Monster Hunter Rise Monster List: all large monsters & their habitats
Monster Hunter Rise is absolutely filled with large monsters - from Great Izuchi, to the fearsome Rajang. The large monsters are of course the heart of any Monster Hunter title, as these are the creatures you'll be stalking as the title suggests. But exactly how many monsters are there, and where can you find them? This complete monster list exists to help you understand what you're going up against.
This list only covers the large monsters in MH Rise; there are of course a smattering of small monsters in the game which can be useful for gathering certain material drops - like in the early game, you can farm stuff like Warm Pelts from smaller monsters. However, the core of the game is in taking on and taking down large monsters - and this guide lists them all, as well as the habitats where you'll find each monster.
Once you go hunting, you should consider unlocking the sub-camps in each of the regions in Monster Hunter Rise to make your life a little easier. With that said, here's the full Monster Hunter Rise Monsters list - and keep in mind that this will naturally contain spoilers of which monsters are in the game.
- Monster List for both Low & High Rank
- High-Rank Exclusive Monster List
- Apex Monster List
- Monsters coming soon
Monster Hunter Rise Monster List: Monsters Available in both Low & High Rank
These monsters can be found in both Low and High Rank hunts; so, you'll be able to hunt them even before you hit Hunter Rank 4.
Great Izuchi

The alpha Izuchi of its pack, identified by its larger build, upended white fur and scythe-like tail. A Great Izuchi forms a herd of many smaller Izuchi and selects two from the group to accompany it on territory patrols. Once it spots prey or senses danger, the Great Izuchi issues commands to their fellow Izuchi, and coordinates their movements. Take care that you don't get overwhelmed.
- Great Izuchi Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands
- Threat Level: 1*
Great Baggi

A carnivorous bird wyvern. Noted for their projecting cranial crests and bluish-white skin that's adapted to snowy climates. Great Baggi craftily command other Baggi to surround their prey and stun them with a tranquilizing fluid.
- Great Baggi Habitats: Frost Islands
- Threat Level: 1*

A bird wyvern that has developed limbs capable of carrying objects. It has been spotted stealing eggs from nests. If attacked while carrying an egg, it will drop the egg in fright and flee. When engaged, a Kulu-Ya-Ku will dig up a small boulder to shield itself against threats or use it in its attacks.
- Kulu-Ya-Ku Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 2*
Great Wroggi

Wroggi are bird wyverns that travel in packs that are led by the largest and most toxic member. Be careful when one raises its head and its poison sac expands - that signals that it's about to spit a cloud of poisonous mist.
- Great Wroggi Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 2*

Beasts known to dwell in humid forest and mountain regions. Though known more for fishing and standing upright to collect honey, their thick claws and heavy forearm plating allow them to deliver powerful blows to any aggressor.
- Arzuros Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 1*

Fanged, long-eared beasts whose warm pelts and thick layers of fat help them survive in cold climates. Though mainly herbivores, Lagombi occasionally make use of their exceptional hearing and ability to glide on ice to sneak up on prey.
- Lagombi Habitats: Frost Islands
- Threat Level: 1*

Fanged beasts with thick red carapaces that are resistant to lava. Their rounded bodies are perfect for rolling across hot surfaces, and their long tongues are ideal for capturing insect prey. Their saliva emits a paralyzing toxin that should be avoided.
- Volvidon Habitats: Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 4*

Tending to stand on one leg, this monster somewhat resembles an umbrella. The Aknosom is highly territorial; it will spread out its wings and show off its characteristic comb to scare off threats. It also bears flammable venom that burns fiercely and lingers on the ground when lit. Draw the beast to water for an easier fight.
- Aknosom Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands
- Threat Level: 2*
Royal Ludroth

Larger than regular Ludroth, Royal Ludroth use their sponge-like mane to absorb water and keep from drying out on land. Once the sponge loses moisture, they will seek out water to recover. They also spew mucus to trip up their prey.
- Royal Ludroth Habitats: Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 3*

Barroth usually remain beneath the mud, perhaps to shield themselves from heat; they are even known to attack by flinging mud. They will charge in a frenzy at anything that disturbs their bogs.
- Barroth Habitats: Sandy Plains
- Threat Level: 3*

Loathsome wyverns that dwell in caves and other dark places. All but blind, Khezu hunt by smell. Their tail has evolved to cling to walls and ceilings. After using an electric shock to paralyze their prey, they extend their long neck and pounce.
- Khezu Habitats: Frost Islands, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 2*

An amphibious monster resembling a frog. Its appetite is infinite, and if it sees anything moving, it will gobble it up, dirt and all. It's theorized that the dirt it consumes builds up in its stomach and aids in digestion. If it eats something that it cannot digest, it will throw it back up. The cranial disc protecting its tender head is said to harden and become a more brilliant blue over time.
- Tetranadon Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 2*

A monster with a distinctive tail. While it is omnivorous, it has a preference for fruit, and keeps various fruits with all kinds of effects in its belly pouch. An incredibly curious beast, it enjoys playing tricks on people, and has been seen to bat fruit at its prey using its tail.
- Bishaten Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 4*

A bird wyvern known to store toxins within its body. It uses its tongue like a whip and can stretch or shrink at will, allowing it to grab up food. As a defense against threats, Pukei-Pukei have numerous toxic attacks. KLeep an eye on both its mouth and tail!
- Pukei-Pukei Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 4*

These juvenile Gravios are famous for their rock-hard carapaces. They often burrow underground, mimicking rocks and savaging oblivious miners. Because their carapaces are tougher than that of a full-grown Gravios, they'll attack a threat by charging at it. They are also known to emit a poisonous gas.
- Basarious Habitats: Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 3*

A formidable aquatic serpent that crests on moonlit nights - likely why it has often been mistaken for a mermaid. It expels an intoxicating sleep powder from its neck gills and tail, knocking out prey before it can resist. Some Somnacanth sightings tell of this species making use of unusual shells, so exercise caution if you catch one swimming towards you with a shell in its claws.
- Somnacanth Habitats: Frost Islands, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 5*

Fire-breathing female wyverns, also known as the "Queens of the Land." With powerful legs and poison-secreting tails, they hunt mainly on the ground. Sometimes seen preying as a couple, Rathian and Rathalos cooperate well.
- Rathian Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 4*

Wyverns that rule the eternally frozen Tundra. Barioth use their forelegs, tail, and their spiked scales to traverse the slippery ice with ease; this ability makes them very difficult to keep up with.
- Barioth Habitats: Frost Islands
- Threat Level: 5*

A fanged wyvern that files among the treetops. Its penchant to brush against the ground and the trees as it moves around builds up static electricity within its fur. This action allows it to reach a charged state - identified by its glowing fur - in which its head and tail attacks are said to be particularly lethal.
- Tobi-Kadachi Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 5*

A monster with a carapace like tempered steel armor. The vapor around it is actually the expelling of trapped gasses from the hordes of monsters Magnamalo has consumed. This has earned it the moniker "Wyvern of Malice." Its shrouded swings can inflict hellfireblight, which causes one to combust either spontaneously or when hit. Use a Deodorant or a Wirebug to rid yourself of hellfire.
- Magnamalo Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 7*

This belligerent monster will attack anything without hesitation. The membrane along its tail fans out when it is provoked - a behavior theorized to be either an act of intimidation or thermoregulation, as it has been known to do so when it breathes fire.
- Anjanath Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 6*

Flying wyverns that have evolved to live in thickly wooded areas. Covered in jet black fur, these cunning predators stalk their prey from the shadows and attack with ferocious speed. Their massive tails are as dexterous as they are deadly, and powerful enough to slay smaller monsters with one strike.
- Nargacuga Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 6*

A specially evolved Leviathan with a sleek, lithe body, Mizutsune can secrete a peculiar foam that covers its foes in immobilizing bubbles. Once its prey's movement is impaired, it closes in with spry, dance-like movements.
- Mizutsune Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 6*
Goss Harag

A monster native to ice-cold climates. Covered in fur so thick it keeps out the harsh frost, it roams the snowy plains in search of prey. It can inhale the cold air to freeze its own bodily fluids and then spit them out to create icy blades on its arms. When riled up, the Goss Harag turns red and becomes exceedingly dangerous.
- Goss Harag Habitats: Frost Islands
- Threat Level: 7*

Terrible wyverns called "Kings of the Skies." Along with Rathian, they stake wide territories centered around their nests. Rathalos descend on invaders from the sky, attacking with poison claws and a breath of fire.
- Rathalos Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 6*

As its name implies, Almudron spends a great deal of time lurking in mud - at least until it emerges to smother approaching prey. From its tail oozes a strange golden fluid, which Almudron uses to dissolve the ground beneath its prey, arresting them in a mire so that it can drag them under. When enraged, it produces more fluid, turning the mud golden. When you see gold, watch out!
- Almudron Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 7*

Fanged wyverns whose bodies are streaked with electricity. Sharp claws and strong limbs allow them to thrive in mountainous terrain. During hunts, they gather numerous Thunderbugs to boost their power and enter a supercharged state.
- Zinogre Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 6*

Flying wyverns whose primitive origins are obvious. Prone to violence, they display incredible ferocity with their claws, jaws, and developed limbs. They inhabit a wide area searching for prey, and have even been spotted in regions of harsh cold.
- Tigrex Habitats: Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 7*

Known as the "Tyrant of the Desert." The Diablos is extremely territorial and will use its massive horns to charge at invaders. Diablos have the ability to burrow underground and use this ability to strike from below, however, their sensitive ears make them susceptible to Sonic Bombs. Despite their predatory appearance, they are herbivorous and mostly feed on cactus.
- Diablos Habitats: Sandy Plains
- Threat Level: 7*
Monsters Exclusive to High Rank
These monsters are generally tougher, meaner, and will tax hunters more than the average monster to hunt; keep your wits about you when hunting these ferocious beasts! You can hunt the following in High Rank quests.

A piscine wyvern that inhabits swamps, utilizing the mud there to hunt and survive. It wallows in the mire to maximize cutaneous respiration and preserve the toughness of its scales. The sludge it spits is highly viscous, so watch where you step, lest you get stuck in it.
- Jyuratodus Habitats: Flooded Forest
- Threat Level: 4*

A Rakna-Kadaki is usually seen covered in sticky webbing. Clinging to its abdomen are its offspring, known as Rachnoid, which it controls using the flammable gas that builds up there. Rachnoid spit fire, capture prey, and support the Rakna-Kadaki's massive body. As their numbers dwindle, the beast will hatch more, at which point it is extremely dangerous.
- Rakna-Kadaki Habitats: Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 7*

An ultra-aggressive creature that is rarely sighted and seldom survived. Those that have survived report that it exhibits a strange attack. Rajang are said to be loners, and this isolated life has made it difficult to pin down its territorial leanings. When angered, part of its pelt turns a golden color.
- Rajang Habitats: Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns
- Threat Level: 8*
Wind Serpent Ibushi

A male elder dragon that exhibits inexplicable behaviors such as floating upside down midair. Research indicates that the emission of a special gas from all over its body, and the modulation of this gas, is what allows it to move freely. It shoots air from gills on its arms and tail to fly, creating its own turbluence and soaring to great heights.
- Wind Serpent Ibushi Habitats: Red Stronghold
- Threat Level: 9*
Thunder Serpent Narwa

An elder dragon and Wind Serpent Ibushi's "queen". Its thundersacs glow with accumulated electrical charge; it is thought that these organs therefore generate the powerful magnetic field that lifts the creature and anything around it high into the air.
- Thunder Serpent Narwa Habitats: Coral Palace
- Threat Level: 10*
This unfortunate naming scheme for longtime fans denotes specific, especially powerful versions of monsters that can be hunted during certain High Rank Rampage Quests. They drop unique materials that can be used to upgrade Rampage Weapons, and offer a much tougher challenge compared to their non-Apex counterparts.
Apex Arzuros
Habitats: Red Stronghold
5* High Rank Rampage Quest
Apex Rathian
Habitats: Red Stronghold
6* High Rank Rampage Quest
Apex Mizutsune
Habitats: Red Stronghold
7* High Rank Rampage Quest
These monsters are not yet in the game, but have been announced for a later Title Update. This list will be updated, and merged into the regular list, as the game continues to receive content updates.
Coming in Title Update 1, Late April
Apex Rathalos
Coming in Title Update 1, Late April
If your favorite monster isn't in the game, don't lose hope! There's still a chance that they might get added to the game with later updates!