Bandai Namco announces a new Tales Of console game at Tales Of Festival 2018
Bandai Namco's long-running Tales Of RPG series have had a rather long hiatus in the console scene after the last mothership title Tales of Berseria was out in August 2016. Things didn't seem to go well either after one of the series' producers, Hideo Baba, had left Bandai Namco to join Square Enix's new Studio Istolia.
But the recent weeks may finally hint a big resurgence to the series after Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition was announced globally at E3 2018. And Bandai Namco has finally announced at today's Tales of Festival 2018 in Japan that they are currently working on "the newest Tales Of game title for consoles."
Currently, no more details are known about this brand-new Tales Of game. We may probably hear more about it around the Tokyo Game Show in September. Until then, you can also look forward to Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition, which has release timeframes of this Winter in Japan and 2018 in the West.