Articles by Kyle Gaddo

Dang near everything Disgaea is on sale!
news by Kyle Gaddo on 09 March, 2011

Nintendo's offering an exclusive legendary Pokémon until April 10th for Black and White early adopters
news by Kyle Gaddo on 07 March, 2011

All across the U.S.A., stop into your local GameStop store once a week for three weeks to get your Legendary Pokemon!
news by Kyle Gaddo on 03 January, 2011

Check out this trailer for SEGA's next entry into their excellent Strategy RPG series.
news by Kyle Gaddo on 03 December, 2010

Since PS3 is not going to get the first Mass Effect, players will be able to influence the game in a new way.
news by Kyle Gaddo on 10 November, 2010

Prepare your mounts! The long-awaited Cataclysm is heading your way December 7th!
news by Kyle Gaddo on 04 October, 2010

Haven't been reading the Valkyria Chronicles II blog? Well, we got all the codes you need!
news by Kyle Gaddo on 01 October, 2010

Square-Enix finally unveils the behind-closed-doors extended Tokyo Game Show trailer of Parasite Eve's third installment.
news by Kyle Gaddo on 01 October, 2010

The complete and compilated edition of Dragon Age: Origins makes its way to your homes on October 26th!
news by Kyle Gaddo on 30 September, 2010

Mistwalker's long-awaited RPG, The Last Story, gets an official Japanese release date.
news by Kyle Gaddo on 29 September, 2010