Guides by George Foster

Find out how much you'll have to re-do in Like A Dragon's second playthrough.
guide by George Foster on 17 November, 2020

Get a quick boost to your personality traits with Honk-Honk.
guide by George Foster on 17 November, 2020

The Sotenbori Battle Arena calls your name.
guide by George Foster on 14 November, 2020

How to make millions in Ijincho quickly.
guide by George Foster on 13 November, 2020

Locations for and how to complete all 52 substories in Like a Dragon, plus their rewards.
guide by George Foster on 11 November, 2020

Get Ichiban the best help money can buy with Like A Dragon's version of summons- Poundmates.
guide by George Foster on 10 November, 2020

Keep your allies powered up with drink dates and fighting.
guide by George Foster on 10 November, 2020

As if the first time wasn't hard enough!
guide by George Foster on 25 September, 2020

Even the Gods need some love.
guide by George Foster on 24 September, 2020

You've got a hell of a challenge ahead of you.
guide by George Foster on 24 September, 2020

Make sure your arsenal is up to scratch in Hades.
guide by George Foster on 23 September, 2020

One of the hardest pieces of loot to get explained.
guide by George Foster on 12 September, 2020

Avengers assemble!
guide by George Foster on 05 September, 2020

Make sure you're avenging together.
guide by George Foster on 05 September, 2020

How to grind leveling, stats explained, and the level cap revealed.
guide by George Foster on 29 April, 2020

How to get past this annoying side-mission.
guide by George Foster on 15 March, 2020

If you want to get another player to join you to help in Nioh 2, you'll need Ochoko Cups - and Revenants are the way you'll want to get them.
guide by George Foster on 15 March, 2020

Samurai are pretty flexible in their abilities - so you might want to reset your skills in Nioh 2. Luckily, there's a respec.
guide by George Foster on 15 March, 2020

Want to play as Big Boss in Nioh 2? Of course you do.
guide by George Foster on 14 March, 2020

Dungeons. They must be important if they're in the name, right? So here's a complete dungeon list, and everything to know about each.
guide by George Foster on 10 March, 2020

Get rich and leveled quick with these handy time and energy-saving tips.
guide by George Foster on 10 March, 2020

The original Mystery Dungeon finally gets Shiny Pokemon.
guide by George Foster on 10 March, 2020

Make Shiny hunting a lot easier on yourself with the Friend Bow item - if you can find one.
guide by George Foster on 10 March, 2020

Here's how to get and use some of Mystery Dungeon's yummiest item, the Gummi. Yum.
guide by George Foster on 09 March, 2020

Take on some tough Pokemon for great rewards - here's how to find Strong Foes.
guide by George Foster on 09 March, 2020