Life is Strange 2 Articles

A year after Episode 1's release, Life is Strange has reached its conclusion, and it's not one to miss.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 11 December, 2019

After a bit of stumbling with Episodes 2 and 3, the latest episode of Life is Stange 2 sets up for a memorable conclusion.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 27 August, 2019

The third episode of Life is Strange 2 doesn't really nail its emotional beats but sets up for what's bound to be an exciting next episode.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 21 May, 2019

The highly anticipated sequel to Dontnod's narrative adventure has begun, and it's off to a strong, tense start.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 01 October, 2018

An endearing vignette in the Life is Strange universe that shows what the series is like when it's at its best.
review by Natalie Flores on 25 June, 2018