, the update also brought some free and premium items based on Star Trek: Lower Decks. The free items are a hairstyle option that mimics that used by Vulcan Lieutenant T'Lyn, and a cybernetic implant identical to the one worn by Lieutenant Sam Rutherford.

The premium Lower Decks items include melee weapons based on Orion swords and Betazoid batons, as well as costumes based on the outfit of Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens, and even playable pet creatures based on Badgey, the malevolent cartoon photonic construct. The items are available through the game's Lobi store, a special store that uses currency earned by opening paid lockbox items or participating in limited-time event campaigns.

Star Trek: Online is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The Dimensional Typhoon event runs until October 17, 2024.