Level 5 News

Level-5 America Opens Teaser Site
The North American branch of one of Japan's most rapidly growing studios teases something new.
news by Ron Taylor on 02 October, 2012

Level-5 reveals Tokyo Game Show line-up
Who's up for some soccer and Layton?
news by David Kreinberg on 17 September, 2012

Level 5's Guild01 Announced
3DS variety game from a dream team consisting of Suda51 and Yasumi Matsuno.
news by David Kreinberg on 12 October, 2011

Partial Playable List For Level 5 World Revealed
Level 5's October event gets some new games to try out.
news by David Kreinberg on 29 September, 2011

Level-5 to Host a Public Event in October
Original August Level-5 Vision Conference moved back.
news by Erren Van Duine on 17 August, 2011