Arc the Lad II and Arc Arena Monster Tournament Incoming

Well, that didn't take long. Hot off the heels of the recent announcement that Arc the Lad would be coming to the PSN today (along with Alundra), Gaijinworks and Monkeypaw Games will be bringing the second title in the trilogy, Arc the Lad II, to the North America PSN, along with Arc Arena Monster Tournament.
Although this has not yet been confirmed from either of these companies, the ESRB only today rated both of these games. Arc the Lad II continues the story from the first, with former friends pointing fingers at one another to lay blame for the events that unfolded in Arc the Lad, while Arc Arena Monster Tournament allows players to import their monster data from Arc the Lad II into the game to compete in battle tournaments ala Pokemon Coliseum.
Once again, there has been no official announcement on this or if these will be released in any other regions, but we will update this news article once we receive an actual release date. Expect an Arc the Lad III announcement soon! =P