Monster Hunter Rise Guides

Monster Hunter Rise is already a great game, but there's more content coming to the game in the near future. Here's everything we know so far.
guide by James Galizio on 09 August, 2022

Elemental Sacs are required for many armor and weapon upgrades throughout Monster Hunter Rise, but it can be difficult to remember which monsters drop which one.
guide by James Galizio on 12 July, 2022

Much like its predecessor, Monster Hunter Rise's levels have additional camps for fast travel. Here's how to find and establish all of them.
guide by James Galizio and Josh Torres on 05 July, 2022

The next submarine upgrade request asks you to find Rock Roses, King Rhinos, and Bismuth Prisms.
guide by James Galizio on 03 July, 2022

Here's how and where to farm a bunch of Meaty Hide quickly for weapon upgrades.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 01 April, 2021

Monster Hunter Rise is a massive game, to the point where it might be hard to keep track of every monster in the game - hree's all of the Large Monsters that you can hunt.
guide by James Galizio on 28 March, 2021

Here's where to find Icium for all those chilly weapon upgrades.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 28 March, 2021

Here's how and where to get your hands on a bunch of Warm Pelt for armor upgrades in MH Rise - and quickly.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 28 March, 2021

Here's all of the amiibo unlocks in MH Rise, including info on the lottery.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 March, 2021

Here's how to find and farm the important Dragonhusk Shards, a vital synthesis and upgrade material.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 March, 2021

Here's how to equip Layered Armor in MH Rise, plus a full list of all layered armor available right now.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 March, 2021

If you want to add a submarine to your Buddy Plaza, you'll want to gather Wisplanterns and Boatshells to complete the Cultural Exchange request as soon as possible!
guide by James Galizio on 27 March, 2021