What were they saying before the Gamecube Launch?
In May 2002, almost a full year after those lucky Japanese gamers, I got to experience the Nintendo Gamecube for the first time.
Back then, I guess I was much more impressionable. Back then I read the "official" magazines of each gaming company and took what they said at face value. They were a good read, though looking back now they didn't half spout some rubbish. They were horribly bias (they call Playstation "Greystation", PS2 "Greystation Poo", and Dreamcast "Dreampants." That gives you an idea what the mag was like, and on top of that they scored games horribly high.
Despite that, the runup to the Gamecube launch was for me punctuated by my monthly purchase of "Nintendo Offical Magazine", aka "NOM", which provided me with all the latest news and information regarding the thing I wanted most in the whole world -- the successor to my N64.

On Gamecube Launch Day, I picked the console up with Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Wave Race and Burnout. For me, it was the start of the next gen -- I had waited for the Gamecube.
For me, that memory isn't exactly a happy one, as I remember how the Gamecube gradually became relegated to being my least used console as the releases dried up and the console died far earlier than it's rivals.
Right now, Im redecorating my bedroom, and tucked away in the back of a wardrobe were a few issues of Nintendo's Offical Magazine, all in the leadup to and in the Gamecube launch period. I decided to take a look and upon reading them again decided to pick out the best bits for you guys. I've chosen a few quotes that show things that came true, and things that were outright wrong, and a few things that, in hindsight, are downright funny. Without further ado, here we go:
Promises, Promises... Sometimes, things change.
"FACT! The Gamecube will be able to unlock the amazing potential of online gaming by utilising the console's modem and broadband adapter ports in the future."
This makes me sad to read again. Hip-hip hurray for Warp Pipe, though! At least we got some online play.
Final Fantasy Returns to Nintendo
"unconfirmed reports suggest it'll be based on the turn-based strategy game, Final Fantasy Tactics, which appeared on the PS1. Another three GB Advance quests are planned, but neither Square nor Nintendo confirmed if these would be Final Fantasy titles or not."
Well, I bet the arrival of Crystal Chronicles game somebody a big shock!

Interview Quotes -- Interviews with Nintendo Employees and others...
"We do not see the Playstation or Xbox as direct competitors because at the heart of both these consoles is technology; they are multimedia devices designed to do many different things. Gamecube is just for playing great games." - Nintendo UK PR Manager
Some things never change -- Nintendo's attitude towards the other consoles remains the same, while...
"It is just like trying to compare a sumo wrestler with a pro wrestler; both fighters play by totally different rules. Nintendo does not consider Microsoft's Xbox to be it's competitor." - Hiroshi Yamauchi
The old man was renowned for his quick tongue and harsh words to other game companies; this is just one such occasion he spits venom at Microsoft.
"The Nintendo Gamecube is more developer-friendly than the Playstation 2." - Square President Toichi Wada
They're all saying this about the Wii, too... though hopefully third party support will be stronger.
"I'm not interested in the Gamecube at all. I've got a Playstation 2 and I think Nintendo is for little kids." - Some smug bastard in a Videogame shop.
I know us game journalists are supposed to be impartial, but... what a moron.
"The Xbox is $299 which is too much for a console, and that's without a game. The Gamecube's specs seem pretty good so it should perform well."
You just know you're thinking what I'm thinking...

The Readers Say -- a visit to the letters section
"When Nintendo announced the Gamecube they said that there would be no shortage of games as it was easy to develop for the console. But since the release of Super Smash Bros Melee in Japan, there hasn't been another really top class title."
A reader in March 2002 more than likely has a crystal ball, as there wouldn't be many must-have GC games hitting the stores for quite a while.
"How long do you think that Nintendo can last? I mean, Miyamoto won't live forever."
One reader is a little worried about life without Shiggy...
"Nintendo should set up a buy-back scheme when Dolphin is launched, so people can trade in N64s like when you buy a car."
In your dreams, matey..!
"Oi! Zelda! No!"
One dismayed Zelda fan is shocked at Link's new cel-shaded look

"I'd like to see a new light gun game when the Dolphin comes out. It would be wicked to play something like Resident Evil with a realistic type of weapon."
True, that, and I always wished for a GC light gun -- but, the Wii will more than make up for that.
"The first game I'd like to see for Dolphin would be one where James Bond and Joanna Dark work together. I reckon the game should be called Bond and Dark."
The name, for some reason conjures images of a really bad porno in my mind, but that's probably me being sick. Either way, I wonder what they think of Perfect Dark Zero.
"I think the film The Matrix would make a great Gamecube game. It would be great playing as Neo. Jumping off walls and playing in the simulators would be ace!"
Yeah, it sure sounds good, doesn't it...? But, then again... y'know... Enter the Matrix.

Well, that just about wraps it up. I could honestly go on for hours, but this thing is long enough already. It's been great fun to go through these magazines, as horribly bias as they are, as it's funny to look back and see what the press and public thought at the start of the last generation. Perhaps soon I'll do a feature looking at PS2 mags.
Perhaps in five years someone'll link back to this and laugh at me.
We'll see. Until next time, I'll leave you with one more wonderful quote from one of the insightful, intelligent and totally unbiased readers of Nintendo Official Magazine UK's May 2000 issue...
"I think there should be a multiplayer game containing Nintendo, Greystation and Dreampants characters. Then we could give them a right good kicking and show them who's boss!"
What a shame that never made it to stores.