CD Projekt CEO calls online "Necessary" for Cyberpunk 2077
We've been champing at the bit for new news on CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 for a long time now. The game was officially announced all the way back in 2012, but concrete details have been sparse in the time since. Today we can glean just a tiny bit more thanks to an interview published on Polish business website Strefa Inwestorow.
In the interview, CD Projekt Red CEO Adam Kicinski discusses the three core pillars of CD Projekt's current portfolio, including Gwent, the GOG Galaxy platform, and of course Cyberpunk 2077.

Kicinski surprised no one by stating that CD Projekt is investing heavily into Cyberpunk 2077, with the ultimate goal to have the title become an even greater commercial success over The Witcher 3. While previously on record stating that "2017 belongs to Gwent", many eyes are looking ahead to what lies in store with Cyberpunk, and if online service features or multiplayer will be incorporated into the title. When the topic of online features was broached, Kicinski stated that “Online is necessary, or very recommended if you wish to achieve a long-term success.”
This isn't the first time multiplayer or online features have been mentioned for the title. In fact a year ago CD Projekt was awarded a grant for research into "Seamless Multiplayer" technology. None of this concretely states exactly what sort of form the online multiplayer component will be, but it does give an idea of what we may be able to expect once the details are eventually brought to light.

The Witcher boss surprised the interviewer with one last statement about The Witcher series, stating that is possible and probably prudent to continue the series, though in a slightly different form. "Fans and investors would not forgive us if we abandoned this project forever." While not a confirmation of anything concrete, we're all excited at the prospect of more Witcher in the future.
To our dismay, Cyberpunk 2077 has no release window and very little in terms of release details at all, but be sure to stay tuned as we slowly and steadily start to learn more about the enigmatic title in 2018.