RPG Speedrunning marathon Questing for Glory returns today
Every year, the RPG speedrunning community meets for various marathon events, one of which is Questing For Glory, kicks off today at 12pm PT over at the RPGLimitBreak twitch channel. As a fan of both speedruns and RPGs (shocking, I know), Questing for Glory is one of those events that I look forward to, right up there with RPG Limit Break and Games Done Quick. This year, it looks to be offering a great variety of games for people to tune into and watch.

Games this year include a Mega Man Battle Network 2 race, Dark Cloud 2, Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance, Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen, and The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, among many, MANY others. A full list and schedule can be found here, too, if you want to see if your favorite RPG will be featured.
If you are interested in checking out previous Questing for Glory events, all of them can be found on the RPG Limit Break YouTube channel, where each has its own playlist.
- Questing for Glory
- Questing for Glory 2
- Questing for Glory 3
- Questing for Glory 4
- Questing for Glory 5
- Questing for Glory 6