PlayStation 2 Games

A Massively Multiplayer Online RPG that takes place in the, you guessed it, Age of Conan.

The sequel to Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, Melody of Metafalica features an overhauled battle system and continues the storyline from the previous game.

A first-person dungeon maze RPG developed by HAL Labs and released for SNES.

A hybrid sci-fi RPG thriller from the developers of System Shock and System Shock 2, set in a desolate underground city.

Part FPS, part RPG, Borderlands originally released for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 in 2009. A Game of the Year edition released in 2019 for PS4 and Xbox One. Included in the 2020 Borderlands Legendary Collection for Switch.

A retro sci-fi RPG inspired by classic RPGs of the 90's developed Zeboyd Games.

Developed in collaboration by Capcom, Nippon Ichi, Namco Bandai, Gust, and Idea Factory, this game takes famous RPG characters from each company and teams them up or pits them against each other.

Komaru Naegi has been imprisoned inside a mysterious apartment for over a year. Her rescue is derailed when hundreds of Monokumas suddenly attack. She teams up with Toko Fukawa to survive the rampaging Monokumas, escape the crafty Monokuma Kids, and uncover the secrets of the city.

Detroit 2038. Technology has evolved to a point where human-like androids are everywhere. They speak, move and behave like human beings, but they are only machines serving humans.

Square-Enix's "Super Smash Bros." PSP game will feature some of the most well-known characters of the Final Fantasy universe.