Fire Emblem: Three Houses Guides

Fire Emblem: Three Houses has a number of routes, how is it organized?
guide by Adam Vitale on 12 August, 2019

If you want to earn the special, secret class of Dancer, make sure the intended character has enough charm. Here's how it all works.
guide by Adam Vitale on 11 August, 2019

There's a range of DLC for Fire Emblem Three Houses incoming, including lunatic difficulty and the expansion pass. Here's the details in full.
guide by Adam Vitale on 10 August, 2019

Here's all paralogues in Fire Emblem Three Houses - a full paralogue list plus paralogue rewards - for all you completionists out there.
guide by Adam Vitale on 10 August, 2019

Here's how to make the most of gardening in Three Houses to get powerful stat boost items - no complicated gardening combos required.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 07 August, 2019

Here's how to unlock the tea party tea time mechanic in Three Houses and how to get the best rewards and bonuses from it.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 06 August, 2019

If you're struggling to return some of the monastery's lost property, here's a list of all the lost items and who they need to be returned to.
guide by Adam Vitale on 06 August, 2019

Here's everything you want to know about classes in Three Houses, including our advice on the best classes, certification for class changes, abilities, class mastery and more.
guide by Adam Vitale on 31 July, 2019

In order to get this elusive certification seal, you have to take the item from a very powerful enemy.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 28 July, 2019

Here's what dialogue options to choose when playing through Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
guide by Adam Vitale on 28 July, 2019

Here's some tips and tricks for making sure you're a fishing savant in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 27 July, 2019

Here are some general tips to know when playing Fire Emblem Three Houses.
guide by Adam Vitale on 27 July, 2019

Here's all of the faculty training you can undertake with other teachers to improve Byleth's skills.
guide by Adam Vitale on 27 July, 2019

Want to know everybody you can get romantically involved with in Fire Emblem: Three Houses? Here's our romanceable character and S-Rank support list.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 27 July, 2019

Give these answers to advice-seekers to raise affinity with them.
guide by Adam Vitale on 27 July, 2019

Here are what the correct choices to pick for Professor Level when a student asks a question during a lecture.
guide by Adam Vitale on 27 July, 2019

Should you choose Classic or Casual Mode? And Normal or Hard? After multiple play-throughs, here's our verdict.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 26 July, 2019

Here's all the hidden budding talents in Fire Emblem Three Houses and the bonuses you'll awaken when you reveal them.
guide by Adam Vitale on 26 July, 2019

Some top opening questions answered - ghost, demon or mortal? And what impact does the character birthday have?
guide by RPG Site Staff on 26 July, 2019

Want to know which characters like which Gifts in FE Three Houses? We have you covered.
guide by Adam Vitale on 25 July, 2019

Here's what is offered in Fire Emblem: Three House's New Game + mode.
guide by Adam Vitale on 25 July, 2019

Here's the amiibo functionality in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
guide by Adam Vitale on 25 July, 2019

Here's how character recruitment works in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, plus how to get every recruitable character.
guide by Adam Vitale on 25 July, 2019