Monster Hunter Rise amiibo unlocks | how to use amiibo & what they give you
As a Switch game, Monster Hunter Rise has one key feature that its non-Nintendo predecessor doesn't: full amiibo support, with the ability to unlock amiibo-exclusive bonuses by tapping your figures and cards to your console.
There are three all-new, official amiibo for the release of Monster Hunter Rise, but in addition to that you can also tap older amiibo, including the previously-released Monhun amiibo for Monster Hunter Stories on the 3DS. On this page, we explain what amiibo unlock - and how to use them and enter the amiibo lottery.
Monster Hunter Rise Amiibo Unlocks List
There are two types of amiibo unlock in Monster Hunter Rise - those that unlock specific rewards, and those that unlock relatively random rewards through the amiibo Lottery, a special feature new for MH Rise. The official Monster Hunter Rise amiibo have set unlocks, mostly of new sets of MH Rise's layered armor:

- Magnamalo amiibo
- Unlocks the Sinister Seal Armor Set for your hunter.
- Also unlocks the Fish Collar Armor Piece for Palico and Shuriken Collar Armor Piece for Palamute.
- Available stand-alone or via the special collector's edition package.

- Palico amiibo
- Unlocks the Sinister Seal armor set for your Palico

- Palamute amiibo
- Unlocks the Sinister Seal armor set for your Palamute
You'll get the exclusive rewards the first time you scan each of these amiibo - and then after that, they'll function like any other generic amiibo - which is every other amiibo figure and card except the three above. That includes the old Monster Hunter Stories amiibo.
All of those generic amiibo function the same - they don't unlock anything specific, but instead allow you to enter into the amiibo lottery. You can play the amiibo lottery with Kagero the Merchant in the village - and the way the Lottery works is basically that you can scan an amiibo and enter a lottery to get free items. Nothing in the lottery is particularly mind-bloowing, bit there's still good rewards to be had. More on that:

How to scan amiibo and use the amiibo Lottery
To use amiibo, you'll need to head to Kagero the Merchant in the Steelworks area of the Village. Simply go over to Kagero the Merchant. Enter his market - and right on that main menu is the option to scan amiibo figures. Hit that menu option and you'll be given the usual Switch amiibo use screen that's common in most games.
The rules are that you can only use any single amiibo once a day, and for the purposes of the lottery, you can only earn three lottery entries per day no matter how many amiibo you have to hand to scan.
Once you scan an amiibo, the lottery is instant - it'll draw for you and get you a prize, which can include everything from curative items to traps and other useful consumables - but there's nothing major attached to amiibo that you desperately need to lay hands on absolutely urgently, and nothing exclusive. The only exclusive amiibo unlocks are, as listed above, the one-time, first-use bonuses for the Magnamalo, Palico, and Palamute amiibo released alongside MH Rise.
We've got lots more Monster Hunter Rise guides to help, should you need it - including more guidance on how to find materials: