Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition Benchmark Tool is now available
Final Fantasy XII's PC version released today, and alongside that release comes the benchmarking tool for Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition. You can grab the benchmark zip file and all of the related details here.
The tool is a simple executable that will run a test on your hardware and spit out a score based on how well your computer performs. Square Enix provided the following breakdown about what the numerical values mean:

The tool is pretty straightforward, you won't be able to toggle every setting individually, but will be able to select a resolution, whether you want the game to be windowed or in fullscreen, and general detail setting. The detail options are Lite, Standard, and High:
Lite quality: This is a reduced graphical setting that disables light reflection and anti-aliasing calculations. The resolution for shadows will be low, and the resolution for Level-Of-Detail (LOD) distance and textures will also be reduced.
Standard quality: This is the standard quality setting for a PC that meets the recommended specifications.
High quality: This setting will activate the high end graphical features incorporated into FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION, such as NVIDIA® Turf Effects™, NVIDIA® HairWorks™ and NVIDIA® Flow™, etc. The resolution of shadows and textures, as well as the LOD distance will also increase under this setting. A graphics card with a significant amount of VRAM is required to use it.
Once you let the six minute long benchmark run its course, you'll be able to compare your score against others with similar hardware.

Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition Pre-Order Bonuses
Square Enix also announced more details on the pre-order bonuses for each Steam, Origin, and Windows Store.
- Steam: “FFXV Fashion Collection” - includes a set of shirts for Noctis, each of them providing a specific boost.
- Windows Store: “FFXV Powerup Pack” - contains the Dodanuki unique weapon alongside 10 phoenix downs and 10 elixirs.
- Origin: “FFXV Decal Selection” - contains a selection of cosmetic decals for the Regalia.
Final Fantasy XV's PC version and the accompanying Royal Edition for Playstation 4 and Xbox One will launch on March 6th, and you can read the press release from that announcement here.