2064: Read Only Memories out for mobile on March 6 and Nintendo Switch on April 5
MidBoss has announced that their cyberpunk adventure game 2064: Read Only Memories will be released for iOS and Android on March 6 and the Nintendo Switch on April 5.
The Nintendo Switch port is a promise the developers kept after announcing it last June. As noted in the banner at the bottom of the post, it will be the Integral version which includes bonus content separate from the main game including new voiced scenes and better performance.
No further details were given, but this marks 7 platforms in total the game is available for. Here's a quick rundown of the story via the Steam page:
The world is changing. Genetic alteration of humans is now commonplace, with many choosing to radically alter their bodies to express their individuality. Virtual intelligences called ROMs (Relationship and Organizational Managers), created as simple digital assistants, are exerting greater control over people’s lives. Some are terrified by this rapid change, and they are willing to go to extreme lengths to prevent it.
A lost ROM named Turing breaks into the apartment of a struggling journalist to ask for help. They claim to be the first sapient machine—not a simulation of life but a genuinely self-aware artificial being—and the technical genius who created them has gone missing. Can you unravel the shocking conspiracy that threatens to rock an entire society? Or will the darkness that lies behind the bright neon lights of Neo-SF consume you?
In her coverage of the game, Elizabeth called 2064: ROM "a thrilling, charming, and humorous game that celebrates many positive things at once with an almost childlike innocence." Be sure to check out her full review for more information.
2064: Read Only Memories is currently available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, PC, and the Ouya. Yes, the Ouya.