Monster Hunter World Female Armor Sets: all low rank female armor sets pictured
Given that Monster Hunter World doesn't feature the more typical character progression systems of leveling up and buying skills, your gear load-out is more important than in your average RPG. Monster Hunter World's armor serves a number of vital purposes - it can buff you in various ways, provides protection, and most important of all helps you to look damn good while out on a hunt.
While the weapons in Monster Hunter World make a serious difference to how you play, armor offers a more passive set of bonuses - and boy, there sure is a lot of it.
On this page we're going to examine all of the Female Armor Sets in Monster Hunter World for the Low Rank - listing every one available off complete with a screenshot so you can see how it looks and see some of its stats as they appear in the game. Keep in mind that all of this armor is also available for men - but for male characters the design differs from armor to armor, with some quite similar and others rather different. If you're after the high rank armor, check out our page of all the high rank female armor.
Obviously keep in mind that these armor sets will inherently feature spoilers for monsters - so keep that in mind before you scroll. They're broadly in the order you'll encounter them in the game.
Monster Hunter World gets pretty complicated, but we've got even more assistance at hand...
- Beginner's Guide: Tips & Tricks for new hunters
- Weapons Guide - which of the 14 weapon classes is best for you?
- Armor Guide - strengths & weaknesses, armor skills, forging and upgrades explained
- All the High Rank Female Armor Sets pictured
- How to Change Character Appearance after Character Creation
- How to pick up your pre-order bonuses
- How to get the Horizon Zero Dawn Palico Watcher gear
- Multiplayer Guide: how to play with friends, set up parties and send invites
- Trophy Guide: full trophy & achievement list
All Low Rank Female Armor Sets in Monster Hunter World
Leather Low Rank Armor

Chainmail Low Rank Armor

Hunter's Low Rank Armor

Bone Low Rank Armor

Vespoid Low Rank Armor

Kestodon Low Rank Armor

Gajau Low Rank Armor

Jagras Low Rank Armor

Kulu Low Rank Armor

Alloy Low Rank Armor

Pukei Low Rank Armor

Barroth Low Rank Armor

Jyura Low Rank Armor

Kadachi Low Rank Armor

High Metal Low Rank Armor

Butterfly Low Rank Armor

Shamos Low Rank Armor

Hornetaur Low Rank Armor

Anja Low Rank Armor

Rathian Low Rank Armor

Tzitzi Low Rank Armor

Lumu Low Rank Armor

Girros Low Rank Armor

Baan Low Rank Armor

Ingot Low Rank Armor

Death Stench Low Rank Armor

Brigade Low Rank Armor

Legiana Low Rank Armor

Odogaron Low Rank Armor

Rathalos Low Rank Armor

Diablos Low Rank Armor

Kirin Low Rank Armor