Golden Sun: Dark Dawn may have slipped into 2011

While we were busy out at GamesCom 2010, Nintendo USA issued a press release detailing the major upcoming releases for their platforms. Titled "Nintendo Refreshes the Dog Days of Summer with Upcoming Cool Games", the press release issued release dates for titles including Wii Party (October 3rd), Kirby's Epic Yarn (October 17th) and Donkey Kong Returns (November 21st) - but one notable title previously slated for 2010 was missing - Golden Sun. 

While the press release confirmed final US release dates for all the other major 2010 first party offerings shown off at E3 2010, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn was mysteriously absent, not even mentioned in the lengthy press release which even picked out a few top third party releases between now and the year's end including Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light for the DS.

With this release list covering games up until the third week of November, we were worried that Golden Sun might've slipped into 2011 - and so got in touch with Nintendo for comment.

The response, as you might expect, was vague - we were told that Nintendo "have not yet determined a specific launch date for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn for the Nintendo DS Family of Systems." Back at E3 2010, the new trailer for the game promised it would hit "This Holiday."

We'll just have to wait and see if a release date for Golden Sun pops up in another press release soon, but with Nintendo's release list seemingly largely solidified through until the end of 2010, we'd suggest not holding your breath for the continuation of Nintendo and Camelot's much loved handheld RPG series.

The DS will still get some loving from Square Enix's Final Fantasy this September, but if you can't wait for Golden Sun, be sure to check out our E3 preview and the E3 trailer of the game - or maybe that'll just make the wait worse! We'll bring you the latest as we get it.