Videogames good for you?
Brussels, July 6th, 2006 a meeting was held a Brussels, Belgium including Publishers, developers, and videogame consumers from all over the globe. They listened to a panel of independent experts, including psychologists and media specialists about their views on videogaming, and it's impact, particularly the younger ones amongst us.
Patrice Chazerand, secretary general, ISFE (Interactive Software Federation of Europe), was quoted as saying: “In light of such a thorough analysis of current issues and such a lively dialogue, we should not let this intellectual stimulation die out. ISFE will see to building upon this exchange and make it happen on a permanent or regular basis”.
Experts poured over both the positive and negative perceptions of modern videogaming; and the majority were in favour of the positive aspects in videogaming - pointing to the growing number of innovative applications in fields ranging from education, the treatment of behavioural problems with youngster, including attention deficit disorders (ADD), manned space exploration, etc.
While none of the participating experts would consider videogame playing as an addictive pastime in itself, a consensus emerged as to the need for proper independent research, together with adequate education of parents as to the nature of games.