Reviews by Elizabeth Henges

Looking for a wholesome dog raising sim? You're barking up the wrong tree.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 27 August, 2020

You play as a shark and eat people. What's not to love?
review by Elizabeth Henges on 23 May, 2020

While this beat-em-up and RPG mix is solid, a few things hold it back from being truly great.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 06 May, 2020

A year after Episode 1's release, Life is Strange has reached its conclusion, and it's not one to miss.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 11 December, 2019

Atelier Ryza is a solid start to a new trilogy.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 31 October, 2019

Minoria shows a lot of promise, but some strange design decisions stop the game from truly shining.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 10 September, 2019

After a bit of stumbling with Episodes 2 and 3, the latest episode of Life is Stange 2 sets up for a memorable conclusion.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 27 August, 2019

Dragon Quest Builders 2 improves upon the original title in a variety of ways, making for a superior sequel for the building based spin-off series.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 12 July, 2019

The Zelda spin-off from Brace Yourself Games has a lot of heart.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 24 June, 2019

Atelier Lulua continues the story of the Arland trilogy of games while taking the mechanics of more recent Atelier titles and refining them.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 06 June, 2019

The third episode of Life is Strange 2 doesn't really nail its emotional beats but sets up for what's bound to be an exciting next episode.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 21 May, 2019

Sword and Fairy 6 is a poor introduction to the popular Chinese RPG series.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 09 May, 2019

A spin-off title of the niche Atelier series, Nelke may provide some neat cameos for long-time fans, but otherwise isn't a very interesting game to play.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 05 April, 2019

Wargroove is the Advance Wars game fans have been waiting years for, even with its fantasy trappings.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 03 March, 2019

While the original Code: Realize and its first fandisc were great, Wintertide Miracles just feels long in the tooth.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 15 February, 2019

This beautiful pixelated Metroidvania makes the graceful jump to the Nintendo Switch.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 17 January, 2019

Koei Tecmo has ported the Plus versions of the Atelier Arland games to consoles and PC, and if you haven't given these titles a try yet, now's your chance.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 04 January, 2019

The fourth entry to the Mercenaries series just doesn't do enough to make it stand out from the SRPG crowd.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 27 November, 2018

The Switch port of the DS RPG holds up well, even a decade after the original release.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 13 October, 2018

The highly anticipated sequel to Dontnod's narrative adventure has begun, and it's off to a strong, tense start.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 01 October, 2018

Dragon Quest XI not only manages to be the best game in Square-Enix's iconic series, but is one of the best JRPGs to be released in recent years.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 28 August, 2018

Stoic's final game in The Banner Saga Trilogy is finally here, and for those that have followed these characters' stories for the first two games, The Banner Saga 3 will finally offer some closure.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 26 July, 2018

Nepenthe is basically a a fever dream you had as a kid. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 02 June, 2018

One of the best otome games makes the jump from the Vita to the PS4, and brings with it a freshly localized fandisc and an updated script.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 13 April, 2018

The Longest Five Minutes sports an interesting presentation to a basic RPG plot, and despite some shortcomings is worth a look.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 02 April, 2018