Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Remaster's PS3 version gets a Western release date

After months of fans desperately waiting for a final confirmation, Square Enix has announced a Western release date for Final Fantasy X & Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster. 

The game will launch in North America on March 18th 2014, while European fans will have to wait a few additional days for a launch on the 21st of March. The game will be a budget release, launching with a price of $39.99 in North America.

There's three versions of the PlayStation 3 edition of the game - the standard featuring the games, a limited edition featuring a 48-page art book, and a digital download version available via the PlayStation store. Square Enix provided no details on the PlayStation Vita release, and it appears it won't launch at the same time - fans wanting their FFX fix on the go will have to either wait or import. 

If you can't wait that long, the region-free release is available for import already in both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions thanks to our friends at Play Asia. Japan is also getting a cool-looking limited edition PS Vita hardware bundle. Check out the newly-released trailer and box art below. What do you think of the date? Sound off in the comments below, or over on our Community Forum, Mognet Central.