Tales series getting lots of "surprise announcements" says producer

Hideo Baba, the producer of Namco Bandai's premiere RPG franchise, the Tales series, is teasing some big news for the year.  

Here's what he had to say on the Playstation Blog:

"We’re planning on making this a Tales of filled year, so we have a lot of surprise announcements lined up — stay tuned! Thank you again to all of our fans who have supported us over the years. We hope for your continued support in 2013."

Baba also announced on the blog that last year's Tales of Graces F would be coming to North America's PSN next week on March 26.  Both a standard edition and a special Knight edition will be available, priced at $34.99 and $54.99 respectively.

We're also reminded of Tales of Xillia, which will be launching this summer.