Guides by Lucas Rivarola

Need help deciding which weapon to use or which stat you should invest in? Want to know what the Remodel system does? Look no further!
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 21 March, 2020

We bring you what we think are the 7 Best Soul Cores in Nioh 2
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 21 March, 2020

Kodama aren't the only friendly spirits in Nioh 2, and with this guide you'll learn all about the Sudama.
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 17 March, 2020

Keep your equipment in top form with this guide
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 16 March, 2020

Do you want to spend your hard-earned Glory? Then the Hidden Teahouse is for you!
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 15 March, 2020

Can't get past Gozuki? Enenra keeps beating you? Yatsu-no-Kami is giving you trouble? Use this guide to beat them all!
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 14 March, 2020

If you want this cute little cat to help you slay yokai, then this guide is for you.
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 13 March, 2020

You will need to improve your healing to get through Code Vein, and this guide will tell you how
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 01 October, 2019

You can give items to the different NPCs in your hub, and this guide will tell you what they like.
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 01 October, 2019

The Cathedral of Blood is a confusing place, so this guide will help you find the key you need to beat it.
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 01 October, 2019

Do you need to find the Goddess Statue but don't know where to look? Then this guide is for you.
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 01 October, 2019

Whether you want to craft lots of gear or you just need one simple material, here's what you should do to make the process as smooth as possible.
guide by Lucas Rivarola on 14 February, 2019