Tales of Arise Guides

Tips, locations, rods, lures, and more.
guide by Quinton O'Connor on 18 September, 2021

Artifacts are a new element to Tales of Arise that can offer bonuses to your playthrough.
guide by Adam Vitale on 16 September, 2021

There are 38 owls to find in Tales of Arise. Here's how to catch 'em all.
guide by Quinton O'Connor on 16 September, 2021

Dress for success, or to excess, with every available costume in Tales of Arise.
guide by Quinton O'Connor on 13 September, 2021

Tips and tricks for every trophy on your road to glory.
guide by Quinton O'Connor on 11 September, 2021

Switching characters is vital to getting ahead in Tales of Arise, but it's also incredibly poorly explained in-game. Here's how to do it in a number of different situations.
guide by Scott White on 11 September, 2021

Here's how New Game Plus works in Tales of Arise. Hint: No Grade.
guide by Adam Vitale on 11 September, 2021

There are 70 sidequests in Tales of Arise, here's where they are.
guide by Adam Vitale on 09 September, 2021

The hard-working heroes of Tales of Arise deserve every decent meal they can get. To cook, you need recipes. Here's how to make sure you get them all.
guide by Quinton O'Connor on 09 September, 2021