CRPG Esoteric Ebb from developer Christoffer Bodegård and Raw Fury gets a new trailer, demo available on Steam

Esoteric Ebb is a CRPG from developer Christoffer Bodegård now being published by Raw Fury as announced in a new partnership trailer. A free demo is also  available for a limited time on Steam.

Raw Fury's announcement for Esoteric Ebb's partnership has a few details about the game including how it has open-ended quests, branching dialog, turn-based combat, and more. Alongside the new trailer today, you can download a demo for Esoteric Ebb on Steam from now until March 17. A release window for the full game is yet to be revealed.

Esoteric Ebb is in development for a release on PC (Steam).

You can find the Esoteric Ebb partnership trailer, details from Raw Fury, and new screenshots below:

Today during the celebrity-attended and tabletop-focused Lost Odyssey Event, Swedish publisher Raw Fury announced their partnership with developer Christoffer Bodegård to launch their absurd fantasy CRPG, ESOTERIC EBB, this year. Until March 17th, players can play the demo on Steam.

ESOTERIC EBB is an isometric, Disco-like, TTRPG-turned-CRPG, featuring deep and branching dialogs with a staggering amount of choice set in an Arcanepunk-fantasy setting. 

In ESOTERIC EBB, the player is the Cleric, one of many menial laborers of the city of Norvik. Tasked to solve the mystery of an exploded Tea Shop, players will roll dice against the voices in their head, explore a fantasy city on the brink of its first-ever election, and strive to become a hero of legends. Or completely ruin the campaign.

Key features in ESOTERIC EBB include: 

  • Make choices that may come back to bite – Complete open-ended quests, low and high-stakes alike, set in the streets, towers, and dark tunnels of Norvik. Become the city’s savior or its demise.

  • Roll the dice – Roll to wrestle dwarves, steal anything in sight, or keep from looking like a complete fool. But remember, in true TTRPG fashion, failure can often be way more interesting.

  • Warp reality to your whim – Use The Cleric’s innate magical power for unique narrative choices. Control minds for fun and profit. Detect secrets in the tunnels below or within the minds of enemies. 

  • Master turn-based combat sequences – Clerics in Norvik are taught to use violence as a last resort. When the need does arise, a roll of the dice determines success or failure ala the best tabletop RPGs. 

  • Progress through the story to complete the Questing Tree – A quest log, skill tree, and mind map all at once. Each Quest Branch can take root in your mind and alter the Cleric’s playstyle through game-changing feats.

Esoteric Ebb Gameplay Screenshots