Articles by George Foster - Page 2

This update comes with some free goodies.
news by George Foster on 24 September, 2020

Captain America's face has finally been fixed.
news by George Foster on 20 September, 2020

The first-revealed PS5 game gets a release date.
news by George Foster on 16 September, 2020

Journey through Hogwarts next year.
news by George Foster on 16 September, 2020

Find out what Update V1.2.5 changes.
news by George Foster on 09 September, 2020

Earth's mightiest heroes... eventually.
review by George Foster on 06 September, 2020

Day one patch details for Marvel's Avengers.
news by George Foster on 05 September, 2020

Hands on with the next big Marvel experience.
feature by George Foster on 12 August, 2020

Marvel's web-head coming to PlayStation consoles next year.
news by George Foster on 03 August, 2020

A little adventure, but one that'll grow on you.
feature by George Foster on 30 July, 2020

Get your bow ready.
news by George Foster on 29 July, 2020

Expect more details on Marvel's Avengers this month.
news by George Foster on 15 July, 2020

First in-depth gameplay from Marvel's Avengers.
news by George Foster on 24 June, 2020

A great game gets a decent port.
review by George Foster on 04 June, 2020

One of this generation's best RPGs turns 5 years old today.
feature by George Foster on 19 May, 2020

Valhalla carries on with what made Odyssey so great.
feature by George Foster on 30 April, 2020

Another fantastic remake from Square.
review by George Foster on 22 April, 2020

Not everybody has played the original Final Fantasy VII.
feature by George Foster on 19 April, 2020

Another handheld classic rescued from time.
review by George Foster on 04 March, 2020

Stuffed with juicy content but might be too much of a mouthful for some.
review by George Foster on 15 February, 2020

Redundant or Recommended?
review by George Foster on 27 January, 2020

A gift from the Dragon Balls, or a wish from a Monkey's Paw?
review by George Foster on 20 January, 2020