Granblue Fantasy: 4th Year Anniversary Summary
Granblue Fantasy is now about to celebrate its four birthday. For mobile games, anniversaries offer a ton of game changing mechanics along with a ton of freebies. If you're thinking of playing, now will be the best time to hop in. This article will be covering everything you need to know about the upcoming anniversary on March 10th, so you don't miss a thing. If you don't know how to create a Granblue account, be sure to check out Zack's article on getting started on Granblue.

Login Bonus and Others
- Pre-anniversary Bonus: 6000 Crystals, 1 Damascus Bar, 1 Silver Centrum, 1 Gold Moon, 1 Gold Spell Book, 20,000 Rupies, 100 Half Elixirs.
- Roulette: Each day you login you will receive 10 to 100 of free rolls, with the final day of giving a 100 guarantee of free rolls. 20K Rupies, 1 Gold Moon, 100 Half Elixir, 1 Gold Spellbook
- Anniversary Ticket: During the anniversary, you can purchase the Anniversary Ticket, which lets you obtain the character of your choice including season characters such as Summer Beatrix.
- International Payment: If you have Mobage account with Cygames, you can now purchase the in-game currency with Paypal. Anyone purchasing coins has a chance of winning a million crystals during the Anniversary.
- Anniversary Skin: Can purchase new anniversary skin for Altair and Heles. Also, include purchase skins from the previous year.
- Character Album: A new album featuring Narmaya is out on May 2nd. Purchasing this album will give you a code to redeem for the new Narmaya's skin.
- Granblue Archive: An artbook featuring the art of Granblue will be on sale.

Upcoming Events
- New Story Chapters: Coming late April, Supposed to end the 2nd story arc of Granblue.
- Side Story: "What makes the Sky Blue" will be permanently added to the Side Story menu.
- Xeno Corow: The final Xeno Weapon will appear on March 18th to 24th. This weapon is a Sword and with a Light Element Affinity.
- Idolmaster SideM: Idolmaster Side M Collaboration will be coming later this month.
- Detective Conan: Detective Conan Collaboration will be coming in April.
- Persona 5: Persona 5 Collaboration will be coming in June.

Gameplay Changes
- Atma/Ultima Core: For endgame players, an additional Ultima Core will be added to the shop, letting you forge another Atma/Ultima Weapon.
- Omega 2 / Magna 2 Raids: A new set of bosses that will drop new equipment to accumulate for free to play payers allowing to use my versatile builds. These new bosses include Shiva, Europa, Alexiel, Grimnir, and with Metatron and Avatar coming on March 22nd.
- Omega / Magna Weapon Cap: Users of the Omega/Magna weapons will be receiving a higher level cap, so they won't be powercreep by the new series of weapons.
- Omega / Magna Summons Cap: Users of Omega/Magna summon can unlock its final level cap.
- Blue Chest: High-level raids will now drop blue chest based on your overall contribution instead of getting MVP status.
- Angel Halo Nightmare: Farming Silver Relic is much easier as the Dimension Halo will spawn the Guild War weapon boss every time.
- Rank Cap: The Rank cap has been raised to 225.
- New Accessory: Added the option to equip accessories on characters.
- Arcarum Extreme: A new difficulty has been added to Arcarum and a new selection of items you can get.
- New Job Class: Two new class has been added. Black Cat, The Glory. Unlocking this class requires uncapping their corresponding class weapon.
- Skills: New Skills for EX classes, and EMP bonus for Chaos Ruler, Nighthound, and Asparas.
- 100 Gold Moon Weapon Cap: Weapons exchange with a 100 Gold Moon can be uncapped.