Sony Interactive Entertainment is localizing all PS4 Trails of Cold Steel games in Chinese & Korean
Nihon Falcom has just today released a press release in Japanese, notifying that Sony Interactive Entertainment's localization team is working under their supervision to bring all four Trails of Cold Steel games on PlayStation 4 to Traditional Chinese and Hangul (Korean) languages.
So far, they have announced to their East Asian audience that the Chinese and Korean localized versions of Trails of Cold Steel I and II will be released on August 17, while those of Trails of Cold Steel III and IV are also in the works and will be released at a later date.
You can read a translation of the press release right below:
Nihon Falcom Corporation hereby informs that, under supervision of the company, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) Localization Center has decided to produce Traditional Chinese and Hangul versions of all titles in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel series for PlayStation 4.
As the first batch, the Traditional Chinese and Hangul versions of PlayStation 4 exclusive titles The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I -Thors Military Academy 1204- and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II -The Erebonian Civil War- will be released on August 17, 2018.
As for the Traditional Chinese and Hangul versions of the sequel The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III and the final series title The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV -The End of Saga-, we will announce them later after the details have been decided.

The first three games are already available on PS4 in Japan, and Trails of Cold Steel IV will be released in the home country on September 27.
Meanwhile, however, the English audience is still completely left in the dark, as none of the PS4 titles have been localized yet, and only the first two Trails of Cold Steel games are currently available on PS3, PS Vita, and Steam.