PS4 and Steam versions of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age updated to add Job Reset Function
Square Enix has updated the Steam version of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age to include some previously Switch & Xbox version exclusive features. Namely, this adds the ability to reset a character's job license. By speaking with Clan Centurio’s leader Montblanc in Rabanastre, players can reset and change their party member’s jobs, allowing them to customize the jobs of their party as desired.
Additionally, Steam version players can now create three unique Gambit sets, which will allow them to create favorites for a few common situations such as traveling or boss fights. Denuvo DRM implementation has also been removed.
The brief Steam patch notes can be found below. As of the time of this writing, the PlayStation 4 version has not been updated similarly. [Update: See below]

Patch has now been released for FINAL FANTASY XII The Zodiac Age.
Update contents:
- Job reset function has been added
- Gambit system has been expanded to 3 sets
The PlayStation 4 version has also been updated when the Job reset function and three Gambit sets. Additionally, the "OST" soundtrack option - previously only found in the other versions of the game, has been added to the PS4 version.