Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Dialogue Choices, Consequences and Support Guide/Walkthrough
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is absolutely full of choices with consequences. This comes in the form of dialogue choice prompts, but also in some larger narrative branches that will massively shape the path the story takes. This level of choice is a natural extension of the Support system from most recent Fire Emblem titles.
As you progress through the game, Byleth will be able to provide answers to a variety of prompts throughout the game. Several of these prompts are accompanied by a Support gain with the character Byleth is talking to. We've aimed to capture which prompts offer a Support bonus in this guide.
As a note, this guide will contain some minor spoilers in dialogue, as it's comprehensive and covers the entire game.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Choices & Consequences guide
Before we get into the various Fire Emblem Three Houses choices and their sometimes significant consequences, there's some things to remember about how to use this guide:
- Dialogue choices are formatted (<Person Talking To> - <Correct Choice for Affinity Up>).
- Several dialogue choices do not affect Support Levels, and these choices are not shown in this guide. If you come across a dialogue choice in the game not shown in the list below, then the choice does not matter.
- Month number show is the Calendar Month of the Fodlan Calendar. For example, you start the game in Calendar Month 4.
With that noted, let's get into the core of the walkthrough...
Beginning of the Game - before the first Exploration Day

At the very start, you'll pick a name, choose male or female Byleth, and answer Sothis' questions about your birthday and if you're a ghost, demon or mortal. These first Fire Emblem Three Houses choices don't have a material effect - but after all that...
Jeralt - Of course
After the first tutorial battle when talking to Sothis (A Skirmish at Dawn):
- Sothis - I'm less than a child?
- Sothis - Turn back the hands of time
After Alois shows up:
- Alois - I'm a bandit
- Edelgard - I didn't know he was a captain
- Choice of House, that house leader gets affinity up. (This is NOT where you actually choose a House to join)
After reaching Garreg Mach:
- Rhea - My name is..
- Manuela - You're a songstress?
4/23 Exploration
You don’t have access to the full monastery yet. You have to talk to the three house leaders to progress the story, but you can meet the rest of the classes too.
After talking to the three class leaders, you choose your house for good.
Hanneman - Do you what you can to find out.
4/27 Exploration
You still don’t have access to the full monastery yet. There are a few quests that introduce you to fishing, gardening, and sharing a meal at the cafeteria. You can talk to other students and professors, and sometimes they will ask a question. Pick the answer shown below to gain affinity with that person.
In order to end the month, you have to finish the “Share a Bite” quest.
Use an amiibo if you have one.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Caspar - Not a Chance
- Annette - Looking for someone?
- Lysithea - You like reading?
- Flayn - That's a shame
- Felix - I'd was hoping to spar with you
- Linhardt - Now I'm feeling sleepy too
- Cyril - Can't we talk just a little?
- Ashe - You seem well-informed on the subject
- Manuela - just talk to her
- Hanneman - Put a drop of blood in the Crest Analyzer in his quarters
Storyline Month 4
At the end of each month, there will be storyline content with usually one storyline battle. During the dialogue, pick these choices for affinity. If you get a choice in-game that’s not listed here, it shouldn’t matter what you select.
Edelgard - Leave it to me
Dimitri - I’m looking forward to it
Claude - If they insist
<Battle: Rivalry of the Houses>
Once the new month starts:
Jeralt - Not Quite
5/11 Exploration Day
- Note: From here out, for each month, we'll list the first date available as your Exploration Day. While you can explore on different days or more-than-once per month, the Dialogue Choices and Blue Pickups only refresh at the start of each month. So in other words, if you Explore a second time in a month, there will be no more new Dialogue Choices or Blue Pickups.
- You can begin to recruit characters here, but you will not be able to recruit this early unless you are on NG+.
- The north cathedral area opens up on this day, which holds choir for now. The training ground area also opens up North of Byleth's room. The marketplace also opens at the South.
- You can start finding Blue Pickups around the monastery. Be sure to seek these out as they can be useful items or help you gain Professor Level. New ones appear every month. Blue items with Professor Level gains cannot be permanently missed. If you fail to pick one up, it'll show up next month.
- A note about Byleth Supports: Byleth’s supports work differently. When you reach a new support level with a character and it is noted in the menu, you have to physically seek out the dialogue box icon on the map to initiate the support conversation, rather than accessing it from the menu like with every other support.
- During this month, you won’t have a choice in what you do each Free Day. You’ll Explore on 5/11, Battle on 5/18, and Seminar on 5/25.
- If you have the Expansion Pass, there is a short quest to feed cats & dogs.
- If you have the Expansion Pass and have completed the Side Story, you can enter Abyss by talking to the shifty merchant near your quarters.
- You can recruit Yuri, Balthus, Constance, and Hapi
- There is a quest to unlock the Mysterious Teacher, who tells you how much your characters have progressed.
- You can go to the Scrap Heap once per month to get some rusted items
- There is a Pagan Altar where you can trade items for Renown, or use Renown to buy weapons.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Raphael - Strength
- Hilda - If you're busy, never mind
- Alois - Good luck
- Bernadetta - Hey, what's this cake doing out here
- Dorothea - Male Byleth should pick ‘I'll tell Manuela’, Female Byleth choose ‘Let’s search for it’’
- Annette - Sweet
- Petra - The cold
- Ferdinand - I'm ready -> I'm looking forward to that
- Mercedes - That's right
- Lorenz - Not exactly
- Ignatz - You can learn so much from books
- Rhea - About the teachings of Seiros
- Hanneman - Put some hair in the Crest Analyzer after speaking to Hanneman
- Jeritza - choice doesn't matter
- Hapi - How did you know that? (Expansion Pass only)
- Constance - I'm just looking around (Expansion Pass only)
- Yuri - I got lost and stumbled upon this place (Expansion Pass only)
- Balthus - No, I'm a professor. (Expansion Pass only)
Storyline Month 5
<After the battle: Red Canyon Dominance (Divine Pulse Introduced)>
Sothis - I remember this being a peaceful place -> You surprised me
Edelgard - I did -> A culture long since perished
Dimitri - Puppy Love?
Claude - Actually.. -
Rhea - I will do all that I can
6/8 Exploration Day
- First time having Lost Items show up as blue pickups. If you miss a Lost Item, it should show up in the next month. They're listed in this guide based on when they appear, but we also have a full, separate Lost Items guide that is in alphabetical order.
- You can explore the 2nd floor dormitories (entrance near the greenhouse but you can always warp there), stable area, Knight Hall.
- Quests introduce battalion guild, advice box, Lost Items, Gifts, and faculty training.
- You should probably put battalions on your units here, or soon. No reason not to.
- If you have the Expansion Pass, you can recruit Anna now. There is also an additional easy quest from your house leader, where you just need to talk to Anna.
- If you have the Expansion Pass, Constance has a quest. It is a quest battle that when completed, offers hints for Lost Items and a hint when doing tea parties.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Sothis - I should have listened more intently (she’s found in your personal quarters)
- Leonie - You really want to bring in the money, huh?
- Caspar - When you're busy, there's no alternative
- Seteth - Female Byleth select 'Actually..', Male Byleth select 'Not at all' [need verification]
- Linhardt - Sounds unhealthy
- Sylvain - I saw him at the training ground
- Marianne - I came to see the horses
- Lorenz - I agree
- Ignatz - Do you like art?
- Catherine - choice doesn't matter
- Jeritza - choice doesn’t matter
- Ferdinand - I hope no one is hurt (Black Eagle House only, or if recruited)*
- Annette - I hope you find whomever you’re looking for. (Blue Lion House only, or if recruited)*
- Dimitri - choice doesn’t matter (Blue Lion House only)
- Yuri - What writing on which wall? (Expansion Pass only)
- Constance - I don't (Expansion Pass only)
- Balthus - I have not (Expansion Pass only)
- Hapi - You must really hate the church (Expansion Pass only)
- NPC Thief - I can't do that (Sothis up, Expansion Pass only)
*Note: It's extremely unlikely you'll have recruited anyone at this stage unless you are on New Game +.
Lost Items
Lost Items are always found as blue dots around the monastery. They are usually pretty easy to find, so we don’t list specifically where you find them, just noting what we had at the time. One common place we found Lost Items can be hard-to-see is within the open cathedral area between the alter and seats. Note that Lost Items cannot be permanently missed, as they'll just show up in the next month if you fail to pick one up.
- Wooden Flask - Jeralt (this is the quest one that introduces Lost Items)
- Wooden Button - Raphael
- Hand Drawn Map - Leonie (this one can be tricky, it's in the garden area left of the amiibo gazebo)
- Tattered Overcoat - Caspar
- School of Sorcery Book - Annette
- Sketch of a Sigil - Hanneman
- Elegant Hair Clip - Rhea (Version 1.2 required)
White Gloves - Edelgard
Dulled Longsword - Dimitri
Leather Bow Sheath - Claude
Storyline Month 6
<After Battle: The Magdred Ambush>
- Edelgard - Agreed (Black Eagle House only)
- Rhea - We won’t let her down
After the next month starts:
Edelgard - It's a distraction
Dimitri - I agree
Claude - It's a distraction
7/6 Exploration Day
The first tournament opens up this month. A quest that leads to tea time options opens up too. Catherine and Shamir are now available for Faculty Training and Support. You can try to recruit Catherine at this time, although she cannot be recruited if you are in the Black Eagle house.
If you have the Expansion Pass, Anna will have the quest 'A Peculiar Trend'. This is a repeatable quest where you can collect Trade Secret items from aux and quest battles. Collect three and you'll get a stat-up item and some Renown.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Sothis - Do you know something?
- Shamir - I was thinking about the enemy's objectives
- Raphael - You may be right
- Marianne - We only know a small part of this world
- Seteth - Did you encounter any danger?
- Petra - I’m happy you survived
- Hubert - Of course not
- Ashe - Pull yourself together
- Catherine - I dare you to try
- Rhea - I was worried
- Cyril - Of course not
- Dorothea - It's different if it's someone you know who was lost. (Black Eagle House only, or if recruited)
- Felix - I hope so too (Blue Lion House only, or if recruited)
- Annette - Good thinking (Blue Lion House only, or if recruited)
- Lysithea - Some things are more important than that (Golden Deer House only, or if recruited)
- Constance - What kind of services? (Expansion Pass only)
- Balthus - I'd appreciate that (Expansion Pass only)
Lost Items
- Thunderbrand Replica - Caspar
- Artificial Flower - Lorenz
- Wellness Herbs - Manuela
- Bag of Tea Leaves - Ferdinand
- Confessional Letter - Marianne
- Used Bottle of Perfume - Hilda (If you are on Black Eagle routes, you cannot give Hilda gifts until Month 3)
- Mysterious Notebook - Alois
- Badge of Graduation - Catherine
- Secret Ledger - Anna (Expansion Pass only, right outside dining hall)
- Noxious Handkerchief - Hubert (Black Eagles House only)
- Gold Earring - Dedue (Blue Lion House only)
Storyline Month 7
<Battle: Assault at the Rite of Rebirth>
Note: This is the first of minimum three chances to get a Dark Seal, depending on which route you are on. You will probably need to turn your fastest character into a Thief to steal it. You can use a mastered Monk to ‘Draw Back’ after stealing in order to get the Thief out of harm's way, or Steal just before finishing the map.
After new month starts:
Dimitri - I’m happy to help. (Blue Lions House only)
8/10 Exploration
- There are quests this month that open the Statues and Blacksmith functionality.
- 'Clearing the Way' Quest leads to new shops in the monastery. These shops sell Gifts and bait.
- Gilbert now at the monastery for Faculty Teaching. Can support only with Blue Lion House.
- Cyril can be recruited on Blue Lions or Golden Deer routes. He cannot be recruited to the Black Eagles.
- Alois and Shamir are not at the monastery this month.
- If you have the Expansion Pass, you can unlock the Sauna this month.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Bernadetta - I'll take your word for it.
- Manuela - I will protect them
- Gilbert - It's a pleasure to meet you
- Caspar We can't allow a Hero's Relic to be stolen (Black Eagle House or if recruited)
- Raphael - I'm not sure
- Hilda - I believe so
- Linhardt - They didn't
- Hanneman - I respect your self-control
- Leonie - I don't know
- Seteth - No problems (Have to complete the main quest first)
- Annette - I might have seen him (Blue Lion House only of if recruited)
- Felix - I have (Blue Lion House only or if recruited)
- Dimitri - choice doesn’t matter (Blue Lion House only)
- Hapi - No. (Expansion Pass only)
- Yuri - You're worried people might compare you? (Expansion Pass only)
Lost Items
- Needle and Thread - Bernadetta
- Exotic Feather - Petra
- Unused Lipstick - Sylvain
- Encyclopedia of Sweets - Lysithea
- Sword Belt Fragment - Felix
- Feather Pillow - Linhardt
- Curry Comb - Ingrid
- Art Book - Ignatz
- Portrait of Rhea - Cyril (this item is found at the end of the 2nd-floor dorm)
- Nimbus Charm - Constance (Expansion Pass only, by the shifty merchant)
- Makeup Brush - Yuri (Expansion Pass only, by the sauna)
Storyline Month 8
<After the battle (The Gautier Inheritance):>
- Rhea - Yes of course
- Rhea - As you wish
- Note: If you select, "I will not", you'll be able to keep the lance but lose points with Rhea. You can always re-earn the lance later via Sylvain's paralogue.
- Upon returning to Edelgard on her route, you can select ‘I did not return it’ for Support Up.
- Claude/Edelgard - Pick 'He doesn't have to answer to you' for Claude, or 'I would like to hear this as well' for Edelgard (Golden Deer House only)
- Claude - If it's a noble dream (Golden Deer House only, do not select the other choice, it will lead to support down)
After the new month starts:
Dedue - Get some rest. (Blue Lions House only)
9/7 Exploration Day
- You may start getting Paralogues this month. Paralogues are extra battles that feature a specific character(s) and often reward with unique items and battalions. The Paralogues that become available depend on your chosen House and which units you’ve recruited.
- Southern and Eastern Shops open if you did quests from last month. Now you can buy stuff like bait, seeds, tea, gifts.
- Shamir can now be recruited if your level is high enough.
- Seteth and Manuela are not available for faculty training this month.
- Going to Jeritza's room will end the month, the game will warn you about it. Make sure not to do this until you've done everything you want to.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
Some of these choices are a part of the main (red icon) questline. Talk to your house leader to get the quest first, and sometimes you might need to talk progress the quest before a talk option opens up.
- Ferdinand - Perhaps she went looking for treats?
- Sylvain - Is that a possibility?
- Lorenz - That’s possible
- Catherine - I heard he goes out every night
- Mercedes - She must have been
- Ignatz - You think she’d be easily deceived?
- Hanneman - Is her Crest rare enough to justify kidnapping her?
- Annette - We can’t rule it out
- Rhea - We fill find her, together
- Ashe - Then it could be the same culprit
- Lysithea - Maybe she’s lived a very sheltered life
- Seteth - I will find her, I swear it
- Hapi - That's kind of you (Expansion Pass only)
- Tomas - choice doesn’t matter
- Gilbert - choice doesn’t matter
- Shamir - choice doesn’t matter
- Alois - choice doesn’t matter
- Jeralt - choice doesn’t matter
- NPC Rogue - choice doesn’t matter (Expansion Pass only)
Lost Items
- Antique Clasp - Flayn (have to wait to give until next month)
- Agricultural Survey - Ferdinand
- Spotless Bandage - Hilda (If you are on Black Eagle routes, you cannot give Hilda gifts until Month 3)
- Hammer and Chisel - Hanneman
- Bundle of Herbs - Ashe
- How to Bake Sweets - Mercedes
- Silver Necklace - Gilbert
- Silver Brooch - Dorothea (in the hedges across from the homerooms)
- How to be Tidy - Marianne
- Black Leather Gloves - Dimitri (Blue Lions House only)
- Gardening Shears - Dedue (Blue Lions House only)
- Seiros Scriptures - Rhea (Version 1.2 required, found NW of the Cathedral)
- Well-Worn Hammock - Balthus (Expansion Pass only)
Storyline Month 9
<After the battle (The Underground Chamber):> - This battle is the second of minimum three chances to get a Dark Seal. Again, your best option is a fast thief.
- Dimitri - Like this? (Blue Lions House only)
- Flayn - That is a great idea
- Seteth & Flayn - It would be my pleasure
- Jeralt - Don’t say things like that
After the new month starts:
- Edelgard - DON’T select ‘I can’t recall’ (Support down)
Dimitri/Claude - DON'T select 'It slipped my mind.' (Support down)
- Dimitri - I remember our celebration most of all. (Blue Lions House only)
- Manuela (when speaking to your House leader) - In that case, I must sit out too
- Hanneman (when speaking to Manuela) - This doesn’t seem fair...
10/5 Exploration
The Fishing Tournament Quest this month is just slightly weird, so let me help out. First of all, note that Seteth has a dialogue choice if you speak to him before finishing this quest.
What you have to do to actually finish the quest is to catch a 5-star Teutates Herring, then talk to Flayn. However, you can also get minor rewards from other participants for getting a bigger fish than them before finishing the quest. However, the Teutates Herring only seems to count for Flayn. To beat all of the other students, you need to catch either a 4-Star Large Fodlan Carp or 5-Star Huge Fodlan Carp. Note that speaking to Flayn will end the Quest and give you the main Quest reward.
So in brief, to maximize quest rewards you want to: talk to Seteth to get his dialogue choice, start the quest by talking to Shamir, catch a either a 4-Star Large Fodlan Carp or 5-Star Huge Fodlan Carp & talk to all the other participants to get minor rewards if you want, catch a 5-star Teutates Herring & talk to Flayn.
If you have the Expansion Pass, there is an additional quest from a familiar monk near the graves.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Hilda - Now that you mention it
- Hubert - I’m not interested in rewards
- Bernadetta - I don’t think nobles are allowed to watch
- Cyril - Do you want to travel around Fodlan someday?
- Gilbert - Are you good at fishing?
- Alois - Maybe the fish are frightened by you
- Marianne - Don’t you want to participate?
- Dorothea - Select "Very" if she's in your House or recruited, select "Not Really" otherwise.
- Linhardt - It is what it is
- Sylvain - I'm sure they do
- Mercedes - You seem a bit down
- Hanneman - You should give up
- Manuela - I’ll help you get revenge
- Rhea - It will be difficult
- Leonie - No I’m not taking part
- Seteth - Leave it to me (only available if you talk to Seteth before finishing the Fishing Tournament quest)
- Jeralt - choice doesn't matter
- Monk (Aelfric) - choice doesn't matter (Expansion Pass only)
- Yuri - choice doesn't matter (Expansion Pass only)
Lost Items
- Bundle of Dry Hemp - Shamir
- Small Tanned Hide - Petra
- Jousting Almanac - Ingrid
- Letter to Rhea - Catherine
- Black Iron Spur - Felix
- Burlap Sack of Rocks - Raphael
- Time-worn Quill Pen - Edelgard (Black Eagle House only)
- Hresvelg Treatise - Hubert (Black Eagle House only)
- Shiny Striated Pebble - Hapi (Expansion Pass only, across from Bernadetta's room)
Storyline Month 10
Edelgard/Hubert - Pick 'I would fight them head-on' for Edelgard, or 'I would surprise them with clever schemes.' for Hubert.
Dimitri - Very -> That's reassuring.
Claude - Absolutely -> 2nd choice doesn't matter
<After battle (Battle of the Eagle and Lion):>
- Praise whichever house you’d like to get affinity with that leader, your own or otherwise.
- Edelgard - We’ll celebrate our victory. (Black Eagle House only)
- Edelgard - Am I that someone?
Dimitri - We all did our part.
Claude/Hilda - Pick 'You All Worked Hard' when addressing the class for Claude, or 'Just wait until you see my true power' for Hilda.
After the new Month 11 starts:
- Manuela - That’s nice of you
- Jeralt - I just got a little dizzy
After the first lecture day (before the first exploration day of the month):
Black Eagle Route:
- Hubert - They are
- Edelgard - I do not
Blue Lions Route:
- Dimitri - So, you and Edelgard.
- Sothis - So that's why he was worried about her. -> In the Library.
Golden Deer Route:
- Claude - Something Interesting? -> It had one in the past.
11/9 Exploration
- There is a pair of quests where you have to choose between Catherine and Shamir. Support up with who you choose.
- You can find Crestological Mysteries Gift item. This starts a trading quest. You can just follow the icons on the map to complete it easily. This ultimately ends the above-mentioned quest.
- You can recruit Manuela and Hanneman in this month.
- If you have the Expansion Pass, there is an additional tournament quest "Proper Conduct Tournament". Here you must have Byleth participate in the tournament. It is somewhat challenging, using the Swordmaster class is probably your best bet.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Sothis - I am
- Bernadetta - No you don’t
- Caspar - choice doesn’t matter
- Alois - Time to give up
- Ashe - I’ve heard it’s not an ordinary disease
- Gilbert - DON’T select Punishment from the Goddess (Support down if you do)
- Flayn - How long ago?
- Raphael - Time heals all wounds
- Lysithea - I’ll handle it
- Lorenz - Nothing gets by you
- Jeralt & Leonie - Still a little unsteady
- Rhea - I do not
- Edelgard - I am (Black Eagles House only)
- Dedue - As I recall.. (Blue Lions House only)
- Hapi - I will (Expansion Pass only)
- Constance - I agree (Expansion Pass only)
- Yuri - I can't just ignore what happened (Expansion Pass only)
- NPC Boy - choice doesn't matter (Expansion Pass only)
- NPC Merchant - choice doesn't matter (Expansion Pass only)
Lost Items
- The Saints Revealed - Linhardt
- Unfinished Fable - Seteth
- Well-Used Hatchet - Cyril
- Still-Life Picture - Bernadetta
- Songstress Poster - Dorothea
- Crumpled Love Letter - Sylvain
- Fruit Preserves - Mercedes
- A Treatise on Etiquette - Lorenz
- Crude Arrowheads - Leonie
- Old Map of Enbarr - Flayn
- Clean Dusting Cloth - Manuela
- Foreign Gold Coin - Alois
- Mild Stomach Poison - Claude (Golden Deer House only)
- Balance Scale - Anna (Expansion Pass only) - Found up the far stairs near the graveyard
- Repellent Powder - Constance (Expansion Pass only) - Field left of amiibo gazebo
- Suspicious Dice - Yuri (Expansion Pass only) - near entrance to training area
Storyline Month 11
Edelgard - DON’T select ‘I’m revolted too’ (Support down).
Dimitri - Are you OK?
Hilda - It's horrifying
<After the battle (The Remire Calamity):> This is the third of three battles to get a Dark Seal.
Note: The choice given by the Flame Emperor does not affect anything, despite seeming like an important choice.
- Dimitri - I felt the same (Blue Lions House only)
- Dimitri - DON'T select 'The Flame Emperor said he wasn't involved.' (Blue Lions House only, Support Down)
- Claude - World domination (Golden Deer House only)
- Claude - DON'T select 'We can't go easy on her' (Golden Deer House only, Support Down)
- Rhea - They must be stopped.
- Rhea - DON’T select ‘‘I had never heard the name of the Goddess’ (Support Down)
12/7 Exploration
One of the knights near the market asks a question where you can choose a partner. This should be the person who meets Byleth after the ball, and a chance for Support Up.
The “White Heron Cup” quest ultimately unlocks the Dancer class to the winner. Talk to Rhea to accept the quest, then talk to one of your students to pick your participant. The Cha rating is what you are looking for. After you pick a student, you can talk to Manuela to see the Cha requirement (for us it was 13). You can give a special dance lesson to your participant to raise their Cha by 5 for free. While we haven't thoroughly tested the limits, as long as your character’s Cha is comfortably above 13, you should win the contest. Note that the Dancer class is a sword and magic-wielding class, so you might want to also pick someone with decent Sword or magic skills. The actual competition will take place after the second lecture day. The winner also gets the Sword Avo+20 ability and Sword Dance Combat Art.
Fistfuls of Fish is a great event to take advantage of. You can get multiple fish per bait, and each fish gives some Professor Level EXP.
If you have the Expansion Pass, there is a quick simple quest the rewards with some battalions.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Alois - That’s a wonderful story
- Gilbert - Even the students
- Yuri - We must move ahead, despite the pain (Expansion Pass only)
Lost Items
- Book of Ghost Stories - Mercedes (in the open space east of the cathedral)
- Unfinished Score - Annette (hidden in a corner of one of the classrooms)
- Blue Stone - Ignatz
- Lens Cloth - Hanneman
- Evil-Repelling Amulet - Ashe
- Princess Doll - Lysithea
- Old Fishing Rod - Seteth
- Carving Hammer - Gilbert
- Centipede Picture - Shamir
- Folding Razor - Hubert (Black Eagle House only)
- Animated Bait - Linhardt
- Big Spoon - Raphael
- Old Cleaning Cloth - Cyril
- Faded Star Chart - Rhea (Expansion Pass only, in Library)
- Stiff-Hand Wrap - Balthus (Expansion Pass only, by docks)
Storyline Month 12
Before the ball
Edelgard - Of course.
Dimitri - I'll be there.
Claude - choice doesn't matter
After the ball
- Sothis - It is difficult
- Dimitri - A dagger? (Blue Lions route only)
Someone will meet with you here in the Goddess Tower. This should be the person you choose when talking to the soldier in Month 12. The choice here can gain affinity with some characters.
Sothis - DON’T answer ‘I have no reason to’ (Support down)
<After the battle (Salvation at the Chapel):>
- Sothis - Our enemies will pay (Gives Support on Golden Deer and Black Eagle Routes only)
- Alois - I was? (Black Eagles or Golden Deer routes only)
After the next month starts:
Edelgard - It’s fine.
Dimitri (when talking to Sothis) - It's time for revenge.
Claude - choice doesn't matter (The option will loop until you allow Claude to have the diary.)
1/4 Exploration
- Knights are not around this month so they won't be available for lost items, gifts, or training.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Sothis - choice doesn’t matter
- Petra/Ferdinand - choose ‘You may return home if you so please’ for Ferdinand, or ‘You do not have to leave if you do not wish it’ for Petra.
- Annette/Mercedes - choose ‘Thank you for the thought’ for Mercedes, or ‘I’m fine’ for Annette.
- Felix/Sylvain - It would be a shame if we were invaded. (unlike the other paired discussions this chapter, the other option gives no Support)
- Lysithea - We should be careful
- Bernadetta - Thank you
- Ignatz - Even though you are scared, push through
- Manuela - I’ll listen
- Marianne/Hilda - choose 'We'll defeat the bad guys. We'll show them.' for Hilda, or 'Just ignore it.' for Marianne. (Golden Deer House, or if both are recruited on Blue Lion House)
Lost Items
- Pegasus Horseshoes - Ingrid
- Bag of Seeds - Marianne
- Handmade Hair Clip - Hilda (If you are on Black Eagle routes, you cannot give Hilda gifts until Month 3)
- Noseless Puppet - Gilbert (have to wait to give next month)
- Introduction to Magic - Alois (have to wait to give next month)
- Weathered Cloak - Catherine (have to wait to give next month)
- Lovely Comb - Dorothea
- Iron Cooking Pot - Dedue (Blue Lions Route only)
- Toothed Dagger - Felix
- Letter to the Goddess - Ignatz
- Fur Scarf - Leonie (can be tricky to spot, it's near a hedge next to the amiibo Gazebo)
- Snapped Writing Quill - Seteth
- Dusty Book of Fables - Flayn
- Light Purple Veil - Manuela
- Eastern Porcelain - Edelgard (Black Eagle Route only)
- Training Logbook - Dimitri (Blue Lions Route only)
- Board Game Piece - Claude (Golden Deer Route only)
- Animal Bone Dice - Shamir (have to wait to give next month)
- Basket Of Berries - Hapi (Expansion Pass only)
Storyline Month 1
<Battle: The Sealed Forest Snare>
After the new Month 2 starts:
Rhea - Isn’t that too dangerous?
2/8 Exploration
Edelgard / Black Eagle House Note: There is a VERY Important event this month if you joined the Black Eagle House. Edelgard's route has a branching point, and this is where it starts. You ultimately are choosing your alliance between Edelgard or the Monastery. These route names are called Crimson Flower (Edelgard's Route) and Silver Snow (Monastery Route)
When you talk to Edelgard, you will immediately make a Choice that will “drastically change the story”, with a clear message from the game.
If you choose to go with Edelgard, you'll immediately end the rest of the Exploration Day, and you'll miss the next Lecture day. You need to do this in order to do the <Crimson Flower / Edelgard Route>, though you are not locked into this route quite yet.
If you choose to stay at the monastery, you are locked into the <Silver Snow / Monastery Route>.
- Can recruit Alois this month.
- Byleth now has access to the Enlightened One class, Byleth’s Personal Ability upgrades to Professor’s Guidance+, which adds +2 to damage dealt.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Dimitri/Dedue - You should rest
- Raphael - I’ve changed quite a bit
- Ashe - I don’t know either
- Petra - Perhaps
- Shamir - Is the world different outside of Foldan?
- Gilbert - Where should you have been?
- Cyril - That would be exciting, wouldn’t it?
- Lysithea - Don’t worry, I’m fine
- Caspar - Try to catch up to me
- Sylvain - Isn’t it weird?
- Annette - It’s only my appearance that has changed.
- Lorenz - That is my intention
- Dorothea - I don’t know what to say to that
- Rhea - Thank you
- Hapi & Constance - Yes I'm still me (Expansion Pass only)
- Yuri - I'm more talkative now (Expansion Pass only)
- Balthus - She was unfathomably beautiful (Expansion Pass only)
Lost Items
- Maintenance Oil - Ferdinand
- Moon Knight’s Tale - Ashe
- Grounding Charm - Caspar
- Annotated Dictionary - Petra
- The History of Sreng - Sylvain
- Wax Diptych - Annette
- Silk Handkerchief - Lorenz
- New Bottle of Perfume - Lysithea
- Hedgehog Case - Bernadetta (this one is at the top of the stars near the graves and can be hard to spot)
Storyline Month 2
Before the battle:
Rhea - I do.
<Battle: Conflict in the Holy Tomb>
Edelgard / Black Eagle House Note: After this battle is where you ultimately choose which route you will go on, the <Crimson Flower / Edelgard Route> or <Silver Snow / Monastery Route>.
To go on the <Crimson Flower / Edelgard Route>, you must choose to 'Protect Edelgard' here. This option is only available if you went with her to the Empire during Month 2 Exploration.
To go on the <Silver Snow / Monastery Route>, you must select either 'Kill Edelgard' or '...'.
If you are in the Blue Lion Class, you will go to the <Azure Moon / Dimitri Route>.
For those in the Golden Deer, head to <Verdant Wind / Claude Route>.

Choices going forward from here is if you are on the Crimson Flower route (Edelgard's Route).
Edelgard - I love it.
3/30 Exploration
- You can buy Master Seals at the shop here.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Dorothea - We will not lose.
- Edelgard - We have to try.
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I promise to protect them.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - You really care for them.
Storyline Month 3
<The Battle of Garreg Mach:>
Note: Characters dying in this battle on either side will not have any effects on the storyline.
Crimson Flower / Edelgard Route Time Skip
Edelgard - I am. (Must select this anyway)
12/28 Exploration
Timeskip notes:
- Edelgard automatically gains her Armored Lord class.
- Jeritza joins automatically (as of Version 1.10).
- All units gain 1 level (or brought to a minimum of 20). Skill levels stay the same.
- All weapons carried by units are repaired
- Edelgard’s Personal Ability upgrades to Imperial Lineage+, which adds Res+4 bonus if she waits with no action in a turn.
- Edelgard automatically obtains Aymr axe.
- All other money and items are the same as before the timeskip.
- You can harvest the plants you placed 5 years ago (lol)
- You can go up to the third floor now, though there is usually nothing there. You can also enter the Cardinal’s room on 2F.
- Your available characters to speak with will depend on who you recruited before the timeskip.
- All recruited party members can now improve Byleth's skills with Advanced Drills, similar to Faculty Training.
- Randolph might show up in Exploration, but you can't do anything with him.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Edelgard - choice doesn't matter
- Linhardt - Morning...nap?
- Caspar - I’m counting on you.
- Bernadetta - That’s the spirit!
- Hanneman (if recruited) - We can talk about that.
- Raphael (if recruited) - You look very strong.
- Lysithea (if recruited) - You have to cast aside your doubts.
- Ingrid (if recruited) - Can you fight against your homeland?
- Leonie (if recruited) - Promise?
- Felix (if recruited) - You’re right
- Annette (if recruited) - Does that frighten you?
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Really? She looked that intensely?
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Aren't you glad I'm back?
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Ouch...
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - choice doesn't matter
- Randolph/Fleche - choice doesn't matter
Lost Items
- Armor Clasp - Jeritza (found in lower right room on 2F)
- Rare Item Index - Anna (Expansion Pass only, found near rubble)
Storyline Month 12
<Battle: The Great Bridge Coup>
No choices matter.
1/4 Exploration
- Ladislava will show up here, but you can’t do anything with her.
- For the quest ‘Floral Tribute’, you find a flower near the greenhouse as a pickup item. You don’t use normal flower gifts.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Petra - That’s part of your charm.
- Dorothea - I don’t think so
- Ferdinand - Like what if I had turned against the Empire?
- Jeritza - choice doesn't matter
- Alois (if recruited) - No.
- Ignatz (if recruited) - Are you feeling conflicted?
- Ingrid (if recruited) - I understand the sentiment.
- Raphael (if recruited) - Were you close?
- Lysithea (if recruited) - We must let our guard down.
- Shamir (if recruited) - I have no desire to kill them, but…
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Will he put up a hard fight?
- Sylvain (if recruited) - Maybe once the war is over…
- Marianne (if recruited) - The way he sees it, we can’t both exist.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Goneril... Is this about Hilda?
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - What did he do?
Lost Items
- Black Hair Tie - Jeritza (found outside his room)
Month 1 Storyline
<Battle: Capturing Derdriu>
No support choices. By this point you should have high level supports with your primary characters, anyway.
2/8 Exploration
- The quest “The Secret Shop” opens up Anna’s shop, which holds Master Seals, stat up items, and accessories.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Bernadetta - Isn’t that a little pessimistic?
- Caspar - You should study more.
- Linhardt - Your research will find something.
- Edelgard - Understood.
- Hanneman (if recruited) - We should mourn his death.
- Annette (if recruited) - Perhaps.
- Marianne (if recruited) - It couldn't be helped.
- Leonie (if recruited) - I still hesitate.
- Manuela (if recruited) - Sometimes it can be better to retreat
- Sylvain (if recruited) - Maybe there is
- Ignatz (if recruited) - Why not paint a picture?
- Felix (if recruited) - I’m counting on you.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - That's good to hear.
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Do you have a problem with the Alliance nobles?
- NPC Resident (Expansion Pass) - No. The men aren't as few as that. (you get Mythril for the correct answer)
Lost Items
- Jar of Sweets - Jeritza (found in cafeteria)
Month 2 Storyline
<Battle: Protecting Garreg Mach>
No Support choices.
3/8 Exploration
- Fistfuls of Fish the next week here if you need Professor Level.
- Edelgard earns the Emperor Class.
- There is a quest here that unlocks the Dark Merchant shop - 'Taking care of Business'.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Ferdinand - Kings can’t be emotional?
- Petra - Because it’s like hunting?
- Dorothea - We’ll make it through together.
- Sylvain (If recruited) - He wasn’t like that before?
- Alois (if recruited) - How about you go fishing?
- Shamir (if recruited) - You seem fine
- Ignatz (if recruited) - Bravo. You put on a good show.
- Mercedes (if recruited) - The church?
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Were you an exchange student?
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - With that acting talent, you should be on stage.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - She trusts you, and so do I.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Is everyone in Abyss OK?
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Do you want to talk to her?
- NPC Rogue (Expansion Pass) - choice doesn't matter
Month 3 Storyline
<After Battle: The Siege of Arianrhod>
- Edelgard - It was
- Hubert - The same thing happened in the past?
After the new month starts
- Edelgard - I will protect you
4/5 Exploration
This is the last exploration month, After the last free day, you get to choose a person you love. This is your S support, and you'll get a scene with this character right before the credits.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Petra - Only you can answer that
- Ferdinand - You’ve really grown up
- Caspar - Let’s head to the Kingdom’s Capital!
- Bernadetta - You’re doing just fine.
- Dorothea - For now, just trust in me.
- Linhardt - We’re far from safe ourselves
- Edelgard - I’ll do what I can
- Manuela {if recruited) - You aren’t married yet?
- Leonie (if recruited) - Not a chance.
- Ingrid (if recruited) - I'll see this through
- Ignatz (if recruited) - Let’s stay calm and focus on the battle.
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Disappointed in the nobility?
- Shamir (if recruited) - Catherine?
- Mercedes (if recruited) - Are you ready to face this?
- Lysithea (if recruited) - It’s hard to say
- Annette (if recruited) - I’m counting on you.
- Marianne (if recruited) - What are you praying for?
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Go for it.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Why would you want that?
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Would that bother you?
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Yeah...
Storyline Month 4
<Battle: Combat at the Tailtean Plains>
<Battle: The Fight for Fhirdiad>

Choices going forward from here is if you are on the Silver Snow route (Monastery Route).
3/1 Exploration
- After choosing to side with the Monastery. Cyril, Seteth, Catherine join automatically.
- You can recruit Hilda (CHA + Axe)
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Leonie - Her ideals are in conflict with yours.
- Dedue - You’re truly alright with that?
- Annette/Ashe - Everything will be alright.
- Dorothea - Us or her, you mean?
- Sylvain - I have no idea.
- Marianne - We can’t win if you run.
- Alois - I’m depending on you.
- Ignatz - I feel the same (if recruited)
- Rhea - I will try.
- Flayn - Choice doesn’t matter.
- Bernadetta - Choice doesn’t matter.
Storyline Month 3
<Battle: The Battle of Garreg Mach.> - Extra (4th) chance to get Dark Seal here.
Silver Snow / Monastery Route Timeskip
None of the dialogue choices matter up to the battle.
<Battle: Hunting by Daybreak>
After the new Month starts and everyone is reunited at the monastery.
Seteth - Let’s win, no matter what.
1/4 Exploration
Timeskip notes:
- All units gain 1 level (or brought to a minimum of 20). Skill levels stay the same.
- All weapons carried by units are repaired
- All other money and items are the same as before the timeskip.
- You can harvest the plants you placed 5 years ago (lol)
- You can go up to the third floor now, though there is usually nothing there. You can also enter the Cardinal’s room on 2F.
- Your available characters to speak with will depend on who you recruited before the timeskip.
- All recruited party members can now improve Byleth's skills with Advanced Drills, similar to Faculty Training.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Bernadetta - Hear what?
- Catherine - That’s fine.
- Ferdinand - We’ll find out soon enough.
- Seteth - We’ll do whatever we can to find her.
- Hilda (if recruited) - I'm happy too.
- Alois (If recruited?) - Right, the promise.
- Hanneman (If recruited) - We can talk about that.
- Felix (if recruited) - Let’s forge ahead.
- Lysithea (if recruited) - I didn’t do anything.
- Mercedes (if recruited) - choice doesn’t matter.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I'm glad you came.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I'm counting on you
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - It would help me a lot.
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lost Items
- Rare Item Index - Anna (Expansion Pass only, found near rubble)
Month 1 Storyline
<Battle: Protecting Garreg Mach>
Seteth - I agree
After new month starts:
Flayn - Perhaps.
2/8 Exploration
- The quest “The Secret Shop” opens up Anna’s shop, which holds Master Seals, stat up items, and accessories.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Cyril - Do you need any help?
- Petra - That’s part of your charm.
- Caspar - You’re very resolute.
- Flayn - It’s true - it’s just like it was all those years ago.
- Shamir (if recruited) - All right, I will.
- Ignatz (if recruited) - It sounds painful.
- Raphael (if recruited) - She is very much like a goddess
- Sylvain (if recruited) - Why not?
- Leonie (if recruited) - Call me by my name.
- Marianne (if recruited) - Something wrong?
- Mercedes (if recruited) - choice doesn’t matter
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - You two weren't...friends, were you?
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I'll need you with us.
Month 2 Storyline
Seteth - DON’T select ‘ They might be allies’ (Support down)
<Battle: Ambush at Ailell>
Seteth - DON’T select ‘It’s an easy win’ (Support down)
3/8 Exploration
- There is a quest here that unlocks the Dark Merchant shop - 'Taking care of Business'.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Bernadetta - Isn’t that a little pessimistic?
- Catherine - Is it different in the Kingdom and Empire?
- Ferdinand - Someday we’ll take it back
- Linhardt - Probably.
- Flayn - Did she act similar?
- Dorothea - I wouldn’t blame you.
- Cyril - Choice doesn’t matter.
- Ingrid (if recruited) - You're actually quite alike.
- Manuela (If recruited) -Yes.
- Marianne (if recruited) - Yes, and it’ll likely happen again.
- Annette (if recruited) - During the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I like her too.
Month 3 Storyline
Manuela - Let’s end this quickly
Hanneman - Steady now.
<Battle: The Great Bridge Coup>
After new month starts:
- Flayn - In time
- Seteth - Let’s decide where to invade first.
5/3 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Bernadetta - It’s going to be tough
- Petra - Because it’s like hunting?
- Dorothea - Though actors die, the show goes on?
- Ferdinand - Don’t leaders have feelings, like everyone else?
- Cyril - You could find our targets quicker than anyone.
- Hanneman (if recruited) - The Stubborn Old General
- Ingrid (if recruited) - Are you having regrets?
- Raphael (if recruited) - You can tell how your muscles are feeling?
- Hilda (if recrutied) - We could dress you as the emperor?
- Alois (if recruited) - That’s a bad pun
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Guess we’ll find out.
- Ashe (if recruited) - Don’t believe everything you hear.
- Sylvain (if recruited) - You might be right
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I won't let that happen.
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Perhaps not.
- NPC Resident (Expansion Pass) - No. The men aren't as few as that. (you get Mythril for the correct answer)
- NPC Rogue - choice doesn't matter (he repeats his statement until you ask him What's the matter?)
Month 5 Storyline
Seteth - We’ve beaten him before.
<Battle: Taking Fort Merceus>
6/7 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Caspar - It sounds like you’re scared.
- Catherine - Probably.
- Cyril - We’ll meet her for sure.
- Seteth - I am.
- Leonie (if recruited) - I think you’re right.
- Raphael (if recruited) - Mittelfrank Opera Company
- Ingrid (if recruited) - Peace will reign.
- Lysithea (if recruited) - I don’t know.
- Marianne (if recruited) - That might be the case.
- Sylvain (if recruited) - We’ll get through this together.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I do.
Month 6 Storyline
<Battle: The Enbarr Infiltration>
<Battle: Confrontation at the Palace>
7/5 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Bernadetta - How about we exile him?
- Shamir (if recruited) - Please stay with us a little longer.
- Alois (if recruited) - Let’s not celebrate just yet.
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Aren’t you frightened?
- Ingrid (if recruited) - It's her decision, ultimately.
- Raphael (if recruited) - You’re doing plenty.
- Sylvain (if recruited) - Even so...
- Leonie (if recruited) - You’re not scared?
- Ignatz (if recruited) - Beasts?
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Absolutely.
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Aren't you scared?
Storyline Month 7
<Battle: Stand Strong at Shambhala>
8/2 Exploration
- This is the last exploration month. After the last free day, you get to choose a person you love. This is your S support, and you'll get a scene with this character right before the credits.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Bernadetta - Suit yourself.
- Petra - Same to you.
- Caspar - Me too.
- Ferdinand - Thank you.
- Dorothea - We protected more than we lost.
- Linhardt - Either would be a hassle.
- Manuela (if recruited) - There’s still hope.
- Felix (if recruited) - I’m more interested in what you’ll do.
- Shamir (if recruited) - I’m not sure.
- Annette (if recruited) - I’m sure she’ll be fine.
- Ignatz (if recruited) - OK
- Hilda (if recruited) - I don't think so.
- Ingrid (if recruited) - Maybe you should think about the future now.
- Raphael (if recruited) - That makes sense.
- Lysithea (if recruited) - No, thank you, Lysithea
- Sylvain (if recruited) - Don’t “need” anything, but…
- Marianne (if recruited) - You’ve become quite the optimist
- Mercedes (if recruited) - That’s the plan.
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Absolutely.
- Ashe (if recruited) - Choice doesn’t matter.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Do you think I'm suited to it?
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - All in Moderation...
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I can't wait to see it happen.
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - You think I should?
Storyline Month 8
<Battle: The Final Battle>

Choices going forward from here is if you are on the Azure Moon route (Dimitri's Route).
3/21 Exploration
- Seteth joins automatically.
- Make sure to complete Dedue's Paralogue on the free day, if you haven't already.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Ignatz - I feel the same.
- Dedue - You’re truly alright with that?
- Leonie - Her ideals are in conflict with yours.
- Dorothea - We will not lose.
- Sylvain - I have no idea.
- Marianne - We can’t win if you run.
- Annette/Ashe - Everything will be alright.
- Alois - I'm depending on you.
- Rhea - I will try.
- Bernadetta - choice doesn't matter
- Flayn - choice doesn't matter
Storyline Month 3
<The Battle of Garreg Mach> - Can get a Dark Seal from Death Knight.
Azure Moon / Dimitri Route Timeskip
None of the choices matter for affinity up to the battle.
<Battle: Hunting by Daybreak> - Gilbert joins automatically.
1/4 Exploration
Timeskip notes:
- Dimitri automatically gains his High Lord class.
- All units gain 1 level (or brought to a minimum of 20). Skill levels stay the same.
- All weapons carried by units are repaired
- Dimitri’s Personal Ability upgrades to Royal Lineage+, which grants Avo+20 bonus if he is at full HP.
- All other money and items are the same as before the timeskip.
- You can harvest the plants you placed 5 years ago (lol)
- You can go up to the third floor now, and you can also enter the Cardinal’s room on 2F.
- Your available characters to speak with will depend on who you recruited before the timeskip.
- All recruited party members can now improve Byleth's skills with Advanced Drills, similar to Faculty Training.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Annette - I’m happy to see you too.
- Mercedes - That sounds nice.
- Felix - I’ll see what I can do.
- Seteth - We’ll do whatever it takes to find her.
- Catherine - That’s fine.
- Ignatz (if recruited) - How does your father feel about all this?
- Ferdinand (if recruited) - We’ll find out soon enough.
- Hanneman (if recruited) - We can talk about that.
- Alois (if recruited) - Right, the promise.
- Bernadetta (if recruited) - Hear what?
- Marianne (if recruited) - I need you here.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I'm counting on you
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - It would help me a lot.
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lost Items
- Rare Item Index - Anna (Expansion Pass only, found near rubble)
Storyline Month 1
<Battle: Protecting Garreg Mach>
No choices affect Support before or after battle.
2/8 Exploration
- The quest “The Secret Shop” opens up Anna’s shop, which holds Master Seals, stat up items, and accessories.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Annette - choice doesn’t matter
- Felix - You really hate him.
- Sylvain - Why not?
- Flayn - It’s true - it’s just like it was all those years ago.
- Petra (if recruited) - That’s part of your charm
- Cyril (if recruited) - Do you need any help?
- Caspar (if recruited) - I’m so sorry
- Shamir (if recruited) - All right, I will.
- Dorothea (if recruited) - Maybe fighting will actually help…
- Ignatz (if recruited) - It sounds painful.
- Hilda (if recruited) - You don’t like hot climates?
- Marianne (if recruited) - Something wrong?
- Leonie (if recruited) - Call me by my name.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - We'll give it our all.
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I'll need you with us.
Storyline Month 2
<Battle: Ambush at Ailell> - Have Byleth talk to Rodrigue during the battle to get the Sword of Moralta.
No choices affect Support before or after battle.
Exploration 3/8
- Dimitri gains his Great Lord class.
- There is a quest here that unlocks the Dark Merchant shop - 'Taking care of Business'.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Mercedes - That would be wonderful
- Felix - I agree.
- Annette - During the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?
- Manuela (if recruited) - Yes.
- Marianne (if recruited) - Do you really need to promote them?
- Catherine (if recruited) - I understand it too.
- Ferdinand (if recruited) - Someday, we’ll take it back.
- Bernadetta (if recruited) - I highly doubt that would happen
- Hilda (if recruited) - Yeah, I’m not worried.
- Linhardt (if recruited) - Probably.
- Dorothea (if recruited) - I wouldn’t blame you.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Are you two on friendly terms?
- NPC Resident (Expansion Pass) - choice doesn't matter
Storyline Month 3
<Battle: The Great Bridge Coup>
Note: Dedue will rejoin here as long as you completed his paralogue pre-timeskip. Lorenz can be re-recruited too, although you may have needed to have recruited him before the timeskip, first.
4/5 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Flayn - After.
- Ingrid - Let’s fight our hardest to stay alive.
- Sylvain - choice doesn’t matter
- Annette - choice doesn’t matter
- Petra (if recruited) - For personal gain.
- Leonie (if recruited) - Don’t worry. I can handle it.
- Caspar (if recruited) - Don’t worry, I’ll arrange for your funeral.
- Shamir (if recruited) - Understood.
- Hanneman (if recruited) - Sorry about that.
- Raphael (if recruited) - Everyone gets that feeling.
- Marianne (if recruited) - I’m sure he’s just busy.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Oh?
- NPC Rogue (Expansion Pass only) - choice doesn't matter
Storyline Month 4
<Battle: To War At Gronder>
Not too many dialogue choices for Support in Dimitri’s route, huh.
5/3 Exploration
For the quest ‘Floral Tribute’, you find a flower near the greenhouse as a pickup item. You don’t use normal flower gifts.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Annette - You don’t have to hide it.
- Ashe - Maybe we should ask someone.
- Ferdinand (if recruited) - Kings can’t have feelings?
- Dorothea (if recruited) - Though actors die, the show goes on?
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Were you a traveler?
- Ignatz (if recruited) - You don’t have to force yourself.
- Bernadetta (if recruited) - It’s going to be tough
- Cyril (if recruited) - You could find our targets quicker than anyone.
- Raphael (if recruited) - You can tell how your muscles are feeling?
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - You should have invited me.
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - You must be eager to face her.
- NPC Resident (Expansion Pass) - No. The men aren't as few as that. (you get Mythril for the correct answer)
Storyline Month 5
<Battle: Reclaiming the Capital> - A thief holding the Tathlum Bow Sacred Weapon might appear on the left side of the map during this map. The cause of appearance is unknown and seems to be random.
There are a lot of dialogue choices after the battle, but none seem to matter for Support.
6/7 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Ashe - Definitely.
- Dimitri - choice doesn’t matter
- Sylvain - Maybe once the war is over… (this choice might depend on Byleth’s gender)
- Mercedes - That’s despicable.
- Linhardt (if recruited) - Yes, very busy.
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Is there another interpretation?
- Lysithea (if recruited) - Count Daphnel
- Ferdinand (if recruited) - Like what if I had allied with the Empire?
- Shamir (if recruited) - He’s too determined to die.
- Petra (if recruited) - The ocean is frightening.
- Hilda (if recruited) - All right.
- Raphael (if recruited) - Were you close?
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - We'll win this for the Alliance as well.
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - It's good that Fhirdiad is ours once again.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - How do you see it?
Storyline Month 6
<Battle: Saving Deidriu>
7/5 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Sylvain - You might be right.
- Mercedes - You seem concerned.
- Felix - Let’s proceed with caution.
- Dimitri - choice doesn’t matter
- Flayn - Of course.
- Hanneman (if recruited) - The Stubborn Old General
- Lorenz (if recruited) - Uh-huh
- Raphael (if recruited) - You’re doing plenty.
- Cyril (f recruited) - They probably haven’t killed her.
- Bernadetta (if recruited) - It’s too big to make a good hiding place.
- Marianne (if recruited) - Are you worried?
- Lysithea (if recruited) - From the Empire?
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - What's he going to do there?
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Perhaps not.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - choice doesn't matter
Storyline Month 7
<Battle: Taking Fort Merceus>
8/2 Exploration
This is the last exploration month, After the last free day, you get to choose a person you love. This is your S support, and you'll get a scene with this character right before the credits.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Ashe - It was a lot of fun.
- Felix - You’re against it?
- Ingrid - We’re counting on you.
- Annette - That’s a great idea.
- Gilbert - I am well aware.
- Marianne - What are you praying for?
- Dedue - Leave it to me.
- Dimitri - choice doesn’t matter
- Mercedes - choice doesn’t matter
- Cyril - We’ll meet her for sure.
- Catherine - Probably
- Manuela - There’s still hope.
- Lysithea (if recruited) - It’s only a formality.
- Linhardt (if recruited) - We’re far from safe ourselves.
- Dorothea (if recruited) - There can be no end to war.
- Raphael (if recruited) - Mittelfrank Opera Company.
- Caspar (if recruited) - It sounds like you’re scared.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Maybe you're right.
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - It's OK to take your time.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - choice doesn't matter
Storyline Month 8
<Battle: Assault on Enbarr>
<Battle: Clash at the Imperial Capital>
Choices going forward from here is if you are on the Verdant Wind route (Claude's Route).
3/21 Exploration
- Seteth joins automatically.
- If you have the Expansion Pass, you can get a Goddess Icon from an NPC in Abyss.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Ignatz - I feel the same.
- Dedue - You’re truly alright with that?
- Leonie - Her ideals are in conflict with yours.
- Dorothea - We will not lose.
- Sylvain - I have no idea.
- Marianne - We can’t win if you run.
- Annette/Ashe - Everything will be alright.
- Alois - I'm depending on you.
- Rhea - I will try.
- Hilda - And what do you feel about Claude?
- Bernadetta - choice doesn't matter
- Flayn - choice doesn't matter
Storyline Month 3
<The Battle of Garreg Mach> - Can get a Dark Seal from Death Knight.
Verdant Wind / Claude Route Timeskip
None of the choices matter for affinity up to the battle.
<Battle: Hunting by Daybreak>
Despite the number of dialogue choices after the battle, none of the choices seem to matter.
1/4 Exploration
Timeskip notes:
- Claude automatically gains his Wyvern Master class.
- Claude's battalion will change to the Immortal Corps, a C-rank flying unit.
- All units gain 1 level (or brought to a minimum of 20). Skill levels stay the same.
- All weapons carried by units are repaired
- Claude's Personal Ability upgrades to Leicester Lineage+, which allows Claude to pass through enemies in addition to the 1.2x exp.
- Claude automatically obtains the Failnaught bow.
- All other money and items are the same as before the timeskip.
- You can harvest the plants you placed 5 years ago (lol)
- You can go up to the third floor now, and you can also enter the Cardinal’s room on 2F.
- Your available characters to speak with will depend on who you recruited before the timeskip.
- All recruited party members can now improve Byleth's skills with Advanced Drills, similar to Faculty Training.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Hilda - You too
- Lorentz - Will you keep an eye on the alliance leader?
- Lysithea - I didn't do anything
- Seteth - We’ll do whatever it takes to find her.
- Catherine - That’s fine.
- Bernadetta (if recruited) - Hear what?
- Mercedes (if recruited) - neither choice matters
- Ferdinand (if recruited) - We'll find out soon enough
- Felix (if recruited) - Let's forge ahead.
- Hanneman (if recruited) - We can talk about that.
- Alois (if recruited) - Right, the promise.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I'm counting on you.
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - It would help me a lot.
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Sorry to keep you waiting.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I'm happy you came.
Lost Items
- Rare Item Index - Anna (Expansion Pass only, found near rubble)
Storyline Month 1
- Claude/Leonie - Choose 'We should proceed cautiously.' for Claude, or pick 'Let's take them down.' for Leonie.
<Battle: Protecting Garreg Mach>
- Claude - Do you hope she's dead?
2/8 Exploration
- The quest “The Secret Shop” opens up Anna’s shop, which holds Master Seals, stat up items, and accessories.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Leonie - Call me by my name.
- Flayn - It’s true - it’s just like it was all those years ago.
- Raphael - She is very much like a goddess
- Ignatz - It sounds painful.
- Marianne - Something wrong?
- Sylvain (if recruited) - Why not?
- Cyril (if recruited) - Do you need any help?
- Petra (if recruited) - That’s part of your charm
- Shamir (if recruited) - All right, I will.
- Casap (if recruited) - You're very resolute
- Mercedes (if recruited) - neither choice matters
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - You two weren't...friends, were you?
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I'll need you with us.
Storyline Month 2
<Battle: Ambush at Ailell>
After the next month starts:
Claude - Against Houses Riegan and Daphenl?
Exploration 3/8
- There is a quest here that unlocks the Dark Merchant shop - 'Taking care of Business'.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Claude - It could go either way
- Lorentz - You're not reluctant, though, are you?
- Marianne - Yes, and it'll likely happen again
- Flayn - Does she act similar?
- Cyril (if recruited) - choice doesn't matter
- Ingrid (if recruited) - You're actually quite alike.
- Linhardt (if recruited) - Probably.
- Ferdinand (if recruited) - Someday, we'll take it back.
- Dorothea (if recruited) - I wouldn't blame you
- Manuela (if recruited) - Yes
- Annette (if recruited) - During the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?
- Bernadetta (if recruited) - Isn't that a little pessimistic?
- Catherine (if recruited) - Is it different in the Kingdom and the Empire?
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I like her too.
Storyline Month 3
- Lysithea/Ignatz - Choose 'Let's finish this quickly.' for Lysithea, or pick 'Let's proceed with caution.' for Ignatz.
<Battle: The Great Bridge Coup>
- Leonie/Ignatz - Choose 'You don't have to get used to it.' for Leonie, or 'We must overcome this.' for Ignatz.
4/5 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Leonie - Don’t worry. I can handle it
- Raphael - Everyone gets that feeling
- Lysithea - We can’t take back what we’ve done
- Flayn - After.
- Sylvain (if recruited) - choice doesn't matter
- Shamir (if recruited) - Understood
- Felix (if recruited) - Don’t get distracted
- Caspar (if recruited) - Don't worry, I'll arrange for your funeral.
- Petra (if recruited) - For personal gain
- Hanneman (if recruited) - Sorry about that.
- NPC Rogue (Expansion Pass) - choice doesn't matter.
Storyline Month 4
- Claude - Let's try to stay calm
<Battle: To War at Gronder>
5/3 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Claude - I’m glad we have such reliable allies
- Hilda - We could dress you as the emperor
- Ignatz - You don’t have to force yourself
- Lorenz - I’m uneasy too
- Raphael - You can tell how your muscles are feeling?
- Ingrid (if recruited) - Are you having regrets?
- Ferdinand (if recruited) - Leaders can't be emotional?
- Ashe (if recruited) - Don't believe everything you hear.
- Sylvain (if recruited) - You may be right
- Bernadetta (if recruited) - It’s going to be tough
- Felix (if recruited) - choice doesn’t matter
- Petra (if recruited) - Because it’s like hunting?
- Hanneman (if recruited) - The stubborn old general
- Dorothea (if recruited) - Though actors die, the show goes on?
- Alois (if recruited) - That’s a bad pun
- Cyril (if recruited) - You could find our targets quicker than anyone
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Perhaps not.
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I won't let that happen.
- NPC Resident (Expansion Pass) - No. The men aren't as few as that. (you get Mythril for the correct answer)
- Judith - choice doesn't matter
Storyline Month 5
<Battle: Taking Fort Merceus> - Another Dark Seal.
No choices matter before or after the fight,
6/7 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Claude - Some kind of magic
- Marianne - Perhaps he will
- Raphael - Mittelfrank Opera Company
- Lysithea - I don’t know
- Leonie - I think you’re right
- Seteth - I am
- Catherine (if recruited) - Probably
- Cyril (if recruited) - We’ll meet her for sure
- Caspar (if recruited) - It sounds like you're scared
- Ingrid (if recruited) - Peace will reign
- Sylvain (if recruited) - We'll get through this together
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - There are a lot.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - She must be in love.
Storyline Month 6
<Battle: The Enbarr Infiltration> - Guaranteed Dark Seal
- Claude - What will we do about Fodlan?
<Battle: Confrontation at the Palace>
7/5 Exploration
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Claude - We should let her rest
- Ignatz - Beasts?
- Raphael - You’re doing plenty
- Leonie - You’re not scared?
- Lorenz - Aren’t you frightened?
- Bernadetta (if recruited) - How about we exile him?
- Shamir (if recruited) - Please stay with us a little longer.
- Alois (if recruited) - Let’s not celebrate just yet.
- Sylvain (if recruited) - Even so...
- Ingrid (if recruited) - It's her decision, ultimately.
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Aren't you scared?
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - Absolutely.
Storyline Month 7
<Battle: Stand Strong at Shambhala>
8/2 Exploration
This is the last exploration month. After the last free day, you get to choose a person you love. This is your S support, and you'll get a scene with this character right before the credits.
Exploration Dialogue Choices
- Lorenz - Wise decision
- Rapheal - That sounds great!
- Marianne - This is it, I think
- Leonie - Thank you
- Hilda - I’m glad he made it
- Ignatz - That’s what I heard
- Lysithea - Let’s wipe them out, then
- Felix (if recruited) - choice doesn’t matter
- Mecedes (if recruited) - A vendetta
- Manuela (if recruited) - There’s still hope
- Sylvain (if recruited) - I can sympathize
- Petra (if recruited) - I’m scared too
- Caspar (if recruited) - Let's do it
- Annette (if recruited) - I'm sure she'll be fine
- Linhardt (if recruited) - We're far from safe ourselves.
- Ashe (if recruited) - I feel the same way.
- Ingrid (if recruited) - Quite possibly.
- Ferdinand (if recruited) - I think you're exactly right.
- Berdanetta (if recruited) - You’d like to be shut away for a thousand years?
- Dorothea (if recruited) - There can be no end to war
- Yuri (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - It's quite a surprise.
- Balthus (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - We'll win no matter what.
- Constance (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - I look forward to that.
- Hapi (Expansion Pass, if recruited) - What are you doing?
Storyline Month 8
<Battle: For the Freedom of Fodlan>