Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon gets new map areas, Pokemon Formes.
In today's Nintendo Direct, we learned about the additions being made to the updated release of last year's Pokemon Sun and Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon.
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will feature customizable main characters that head off on a new adventure. In these versions Necrozma has transformed into two new forms: Dusk Mane Necrozma, who took over Solgaleo, and Dawn Wings Necrozma who took over Lunala. The trailer showcases new map areas such as a surfer beach and Pikachu paradise, as well as new customization and clothing items.

If you buy the game by Jan. 10 you can get a special gift Rockruff, who will evolve into a Dusk Form Lycanroc, which can learn abilities that are otherwise unavailable to them. Purchasers of the digital versions of Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon by Jan. 10 will also receive 12 Quick Balls. In addition, a cool Poké Ball-themed New Nintendo 2DS XL system will launch on Nov. 3.

Lastly, Nintendo announced that digital versions of the original Pokemon Gold and Silver on the virtual console will release on September 22. Purchasing either Gold or Silver will give the player a Celebi to use in any Pokemon Sun or Moon title.
Read about the original annoucement here. Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon launches on November 17.