Assassin's Creed Odyssey News

A new expansion and a new crossover event.
news by Adam Vitale on 13 December, 2021

Those playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey on new consoles will see a performance boost.
news by Adam Vitale on 25 August, 2021

This time, we enter Hell.
news by Adam Vitale on 05 June, 2019

Those who want more Assassin's Creed can get it next week.
news by Adam Vitale on 16 April, 2019

Key additions this month include New Game + and font accessibility options.
news by Adam Vitale on 13 February, 2019

Another episode of 'The Legacy of the First Blade' and Enemy Scaling highlight this month's additions.
news by Adam Vitale on 08 January, 2019

A new month means a new roadmap for in-game events and new content.
news by Bryan Vitale on 05 December, 2018

The Assassin's Creed studio picks up the former Bioware Designer and Director.
news by Bryan Vitale on 05 December, 2018

Discover the Legacy of the First Blade this winter.
news by Kazuma Hashimoto on 27 November, 2018

New story content, items and other additions.
news by Adam Vitale on 06 November, 2018