Fallout 76 Articles

An RPG icon jumps medium with the Fallout TV series - and it's a winner. Here's our review of the full season.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 10 April, 2024

The Wasteland of Bethesda's Fallout is coming to Magic: The Gathering in Universes Beyond: Fallout, and we got to look at some new cards!
preview by Scott White on 20 February, 2024

Steel Dawn is a solid update that doesn't seem to match the game it's in.
feature by Bryan Vitale on 11 January, 2021

With the Wastelanders update, Fallout 76 is the best it's ever been -- which is admittedly faint praise for a game with a clouded future until now.
review by Bryan Vitale on 20 April, 2020

To survive in the wasteland, you'll need to do a lot of crafting. Here's how to find some of the most useful materials in the wasteland including aluminum, adhesive and screws.
feature by RPG Site Staff on 24 November, 2018

Fallout 76 offers a large playground with some potential, but is heavily lacking in purpose.
review by Bryan Vitale on 21 November, 2018

If you want to join Fallout 76's Fire Breathers, you'll need to pass an exam - so here's all the test answers, if you don't want to hunt them out yourself.
feature by RPG Site Staff on 15 November, 2018